Utter Tosh $25-27 is the OZ rate for your job. You HAVE to pay superannuation in OZ so you will have a pension, but that rate is not for institution inmates.
Yesterday afternoon, there I was just trying to get my 'power nap'...the whole room suddenly flashed blue with an immediate massive BOOM ! of Thunder, beep beep off goes the A/C, light still on, louver still open, I re-started it again after a few minuets, beep beep off it goes again, I tried it on all settings no cold air, turned it off/on at the mains , re-start same same, I looked at the unit outside it was not working at all. The inside unit will run on 'Fan' only but that's it, the A/C guys can't make till late afternoon today if at all today. So I was just wondering what could be stuffed, at this moment in time I'm thinking the motor's magnet has been shot from the lightning's magnetic force ?? R/C didn't trip, and there was a 'clack' in my ceiling space when it first happened. Any Thoughts ???
Oh and when I opened my laptop after, there was strong storm warning for my area that I have never seen appear before.
Just another useless 'driver' Yet AGAIN !
I thought it was law to wear seat belts, so why were they not wearing them, and why did the teachers not make them ? Another one of these elevated buses, that should not be used especially for student field trips. Why are there no emergency exit windows ?
Oh thank you to those concerned citizens for reporting this, as the police have nothing else to do, I feel so much safer knowing they didn't each waste 60 baht on playing cards.
Well that's that then, my wife stopped drinking for 3 months as she does every year, it has been nice her coming home sober, and at a reasonable time, now it will be back to normal, sitting at her shop getting pissed every night with her friends the first few days will be the worst making up for lost time. Oh well never mind it is what it is.
Another good reason to have a dog, as an alarm. One of my worse fears is some nutter breaking in, maybe the lady needs to fit better locks/bolts on her doors also.
have you ever tried to get that shxx off "T cut" is the only way i have found, pain full job
Diesel will dilute it, Sap from a mango tree is even worse, but I must admit I have never tried t-cut on my chassis where one would normally apply Underseal ...................