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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Yes he made every attempt he could IMO it went up very quickly to a point it would have been impossible to even get near it. I dread to say this but he could have also heard screams from inside. He will have to live with this trauma all his life. Also the door looks partly open, the rubber seals inside the struts/cylinders would have melted IMO causing the door not to be able to opened.
  2. Well I am if I dare say so, I was preparing and taking HGVs for testing in the UK 50+ years ago, I worked for the local council, we could not have one fail, in 9 years I had 2 fail, first one a spring leaf had cracked on the way, I actually heard it as I drove over a pot hole, second was my fault as one brake failed due to the adjustment cam clicking over too far, unbeknown to me. We didn't have a rolling road for testing, at our workshop.
  3. Am I allowed to laugh or is this a serious subject ?
  4. Unless testing of vehicles is done, say by UK standards, then nothing will change. But Thais Know best init.
  5. I agree and to save what 30-45 minutes on a trip to refill legal gas tanks, buy fitting extra ones.
  6. Well I certainly would not enter a burning inferno, no more than I would run into the sea with a bad rip to try to save anyone. And by the way I have saved kids from drowning 4 in all. His Poor 'behavior' (spelt correctly) was running away from a situation he was unable to control, in fear or panic we will probably never know, but he did try his best, by attempting to extinguish the fire and trying to open the door.
  7. I agree, but the gas fitters 'should' know and refuse to do it but money is #1 here as usual.
  8. And one of the banned occupations for Foreigners. They need to get some UK inspectors here to train Thai inspectors, but of course that will never happen here, Thais know everything better init. The cursory inspections here are a bad joke, one inspector when it needs 2 minimum, and over an hour to inspect, they are hopeless, they never even jack the wheels of the ground, use a lever, or use a small ball Peen hammer to tap every visible nut for tightness, grab the prop shaft to see wear in UJ joints, pump the air till the buzzers go off and then timed to see how long it takes to recharge the tanks, rock the steering from side to side to check ball joints. NONE of this is done in Thailand. They have no Idea how to check anything correctly.
  9. I agree and that goes for the LTO inspectors too, I have the PDF file of the UK govt. inspection list but I'm banned from uploading anything at the moment.
  10. IF but the driver is not a mechanic, and how would he know the extra tanks were illigal, did he know they were even there ? unless the owner told him, which I doubt very much.
  11. The Driver tried to put the fire out, he tried to open the door, the fire took control so fast the intense heat would have made it impossible to save anyone. the bus was burning fiercely while he tried to open the door it WOULDN"T open.
  12. Normally BKK airport means Swampy to most not the old airport at Don Muang.
  13. The clue is in the very first sentence of the OP.
  14. Why not just beat them to death, in the first place Jeff ? that would seem to fit into your way of thinking. Soldiers should not be disciplining kids in the first place look how they treat their own recruits, many have died being 'Trained'.
  15. This is how the Soldiers are treated when in training, it's to be expected they will carry this behavior on, it's normal for them to bully and torture, its all they know.
  16. He got out to try and extinguish the fire twice, so your saying he should have just stayed on the bus without trying to put the fire out.................
  17. The Technology as you put it has been available since I was 18, and I'm now 73, using it is another thing, It is training people how to use it and how to test correctly, using your eyes, ears, jacks, and levers, with a ridged list on what to check, A1 or a video won't help in that. The test centers do not even have basic testing equipment like a load tester for brake testing. Correct testing needs at least 2 testers. Look at how many vehicles you see with lights flashing 50 to the dozen. But me just Falang so what would I know, Thailand knows more than any other country init.
  18. Most vehicles in Thailand are not 'Well' maintained, the cursory inspections are pathetic, and the LTO ones even more so.
  19. I just told you, Photos are also taken of the 'inspectors' standing in front of the Vehicle tested, I doubt very much even here it you'd be able to just 'Buy' the cert.
  20. Stupid statement IMO to enter an inferno like that would be impossible, your face would be burnt off at the door, even if you could get that close.
  21. Even if it was on LPG, although I believe a 54yr old Isuzu bus fitted with a Benz engine, would be on Diesel, all vehicles on LPG ARE tested every year, for a car it costs 1,500b, not carried out by the LTO, you have to get the Cert. privately. Tanks have to be replaced every 10 yrs or no Cert.
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