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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. If all the Thai sex workers overseas came home they would be Number one. init
  2. Broke and Busted Thailand, I thought all these millions of tourists were suppose to bring in much needed money for the economy.......
  3. They seem to find a lot of dead bodies all over Thailand...
  4. He looks a lot older than 40 in the vid.......but I guess they must know for sure it's him by the passport in his pocket......
  5. I'm not Famous, but several famous people know me, whom I have met, outside of their 'Fame bubble' .
  6. Also if you have just drunk alcohol your test will be higher.
  7. Well that was my point really, I have seen the UK cops on YouTube and they know he will be below the limit by the time he is processed, so they issue an official verbal warning.
  8. In the UK if you are slightly over the limit you can get just a warning, and they will take you to a cop shop if a lot over to use the big machine and there is an allowance for accuracy of the Machine.
  9. I'm sure the Parents will be OK collecting a cash payment and drop charges. TIT
  10. No worries, soon it won't be posted it will all come on a fast Chinese Train......
  11. You can always watch using your lap top connected to the TV by an HDMI cable ( I have a 5 meter one). having said that new Smart TVs with wi-fi normally also have a socket in them that you can plug in your co-axil cable. Here is another link for a load of free stuff and some are Netflix. ' lookmovie2 ' that is why my TV has the HDMI cable plugged in. 👇🏻
  12. How dare they bring the Thai reputation into dispute, they should all get a police warning.............
  13. My(disabled) mate lost everything his wife gambled away the lot, then did a runner from the loan sharks, 3 times, last heard of went to Dubai 'to learn massage' 3 yrs ago. just to add since then my mate passed away, as far as I know, she has no idea he died.
  14. Oh everything is fine in Thailand, there is nothing to criticize, hope there is nothing on YouTube about this............
  15. This can be a problem for many Brits coming here especially for the first time, in the UK you have the freedom of speech unless it would Incite violence or hatred. Brits can Criticize anything, here they are to precious for their own good, it's hard to live Anywhere without Criticizing some things, or do you just turn a blind eye and lie. Thais a really really good drivers, the Cops are all really really honest and preform their duties well, the education system is fantastic ............
  16. Same in WA OZ it is held by some govt. body, but you can still get ripped off, I thoroughly cleaned a house, on leaving it, apparently they had to call in the cleaners as it was 'dirty' behind the toilet bowl. They work on a days pay, ( I still think the agents 'friends' do it ) also you have to pay a professional carpet cleaner, and not allowed to do it yourself with a hired one.
  17. Of course these backhoes they use on site, all have spark arresters fitted to their exhaust, so they couldn't have initially started the fire. Thailand Safety first.
  18. What All 800 generals have the competence of One AN member ? I'll go along with that.
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