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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. And the way they fry and egg till its crispy to me is disgusting.
  2. Plus that awful stuff they call margarine that they use to cook pancakes, it needs no refrigeration and they leave the tub open. I don't buy street food anymore, but occasionally I would like a pancake, but I won't buy them sopping in that goo.
  3. I quite admire these drivers the way they can get into very tight accesses, especially on Koh Chang where they can drive on the narrow windy hills and keep to their lane yet someone in a small car like a Jaz or mini can't take the bends with out cutting the corners. Whoever decided the site was safe enough to have a heavy cement truck to maneuver on that is to blame IMO not the driver.
  4. That may be so but you still can't upload the Dr. Phil interview can you.
  5. A Surrey accent, Irish, Welsh. Soft Cockney.
  6. His interview with Dr. Phil does exist I have watched in on my TV on YouTube.
  7. So If I'm that unintelligent how come you can't post the YouTube video ?????
  8. So a happy ending all round. Gun control still going well then......... Should stop and search every vehicle in the land, if they want to make this country safer.
  9. You didn't post the full vid did you.
  10. Is that the god that only blesses America ?
  11. But what about my magnets I don't want to bring them out of the rain as they keep my gate open.
  12. Still sounds to me like he is suggesting injecting disinfectant buy saying "what if" and IMO anyone with a gram of brain would realize how idiotic it sounded.
  13. At least she seem to have some intelligence, I'm off to eat some pets now, and hide any magnets out of the rain.
  14. I didn't consider a picture was a link, I thought a link was something you can click onto, so now will somebody PLEASE upload the interview.
  15. Yes. When Covid started I watched him on TV and Recently on Dr. Phil, he's a nutjob.
  16. Sorry I'm not that Tech savvy just google Trump interview with Dr. Phil.
  17. Many sources but you can't find them, I watched it LIVE on TV if you don't believe me that its your problem not mine, I am not a liar, I have no reason to lie.
  18. Its on YouTube DR. Phil one month ago, sorry I can't download YouTube.
  19. He was LIVE on TV even his medical experts standing behind him were visibly shocked, especially as he said can it not be injected under the skin. The Dr. Phil show where he babbles on about god saved him from assignation so he could save the world.
  20. Oh dear now Racism rears its ugly head, why does she not deserve to be there ?
  21. How does that make the world better, when/if he wouldn't help out, just proves what an Ahole he is. America had never won a war that it has started.
  22. Yes he did, the last one was in a live TV interview, and the one about drinking bleach was also live on TV.
  23. I am serious these are all the things that he has said, well just some of them anyways.
  24. That had nothing to do with him, please explain what he did to make the world better.
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