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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. A kangaroo loose in the top paddock, and a sandwich short of a picnic comes to mind.
  2. This Government must be so proud of themselves. It was obvious to most what cash would be spent on, drugs, alcohol, and gambling, none of which will stimulate the economy. Even the Alcohol is probably jungle hootch, and gambling will get more into debt, if any thing it is costing the economy, with all the hospital treatments, and deaths, caused by it. Mucking Fental Idea from day one.
  3. We will never know or what happens to them after. 👋🏻 Hallo Admin when will you sort my problems out of not being able to use emojis or upload photos ??????
  4. I agree, the one at my 'Main' LTO you use an electric button to stop it, the last one I used out of the city was a joke, it was like 2 cords you pull on. Sorry I can't put an Agree Emoji as Admin still has not sorted out that problem for me after I reported it 24 hrs ago along with not being able to upload photos. Nor given me any reply or reason.
  5. Yep my bad thought he wanted to register a car in his name not just renew the tax, a simple procedure,.. on-line I have never heard of, do they send you the new sticker ? or how does it work.
  6. I agree I must have misunderstood his OP I thought he wanted register a car in his name. And what is a TID card ?? I always use those 'shops' as I get my private insurance from them at the same time, 200b for the car check plus 50b EMS so they send it to my home, no hanging about or going back.
  7. They don't "LOOK" for it, it is just that IF you have them, a Letter Of Residence from immigration is not not always required.
  8. Baht strength - How long? Right up until I have to transfer my money to Thailand, in November, then it will drop dramatically................
  9. Stay tuned TIT I'm sure there will be more, like a school bus in an accident, oh there was.....
  10. You asked if anybody knew him, I had no idea when I clicked on to your OP, that he had some site about finances. maybe you should have mentioned it in your Title, for all I knew it could have been a lost friend or relative.........
  11. Agree. I would try this first.....I never knew it could be done online anyway, they still need to update the book, Best to just go to a LTO you will need a Letter of Residence from Immigration some will accept yellow book/pink card if you have one. Do you have the necessary forms needed from the last owner or is it a new car ?
  12. Yeh I had that problem once when registering a car, I got the wife to ring another office just out of Trat City, who said they do, so went there, to renew my License.
  13. No never heard of him nor want to, bye.
  14. Medicals are now mandatory for everyone. the few more tests are Reaction tests,; traffic light colour test; brake test (stamp on a pedal as hard and as quick as you can when a red light shows (a bad driving technique IMO) ,; peripheral vision test, and a box with some white sticks that you must stop when together (suposed to represent an on coming vehicle) I don't need glasses for driving but I do for that box thingy as I do for reading. Also if you have a yellow book/pink card you don't need a Letter Of Residence LOR (not COR)
  15. I don't 'Hope' to die anywhere, but when I do die it will be here in Thailand where I live.
  16. But can't one just inject disinfectant or put a blue light under the skin...??..
  17. I wish I could sleep longer, I try to put of going to bed as long as I can, say 11.30, but after I have eaten I get really tired, normally wake up just before 7am, and can't get back to sleep, if I'm lucky 7.30, if it's very overcast 8 - 8.30, even though my room has dark curtain's, raining helps me sleep, I think the latest I got up in a very long time was 8.40. I don't like to lay in bed awake, I'd rather make a coffee and retreat to my sofa. I'm 73, and I used to have early starts for work sometimes catching a 'red eye' flight 5.00am check in,... or truck driving with 3am starts. I thought I was in luxury one time when I got a job with an 8.30am start, most jobs I had were 7 - 7.30 starts, ...aged 15, I was starting work at 7.30am. had that job for 9 years.
  18. What about unusable footpaths, nothing as usual ?
  19. Sorry can't give you a price but it looks easy enough 8 screws, ( I looked on Laz but can't find one ) A competent mechanic should be able to fit a new one in say an hour. Guess you will need to go to a dealer. I downloaded a photo of one (found on a brave search) but I'm having trouble with this site uploading it, I can't even leave an emoji. Apparently I have used up all my attachment space, that could be again this site for not being able to remove notifications as we used to be able to do. I can't even send it to you on an email.
  20. Thais should be banned from owning properties overseas, along with any other country that won't let 'falang own property' it pushes the price of property up for those countries citizens.
  21. I don't understand why if I pay for a 99yr lease it should then be claimed by the State, I know I'm getting old but .....
  22. This is not about 'Justice' for the boy, as usual here it's about how much money they can make, out of the boy's ordeal.
  23. Yep another Thai nutter, was Lao Kho and Yabba involved yet again ?? Did she get her 10k pay out.?? That's at least 3 kids (girls) in the last few days that should sadly not be with their parents.
  24. No Thanks. Why can't we put emojis or is it just me.
  25. Maybe the gold shop was also trying to make a quick Baht.
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