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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. I only buy 3 in 1 if I'm going to stay in a hotel with 'Free' coffee, having to faff around using all the 3 containers they supply is a pain in the aris, queuing up waiting in line while others do this drives me nuts, I also take my own big mug, not those silly little small cups they supply.
  2. I see one is getting his leg over, and it looks like they have all visited the shop behind.
  3. Maybe You could visit one in Thailand ASAP.......................................
  4. You need to rough it up, and drill some small holes in it to take the glue. lose weight.
  5. I would say the main reason is because they are Mute and unable to get work, to pay rent. Getting drunk together seems fair to me, but where are homeless people suposed to take a dump ? Why can't a toilet be emplaced there if there are "Numerous" homeless in the area ?
  6. Stand well clear if they start singing in sign, you could accidently get hit..................
  7. The only IO I have heard of that requires photos for a retirement visa is Trat, and you said 'US' outside the house, why does your wife need to be in the photo if it's for retirement ? that is strange.
  8. That sounds like a Marriage extension not a retirement.
  9. We are not in the UK, and just because you flash your lights at oncoming traffic does not mean your warning people of a checkpoint, how would that be proved, I flash my lights for many reasons, like recognizing a friends car. etc.
  10. Where I am you will see a group of Thais all sitting under a tree, waiting for the all clear that the checkpoint ahead has gone. They all telephone each other as well.
  11. Wow so it's against the law to tell people there is a checkpoint. What utter nonsense.
  12. As we know all IO are different. but this one is from Jomtian but it may help. And this one from Trat
  13. But but what would happen to all those living off the dog charity money............and the falang volunteers ?..............................
  14. The beaches on Koh Chang never closed, so eyesight here must be the best in the country, if not the world, we were allowed out, the mask only covered our mouths not our eyes........................................
  15. Had a photo of him, yet no phone, very unusual for a Thai nowadays to carry a hard copy photo, she hesitated to go to the police station, well can't blame her there, with the reputation they have, and the fact that it sounds like she is a prostitute. Surely the cops could track her M/C and phone. I wonder who was driving.
  16. That's news to me that UK schools charge a fee, when was that introduced if ever ?
  17. They are all as bad as each other IMO I pity anyone who lives within ear shot of one, these charity staff live in nice houses some with swimming pools, all paid for with your money. Had one open near me called 'Happy dogs' luckily we got it closed down 40+ dogs yapping and barking all day. feeding dogs on the street, so they lay in the road waiting for their next feed. Then one got run over and the charity had the Gaul to ask every body to slow down in that area.
  18. No thanks, you are overweight not me. I don't want to waste food by exercising, I'll have a 'power nap' later after my glass of full fat milk and a ciggy.
  19. Just sat down with my cheese and pickle sandwich and out of interest weighed the cheese, I put in it, 5 grams according to my maths that's 600 sandwiches from 3 kilos. I will eat half a fisherman's pie tonight brought from expat foods.
  20. So why do you shop there ?
  21. Are you one of them ? As I have said before I have eaten cheese nearly everyday for 73 years since I can remember. and I'm just 62 kilos. I don't worry about my cholesterol either, up to me. how much do weigh ??
  22. To Much ? I have one sandwich a day with cheese. 'You' may eat to much I do not, I buy a box of beer I don't drink the whole lot in one go, I'm not a greedy bustard.
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