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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Splicing the mainbrace ......................Aye Aye captain. Sounds like you need to Splice Your Mainbrace .....
  2. So not only a smart phone, but you need a printer too, or go elsewhere to print it. Who's stoopid idea was it in the first place, automatic gates can just scan a passport, so what is the need or use of it.
  3. Not when it's used to write 'news' stories or 'give advise' on how to do something, they end up with false information, causing confusion to those with real intelligence, and could cause undue stress, or worse, to those fed misinformation and act on it.
  4. Sad how these people have to live, when others live an opulent, life style, and do nothing to help them......... 🤐 🤐🤐
  5. Late shift at the bank ? was he a security guard ? what banks stay open at 23.30, or did he work in an exchange booth ? His eyes were closed ?
  6. Document Kiosk ? Who what why, if it's for trucks why is there not a proper layby ? Any info what a document kiosk would be ?
  7. Well at least there was no fire, otherwise the tank itself could have exploded.
  8. Me too Mostly walking from my bed to the sofa, then to the kitchen to make coffee, then I go for a quick jog to the Toilet, and a nice stroll back to the sofa.
  9. I hear there is a temporary position going at a Psychiatric ward over in OZ, as their usual cleaner has escaped yet again, it's low pay but you get lots of holiday time, and no offence meant to you, no intelligence needed or command of the English language is needed. Happy Moping.................
  10. Sound like you are already pissed, Oh sorry Australian init.
  11. I wonder if the Aunt abuses her own 2 children.
  12. And the vendors did nothing to help her, how Buddhist of them. At nine years old she should have been attending school, and if that were the case teachers should have reported her abuse.
  13. What A Ferking joke, she should already be in custody. What happened to the family abuse squad that was lorded here, did that never happen.
  14. As does a passport. so what is the point and why ?
  15. You could get ordained as a monk, free food, accommodation, no cleaning or cooking and wear an off the shoulder 'frock'.
  16. Great these monks have money to travel init, with first class options to-boot, guess they will use their nice new smart phones too, to get the ETA code.
  17. Good grief just 3 years old, she'd be better of in children's home away from drugs and alcohol, poor mite.
  18. I can't even remember why an ETA is required ...........Who's Idea was it and why ?
  19. The trusted RTP Thailand's #2 Mafi and most corrupt mob. Military keep their #1 position.
  20. So now I have to have a printer as well.
  21. I read another report I think on BP she was leaving not arriving.
  22. You don't need to do that until your next extension application, after all they don't know when you got your new passport, nor do they really care. As with the banks, you don't need to register a new passport, unless your doing any over the counter business. And don't forget to update your phone picture of new passport.
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