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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Yes. Everybody knows this. So your saying all naturalists are mental, how absurd.
  2. Sack all of the above, and follow his wife's wishes, take this dangerous man away and jail him not just fine him, 6 yrs min 2yrs for each gun + other charges, sack him with no pension do allow him to resign. And he lived only 500 meters away.
  3. I'm impressed you understand Chinese/Mandarin so much.
  4. And full of Thai ladies, Thailand's biggest export, they are in almost every country Dhubi has heaps.
  5. Was it a Thai guide working illegally in China ? Surely not Shirley .....
  6. All sex workers are popular in Australia................
  7. She has such lovely Natural Plump Limps ................................................... and nails.
  8. Not here apparently if you don't bring charges the cops don't prosecute. many instances in the news, like people getting injured in a fight, for example if you don't report it then that's it. even if the cops were called and witnessed it. TIT
  9. Also Not having the lights on also saves 'em electric......................
  10. Try telling that to someone who has lost everything, Oh it's not a disaster, well it bloody well is for them, what would mitigate a disaster according to this Nut-in government ?
  11. Stupid is as stupid does, what then give it a new 'home' will any new owners be told it has killed, and attacked people before. Put this killer down and stop wasting money on this dog.
  12. So if applying in Bangkok do you have to go in person ? The Oz PP was like that but now it's all done by post.
  13. The money has run out and I don't mean the ATM machine. How desperate can you be to queue at 5am ?
  14. Looks like they are both at the cop shop, one large guy, grey T-shirt, and the skinny driver. Strange only one is mentioned, and only one pixeled out not the pillion.
  15. Was your son showing signs of abuse ? Teachers have in the past reported to police about bruises on kids.
  16. Thais criticizing Thai drivers what a laugh.
  17. I do not need anything explained to me about LPG thanks. I simply made a comment to say it was lucky there was not a fire. but you couldn't leave it there. Please stop. I am being polite as I dare be.
  18. Trevor ...............................................................Ian Dury.
  19. Yes, please don't come, you might die at your age........
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