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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. The Dedicated lane becomes full so the outside lane has a queue, then you you have to proceed out across a fast lane of traffic.
  2. Just one week without mentioning <deleted> Scrabble would make a refreshing change. Favourite columnist ? your having a tin bath mate.
  3. Go to immigration and get your the Letter Of Residence it is Free, it is a simple form, TM.16, you may need to wait a few days, some have said they pay for express service 500b but of course there is no recite. Some LTO except a yellow house book if you have one.
  4. They were going to have a countdown then someone realized, counting backwoods from 10 was to hard.
  5. They misunderstood the question first they will GO home and stay there .
  6. Yep but don't expect them to answer their hotline. Sadly there are falangs that have liked to join them, given the opportunity, and strut their stuff. Quite pathetic IMO.
  7. ???? Mamma mia, Here we go again, my my, how can I resist you ? ????
  8. If I was the Transport Minister I would hang my head in shame for not dealing with this appalling situation instead of concentrating on things like airports etc. and resign. It is such a glaring obvious point that driving tests are a joke with no real road driving training or skills, plus the new points system/fines are just pathetic as are police not doing any road patrols the country is just full of dangerous inconsiderate drivers. A ten minute drive here is like a dogem track. I could keep ranting on but nothing will ever get done. After 54 yrs of driving i am still free of causing or being in accidents.
  9. John Hopkins centre have no idea how they treated foreigners here then.
  10. And first in being the most racist country in the WHOLE WORLD and to the best of my knowledge the ONLY country in the world to do that, for giving vaccines to foreigners leaving them to last, after making them jump through more hoops than a circus, and giving all personal detailed info on a site made just for them, that a lot of people could not upload all photos on.
  11. You get jumped by an Indian Chief? No you've miss understood the post, it was him jumping the Indian chief.
  12. No Falang really 'owns' a bar anyway they rent it, after paying millions of baht out for some bar stools and a pool table, then on top of that accommodation for the girls+ one meal a day + M/C transport for the girls. I had thought of it many years ago did the sums and realized i could stay in a beach bungalow for many years stress free. Nah not for me mate.
  13. My first job/ apprenticeship I started at 15 yrs old only about 3 weeks after I left school, I started as a mechanic with the local council, before everything was contracted out, all equipment was owned by the council, from lawn mowers to dustcarts, tractors, compressors, JCBs, road rollers, cess pit trucks YUK, while at Brookland college day release 4yrs (the famous race track ) I used to get the pish taken out of me for working on dust carts, as the rest all worked on just cars, little did they know i was gaining so much more knowledge than they ever would, especially in hydraulics, at 18 i had passed my exams and was fully qualified, the council had to have a meeting to award me full pay as it was their policy not to until 21. I got my HGV licence at 18. After 9 yrs I left when my marriage failed. I had always been able to get work. then while in OZ at 52 one of these ran over me with the rear wheel braking lots of bones. i gave up work. and fulfilled my 20 yr in 18yrs plan to live in Thailand and no i did not get a big pay-out. I do miss work to a certain extent, but not HAVING to get up every morning 6-7 days a week. sometimes 12 hr days. However I would love to rebuild a large diesel engine again. Ouch !
  14. sounds like most of my work colleagues in the hospital i work at???? I have never understood why some people while at work, do as little as possible it just makes the day drag on, I always worked at a steady pace taking pride and satisfaction in what i did, the days flew past, when there were days of no work coming in it was soo boring and the day seemed to just drag on and on.
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