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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. While Thailand welcomes them with open arms.
  2. Egotistic Dictator, changes history, would be a more apt title. All his money is from the state. I'm sure he has more than $6m
  3. were they obseverved while uranating ? or could they just give a clean sample. It should be random checks as in OZ at the mines etc.
  4. It is very bad driving pratice not to use the PARKING brake, if automatic you could end up with a broken park pin inside the gear box. get the rear brake drums removed and have them checked to see if the self adjusters are not sized. Even at red lights select nueutral apply hand brake, sitting with your foot on the brake, or clutch is bad driving, if someone hits you from behind off comes your foot and BANG ! into the vehicle in front, could be a kid on a M/C !!!!! Learn to drive !!
  5. Yeh inviting a war criminal that should boost Thailands incredability,.
  6. I guess the LB is renting ? therefore the owner is allowing class A drugs to be used at his property, if they are informed about it.
  7. Is dismissed the same as sacked ? if sacked lets hope they have not allowed him to own a gun.
  8. My image just vanished a year ago, tried again with no sucess a few times. meh
  9. Soi Bukho Kamagr 100 b 4 100m tabs, many many hawkers all day up and down. sit at the front of any bar or resturant.
  10. He was relaxed, the photographer was shown from their web site, in thai, notes to the photographer, The point was if he had not gone to the counter, he would not have known the problem with printing out the reciept as they didn't bother to tell him, he could have sat there for hours.
  11. I am confused about the alchol ban, as My Missus gave up drinking for 3 months for 'lent' that ends today and she will get as drunk as a skunk tonight and proberly a few days after, she just got back from the temple 10am and told me so.
  12. My Ma and Pa shop will still deliver to my house same price min order 3 bottles.
  13. Unless it has changed, they charge 300b for not staying overnight.
  14. Blame your wife in front of them. pre-arranged with her of course. ????
  15. It sounds more like a problem with the vacum servo, are your brakes disc all round or drums on the rear ? if drums&shoes, they have automatic adjusters that work in conjuction with the handbrake, they can sieze up, especially if the driver dosn't bother to use the handbrake when parking. Get them checked.
  16. Bottom line is try and sell your own car privately.
  17. Took my mate on friday for his appointment, following the GPS, looking at the enterance road it just looks like a huge builing site, and it was closed, the next entrance was through the building site with traffic light to control trucks in and out. Nothing on the main road to indicate where the embbassy is, no flag no temperary sign, even the postie was looking for it, 15min early was seen and then the jobsworth started, my mate had got the photos done buy a proffesional photogrpher, all done to there specs, "you need to go get more photo, this may be rejected at Canberra, if not have enough pixles or the right paper'' he told her they were fine. filled the form and paid told to sit and wait, 30min later he goes to the counter, "why am I waitng?" "reciept computer not working, will you take a wrriten one ?" 'yes' waits again she has lost her stapler off she goes looking for it, comes back later and has forgotten to bring a stapler with her. it took over 1.5 hours before he left.
  18. I just checked on One2Car. com Yesterday i went to Nissan to enquire on buying a new car, I have a Nissan juke that is 8yrs old and only 64,000klm, i have cared for it and love it, they offered me 170k in exchange they are being sold for over 300k bye bye nissan i won't be up-grading a new car from you. I will get rid of my old NV and give the juke to the missus to drive. Tossers.
  19. As if these poor families are not going through enough, then prayout turns up. It happened on his watch.
  20. Yes I do, who was responsible for employing a known addict it was the RTP, and that person who kepy him employed knowing he took yabba, should be held accountable, and at the very least have his pension and rank cancelled.
  21. Whoever employed him as a cop in the first place should be held accountable !
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