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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. How could it be, apart from different uniforms and language, there is no vinyl board or pointing.
  2. Glad to hear that. My wife in her 40s had a reaction with a shot of AZ , after 2 sinopharm, ( health care volunteer) got migraines and generally felt sick, at hospital they gave her a jab i think antibiotic after 1 hr she was fine.
  3. TB is in the most curable and you would not be released until you are no longer contagious then checked after 2 weeks again to check if you are still non-contagious.
  4. When you are very sick and dying from covid because you couldn't be bothered to get vaxed, or believe all the conspiracy theories, will you go to hospital and take up a bed that someone else needs, or stay home and die ? The later i hope.
  5. Where I am you must leave a 2 METER gap between property and boundary, this does not include roof overhang and I thought that was common everywhere 1/2 a mt are you sure about that ?
  6. We don't all live near an animal surgeon, and not very easy to transport a very sick in pain dog for 3 hr drive. just saying.
  7. Due to not being able to transport my dog at the time, i got a local animal rescue place to take my dog to the vet, my dog would not eat then could not walk, they came back with my dog and told me she had a tumour, I asked if the vet would put her down, i was having to hold water to her mouth to drink, "No she will not- buddha" I watched her die for 3 weeks sitting with her as much as possible. Weeks after she died i took our cat to the vet, when i confronted her about it the vet then said ''Oh I would have put her down" So I had been lied to by either the vet or the dog foundation. I will never know.
  8. But less likely to get very sick and die, you should read up yourself , and stop reading conspirator <deleted>.
  9. So what is the point you are trying to make? Please do not change my words it is not just obese people refusing to be vaccinated, I know of obese people who have been vaxed.
  10. My personal opinion is that these antivaxers are just a bunch of selfish people, without a thought for their family members, kids, frontline staff and hospitals, who will have to accommodate them, tying up beds and equipment from others who may need them, from unrelated diseases and putting more financial burden on the healthcare system resources. I can not believe i'm agreeing with A-Nut-In government although i think it was a spin doctor who told him what to say, he is right.
  11. I would like to add if you run any cable from the meter now to the property, all connections must be clamped together and not taped, any underground cable to the property can not be the same as above ground, it must be a twin heavy (double)duty insulation and in the yellow PVC tubing/pipe.
  12. How on earth will Fatty lean down to put a Krathong in the water without tumbling over, you can not defy the laws of physics. Photos please.
  13. But apparently the rear entrance is not deemed a sexual organ in japan, I was told this also by 'a friend'
  14. Will the arresting officers still receive their bounty of the profits at auction ? Pray tell.
  15. I got a new after market compressor fitted for 2,000 baht at the local garage, the reason i needed new was the electric clutch bearing was stuffed and easier to fit a new compressor. No one here has mentioned the cabin A/C filter which gets clogged, Nissan wanted 1,300 baht fitted I got one from LAZ 148 baht including postage and fitted it myself.
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