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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. And possibly not, lets not forget where we are folks, I am sure it's all just a misunderstanding.
  2. IMO the best education in the world, is traveling around it. Learn and see how people survive poverty, then you will too if needed.
  3. Yep 30 years ago the same, all over the world, from home made jewellery in India to Sarongs in Australia, cigarette lighters in UK, nothing new, but Thailand and social media like to slag foreigners off. At least he's not getting pished all day good luck to him and his self funded travels. This Is not begging !
  4. So what was the outcome ?? did you get the bike and drive it away on their red plates ? have you got the new plate yet ?
  5. Had a similar Prob in Trat, buying a new Yamaha, showed them my yellow book, and pink card, they got on the phone i presume to the transport office, " Easier if you put it in your wife's name." Yeh I know that but I want it in MY name. They wouldn't do it 'coz to hard for them, luckily I can trust my missus so as soon as the new plate and number arrive, back to trat and put my name, cept had the same prob last time with car. Just outside the City their is another Transport Office at, 'Khao Saming District Trat', who had no problems with it. same i renewed my DL there also. bit further to travel but.........mission accomplished.
  6. Agree, and for a real good clean of the cheapies, washing up liquid rubbed in, rinse and dry, with shirt tail of course. ???? ????
  7. some are back now we have a red ❤️ and a blue heart???? ?? no confused, or sad, or laugh, but still have thanks
  8. they were lied to 'special operation', some had never even shot or held a gun before, and where basically press ganged into it.
  9. clubs and bars But not 13-17 yr old ? in a private room ! big differance.
  10. From the FULL story it appears he has done this before and it was a fellow Student who alerted the other the other Teacher,
  11. Yes 7 days one week. For future reference: Except if the they are closed for a 'holiday' then you can go on the first day they open without a fine. To the best of my knowledge.
  12. I told my missus all i got was " I know " . Where we lived as a family directly behind our house , at the end of the long garden was the start of the QE 2 reservoir i believe stopped in war time, it became our playground, when it opened around 1964 the whole school went and she gave that wave and smile to us, around 60 yrs ago. when it was full you could hear waves on a windy day, around 5 1/2 miles in circumference .
  13. No nationalities mentioned, but my guess is Filipinos, who have good voices and can sing in GOOD English, and Thai. unlike ???????? Loll ling lolling on a Liver- ???? ????.
  14. So that was the only thing stolen, well the perb was probably in need more than government sponsored monks who don't pay Zilch for food, accommodation, or the women that do all their cooking.
  15. The Police said it was unclear what charges would be pressed. ?? Bit hard to charge the driver me thinks, unless someone had a gun to her head. Hence the reason for computerised lights but nah not in Thailand. Pollution what's that ?
  16. I brought some tinted glasses the tint came of in the rain "Oh you got them wet". now i just use the 50baht glasses, buy 3 at a time.
  17. Spot on. Even for a falang i only pay 30 baht for a wound clean and dressing, strangely a repeat prescription is cheaper than the hospital, around 1,500 baht a night in a hospital ward, including intravenous, drips, antibiotic jabs, dressings, X-rays, more staff than you can point a stick at, food and the benefit of public hospital someone can stay with you 24/7. eat the food while you eat something better your wife/family member has popped out to buy. : )
  18. She had an amazing smile, listened intently when people spoke, and had that 'British' sense of humour. Held the country together in their hours of need. Keep Calm and Carry We will.
  19. Who reads, any Amendments in any Government office ?, apart from the local councils, they always seem on the ball with their 'Central computer system '.
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