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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Also chunks of mud, rocks, even bricks that get wedged between the the rear wheels and can come flying out. Although that particular one does look excessively wide.
  2. I don't really know but Would the original not be registered on the Amphur/district office central computer, and get something like the KOR ROR 2 (still married) to a similar document to say you are divorced ?
  3. As with the UK who won't use EMS anymore so you have to pay an agent or make 2 trips to Bangkok a whole days drive ????.
  4. So lose money on the exchange rate, wonder why I never gave that a thought. Shoulda, coulda, woulda.
  5. IMO the biggest problem with beach vendors they always take all shaded areas, and all nearby parking places. Same as beach restaurants, Not sure if its still enforced but on Koh Chang white sands, they are limited to a few tables on the beach until after sunset, then as many as you can.
  6. I have never and will never understand this obsession with getting lottery numbers from something obscure, OK then you have the numbers then what ? you can't chose your lottery numbers, go around every vendor (or on line) in a vain attempt to find them.
  7. Having read the FULL story it seems they are objecting more to the liberation of the alcohol laws not weed. Also they fear their cult will lose its control of its followers. I have travelled to many countries where Islam is way more than 5% of the population and that's where all the best dope is grown and most (men) partake.
  8. Do you keep government house illuminated at night Napoleon ? if so then
  9. Last time I needed police help 11pm on a Sat night, and used that number, all I got was ''Line Busy, line busy'' so I contacted the local cops who turned up the next day ! My wife and I had been attacked by 5 people up a quite road, luckily we managed to drive away, on our old M/C.
  10. The monks/abbots must be rubbing their hands at receiving more money/donations to update their ovens.
  11. Does he still think the WAR in Ukraine by Russia has nothing to do with the economic situation in Thailand ? Not long ago he said I'm too busy with the economic problems to talk about Russia and Ukraine. ????
  12. Well of course it all depends on ambient temperature, last night fairly cool, windows closed and A/C running on 'fan only mode' max fan setting. To much jungle noise for open windows.
  13. Easyvisa say on there site no walk-ins, yes you can go yourself but if you live a days drive away, then your post is not really helpful. Of course i'd do it myself if it was not so far away. At 71 i need a nights sleep on arriving then have to get up early to visit embassy then i'd need another nights sleep before setting of the next day so i would arrive in time to get the last ferry home.
  14. Same for me fuel for 6hr drive in both directions hotel 2 night or 3nights . and then return to pick it up. Jeez that would cost me a lot more than 5K plus the stress of driving on Thai roads. I wouldn't mind one visit but as they will not post it back it would need 2 trips. Unlike the OZ PP renewal, must apply in person but at least they return it by EMS.
  15. Why ? it is all done by post wherever you live. no walk ins.
  16. As said they can become noisy, rust and start rattling. My friend has one and he has to get up there to oil it, his comes directly down into the room so he has had to fit a removable mozy screen also. I would check out how to make a passive roof cooler.
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