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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Where's the thumbs down when you need it ????????????
  2. Lazada.
  3. My money is, on him being released on bail. after appeal.
  4. Didn't a Cop just do the same thing, killing one of his colleges, will he also face the same charge ? rhetorical question.
  5. Did that on a motorcycle, front wheel ended up egg shaped, like a clowns bike, luckily i didn't come off.
  6. Seems people here take loans out from sharks and banks, but think they don't have to pay it back. IMO
  7. Hi USA, how's the rating today on Thailand's HUMAN Rights ??
  8. Yeh, but do you know, when the war of 1812 was ? ????
  9. Train from BKK to Nong Khai overnight sleeper or day, train across the bridge. But as said depends where you are ??????
  10. Why did the ambulance not have it's sirens blaring, or maybe it did, but the driver made the M/C go forward.
  11. My missus just called me "come look this tilak" she was watching the news Nation on YouTube as she often calls every one She, i said no Man ''sorry yes man'' ???? It was a car named after a river crossing 4 letters, F - - d
  12. What a country, where they have to give out warnings like this to the cabinet in public parliament as they know what they get up to. Here is 1m one days rent for the stage and PA system now you can hand it out.
  13. They'd probably only get a Luke warm bath anyway
  14. My dog will eat anything, last night my cat was whinging for food, had no cat food or biscuits, I was getting some baked beans out, gave her a couple of spoonful's to see and she woofed 'em back TWICE !
  15. If you have a choice go with Automatic transmission (normal power steering oil) i've only ever known the torque converter to break, easy as changing a clutch , no elastic band effect, don't need the CVT special transmission oil changed ever 30k. if it stuffs up very expensive to repair or replace.
  16. Yeh, only the other day a bar girl was complaining about how much tax she paid.????????
  17. The flashing lights were on, but nobody at the wheel was home.
  18. Even on well lit roads, it's hard to see in heavy rain, what with spray from other cars, and cop cars heavy illegal tint on windscreen, driving to fast for road conditions, rear tyres inflated for full load, not wearing seat belts. RIP cop but you all only have yourselves to blame. if it was not the driver that died he should be charged with manslaughter by reckless driving, but i'm sure a gift basket will solve that.
  19. He didn't want her shouting down the phone. ????
  20. It was me ! please post cash or a Netflix gift card directly to me. ????
  21. Well he hadn't had a <deleted> for a while, i presume.
  22. Yeh i'm sure the Dali Lama or the Pope have never masturbated in their whole life.
  23. maybe got an STD.
  24. Those city mozzies probably put a shot of diesel in you, along with their saliva.
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