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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Well I noticed they left out the J in Marijuana and there is no relaxation in the rules on that anyway only HEMP. Anutin and his merry gang still don't know the difference between these 2 completely different strains of plant.
  2. Are you serious really ? Encouraging stray dogs to hang around an old peoples home, as with all these do-gooders feeding strays, they just hang out waiting for the next feed.
  3. I'm aware of what you can do to stop it, but they ask '' you want SMS ?'' most will say yes, not realizing it's daily, they don't tell you about cheaper options, I think i pay 200b a year, for once a week and deposits, and over 5k withdrawal. On the other hand my mate is paying monthly for daily sms. He can't get to the bank or use the app due to severe disability's. He is not allowed an ATM card or internet banking as he could only use a thumb print to open the account in the first place and that was a nightmare for him.
  4. What a Megalomaniac, praising himself and those HE controls. ???? Some ? the majority of Thais despise him and his lackeys.
  5. Seems like if you buy their insurance they waive all other documents needed to open an account. From my experience. Also a scam getting DAILY SMS, instead of once a week.
  6. When I was around 20 in the UK i ignored a ticket for a bald tyre, and then a court summons to go to court, the cops came to my house, took me to the police station where i was made to pay it, or else further action would be taken, i'm talking some 50yrs ago !
  7. If that was so they would be nicking drivers while on road patrol. A fake award by a fake government. Research my ""@ss...Roadside checks DON"T work and NEVER have, Road Patrols DO work as proved in real countries that have little or no corruption. Where do I claim my Award and Medal ?
  8. The first thing i would have done is go to the factories wage's office and thank them for the bonus.
  9. If only one could choose the numbers you want, as OZ and the UK, not pre-printed tickets.
  10. A lot have to be brought from 'Agents' who bulk buy from GLO, hence the inflated price.
  11. Covering a amphibian in powder seems rather like animal cruelty, It's their tails you have to watch they use them like a whip.
  12. It is also known that being intoxicated increases your chance of survival in trauma accidents. Just saying.
  13. The biggest problem i have is postal delivery, i didn't get any for 2+ years, after a few times of complaining on their site, I got the last 6mths mail delivered all at once, nothing from previous years, a no apology or mention of staff being reprimanded TIT indeed I now wait for next months TOT bill, although i pay by direct debit, the bill should still arrive, we will see, i won't hold my breath though.
  14. From my knowledge any branch but it has to be the in the SAME province.
  15. And you paid it. phone 1178. they moved an officer from my I O when a person said out loud why i not get visa i paid you.
  16. It's the same for me in Trat., and they have 2 toilets one outside when closed for lunch and one inside, pure luxury. Several years ago Though the home visit "we pay 'hic' felly to come'' ''No you don't it's free for you, and anyway you wanted to come and i didn't invite you'' Off they went dog snapping at their heels, never been asked again. The following year the phone call to my missus ''him not drunk this time'' I had told them about last year.
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