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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. How many chairs do have, was the most stupid. i'm now counting my tables.
  2. If they answer or read e-mails just tell them if your passport is not returned in xx# of days you will have to go and make a police report. I did that with mail not being delivered and 6months of mail turned up the next day. nothing since though ????
  3. That's a lot to Shell out init. At least they didn't Chicken out and do a runner. ok i'll get my hat.
  4. So really this is just as usual about the money she'll get, why bother to report about swapping drivers, just because that happened don't mean she should get more dosh, but i'm sure she'll give it a go. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  5. No never, but told them 10% discount for dash cam ? only came and took photos of dash cam, with the young lady laying across the rear seat, legs akimbo ???? to take the photo, and then it was probably only to show head office as prove for the discount.
  6. Yeh my mate is sweating it, OZ embassy appointments to apply for new passport last week were fully booked until the 7 of OCT then 8 weeks if your lucky to get your new passport back. he's going to be in deep poo poo???? if his 3 month extension expires, I guess he'll have to do a border hop and start again. Embassies don't give a rats ass.
  7. if you bother to read the FULL story yes it has signs.
  8. Big bikes and cars on the never never, couldn't afford the repayments, an never ending story with Thais it seems, buying what they can't afford and no brain cells to calculate the cost.
  9. They seem to be guilty of letting her get drunk as a skunk and possibly take drugs poor dear SHE WAS 37 not a child, but all very fishy a they tried to cover it up and didn't report it for 2 hours. Dec 11 next hearing, get the popcorn in.
  10. A very timely post for me, on my way home today in car small road, motorbike in front no brake light or tail light, slows to turn left, no prob THEN decided to carry on straight, then slows Quickly stares in the ma&pa shop, managed to avoid him, he is one of my direct neighbours, i got home different smaller road, I waved him down, and told him you have no brake light and i nearly hit you. well he just laughed his head off and said the front work, ???? he often carries a small child with him, and his daughter carrying the kid, is always and i mean always texting as she drives. I give up, window down i often shout out to these imbeciles around me KILL THE BABY !
  11. My immigration office insist, you must apply 2 weeks before the 3 months are up you can't go, on say the last day if you need to for some reason, like waiting for new passport. is this normal ?
  12. Fix the UK pound at 45 and the AUD at 26 while your at it please.
  13. And yet you started this post, but I do understand it seems its your GF problem and she needs to discuss it with you, so you need our expert advice to help with that. ????????
  14. Do the right thing. yeh put up some frigging crossing signs, on Koh Chang there is not ONE sign at ANY crossing at ALL ! , and long ago faded paint on most.
  15. I think its unfair to blame the labourers, the land was not surveyed correctly in the first place, you can't blame them for the state of the ground being built on, that's not their remiss. aka ''build a house here'' ''ok boss.''
  16. if it was me i'd Just let them get on with it, and stay well away from it all, up to them. Not My Problem would be my answer.
  17. And deceased parents. ????
  18. Yeh paraglide in predictable strong winds this time of year, or maybe the strong wind was just him shating himself.
  19. Are the cops on foot waving truncheons ? ????
  20. Yes I just sent a 3 k EMS package to NZ it works out at around 1k every kilo + .2 kilo another 1 k 4,500 baht all up, sent Monday last week arrived there yesterday.
  21. Another misleading click. ''Pit bull strikes again'', made me think it was the same dog as before that attacked someone.
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