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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. You contradict yourself in your own post. Marijuana and Hemp are two completely different strains, You are completely wrong "Hemp is male Marijuana" NO it is NOT. Please feel free to google it.
  2. I recently got a letter from my bank in OZ demanding my TID, I haven't done any payed work for 15yrs, or lived in OZ since, or any income I get is way way below the thresholds of any country, I tried the recommended site to find it, registered then couldn't sign in. ????. They will report me to Aus Tax Office so What !
  3. She was a beginner, so it should have been the instructors job to INSTRUCT her to be careful to prevent any stupid actions like this.
  4. a. why would bullets be mixed up on the floor? b. why were they even on the floor,? c. The instructor failed in his job. The good news is maybe the next 'Instructor' will be better at the job. I'm wondering what qualifications you need to be a 'gun instructor'. The whole story is just unbelievable. This wouldn't be the same woman who mistook the gas pedal for the brake pedal by any chance ?
  5. Please can you check your grammar this reads like he broke a wet floor. No RCD fitted. end of. My RCD is so sensitive it flips off even when lightning ⚡ is close by.
  6. Ooh well done Thailand we have given you an award for having 'safe zones' where I believed working CTV cameras were fitted. It must have ben a dream.
  7. In the past, 5 yrs ago it only went to the Laos immigration post on the other side.
  8. I am now totally confused on reading the Full story it says ''can grow-medical grade marijuana for their own personal use, or as part of a small scale commercial enterprise'' (a) I thought you had to give all the heads to the government. (b) Marijuana is a completely different strain of cannabis than low grade THC Hemp. As Usual lets keep it as clear as Mud so we can flip flop the rules to suit. init. ????
  9. I dread to think what the world looks like through his eyes, 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' comes to mind. General Tu Tu's lonely heart club band.
  10. ???? ????Hey Hey Hey, sexy maan, come inside, sit down by me, where you come from ?, what your name? buy cigar for me. ????
  11. You ordered submarines without What ! are you kidding me ?
  12. Ukraine? This is how Dumb Prayout is, he recently said I'm too busy to worry about that conflict as he needs to concentrate on the Thai Economy. clueless.
  13. They run these schools just like the military. IMO. No Questions, hair cuts and military style uniforms, stand to attention at the flag . So sad. I am for basic uniforms but ............
  14. You missed Violent, money lending to students, and Abusive teachers, and no critical thinking.
  15. IMO yes but I would go to a different office, or If you have a friend that speaks Thai get them to phone the office, don't mention what you have already done, just ask "what I need to change from 'Falang' DL to Thai ? " I personally have not heard of any changes, 'cept you can view the vid on line. Alternately you can just show up with the doc's required as I did last year in Trat, they checked it all and gave me an appointment one week after. But I was only renewing 5yr. Had to sit through the vid, I did nothing on-line.
  16. Breathing in my expelled carbon dioxide when wearing a mask is awful, after 10 min of this I have to lower my mask and take a few deep breaths, maybe if I could vape I could stop smoking, and wouldn't have that problem. yeh I know slag me off go for it.
  17. You tried to re-new your Thai DL, which is why they may be asking you to take the computer test. Unless they have changed the rules ???, you can obtain a Thai DL using your UK DL by just taking the reaction tests, and watching the stupid video, which apparently you can do on-line if not at the office. Did you show them your UK Diving Licence ? Go to a different office.
  18. Without a photo of the girlfriend its hard to comment, but to call out his opinion is just wrong. Next time Mr taxi driver you may want to think what your appearance is.
  19. He left it out on a counter in his room and went to use the restroom, the lady had fled. No Sh!t lealy who'd have thunk that happening.
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