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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Actually Chamberlin worded the agreement quite cleverly letting Hitler 'have' Czechoslovakia and NO OTHER LAND. Meaning the UK never broke the agreement, when Hitler invaded Poland he broke the agreement. just saying.
  2. He may be your Lord but he is not mine, ''our lord'' indeed if this mythical being of YOURS is so great then why all the suffering ?
  3. Irresponsible dog owners are a pain, there is one opposite me, her dog scrapes under my barbed wire fence and will sneak into my kitchen and steal food, if i leave the patio door open, threaten it with a stick, throw stones at it, it runs 10mts stands and stares at me.
  4. Why is that confusing ? If you can be bothered read the full story; she was going to a Night Market.
  5. Last night i witnessed a Thai neighbour attempting to turn their car at a T junction it took 10 tries/turns instead of an easy 2 point turn, i kid you not ????
  6. Seems Cambodian cops aren't scared of a little work init.
  7. I was once stopped at a road check, at the time I was on a retirement visa, the cop kept asking me "what you do in Thailand ? '' out of devilment i suppose, i kept saying ''nothing i'm retired'' eventually he gave up asking me and waved me on.
  8. Was he still taking drugs coz he did get suspended for 12 months before and took money from a book maker. Sounds like not quite the upstanding citizen as made out to be. Legend or not.
  9. More than one loan 60% interest on 25,000 = 15,000 / 12 months = 1250 a month + daily interest when not paid. Edit ; and that is just the interest with nothing being paid off the original loan.
  10. Even the ballot boxes are Khaki to influence the mind. Is that guy in the back crying, sleeping, or dead for putting a cross in the wrong box ?
  11. What utter nonsense, local wisdom and traditional knowledge will always outweigh science it called Thainess. Try telling my mate getting choked every day by a charcoal producing neighbour using "Traditional knowledge".
  12. Crane operator/rigger at fault IMO, crane operators only need a licence if off shore or working for big oil companies to the best of my knowledge, one also has to be fairly good at maths, that goes for riggers too. Mia Pen ria TIT
  13. Bit of a myth 'jerry built' our house in England was jerry built by German prisoners of war, where i believe that expression came from as a derogatory term. That house is still standing with perfect brick work and original roof, no cracks or lose tiles. Unlike my Thai built house with leaky roof, not enough screws in gypsum board making it sag. just saying.
  14. Maybe nagging coz he is always drunk and causing trouble, no mention if he went to work either, while she was cutting sugar cane.
  15. I have a friend here and 50 meters from his house someone is now producing charcoal, producing thick black acrid smoke, putting his life and other at risk, he can no longer sleep at night with open windows, and some days he can not stay there, he has submitted a petition from 12 locals but none would go with him to the Amphur office, in his words ' ''they are scared as the land owner is influential '' other excuses are the operator is poor.
  16. Yes but this is only normal while your extension is under consideration, otherwise it sounds like a scam, and why would they send it in Thai makes no sense. Ignore it.
  17. Some one didn't bother to put a split pin/shear pin back in. None of this explains why nobody informed authorities immediately after the incident.
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