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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. He said '' I can't even use Facebook'' ???? my heart bleads,
  2. This is all i use now in the shower, no need for fancy shampoos etc in fact basic soap cleans better than any others including those 'antiseptic' ones. Parrot soap rules ! and only about 14b. Growing up in the 50s we never had shampoo etc, at most we had some bath salts.
  3. some of the rest ''....wish to remain as they have families there, and have 'paperwork' problems..'' ????
  4. So you can tell the difference between Russian and the Ukraine language ? incidentally Russian is spoken by many Ukrainians.
  5. Ukrainians should be given refugee status, and Russians sent back to demonstrate against there tyrant leader.
  6. Regimes always seem to support each other or sit on the fence while atrocities continue unabated.
  7. They need a coup, and since there is no royalty left in Russia it wouldn't even be Treason.
  8. A heart warming story This story is heart-warming, but it reads more like an add for Thailand. and as for the above quote well;
  9. If they want to teach ,They need some CPR dummies for people to practice on, not an AED to show off. adult ones cost around 4k baht.
  10. While i'll agree teaching kids to swim is a priority, that does not help when a kid is in difficulty, unless parents can swim and know how to rescue someone. True story; about 15 yrs ago, i was swimming in the sea and was noticing a strong rip starting i managed to get back in on a wave just, i then noticed a young girl about 8yr old, struggling to come back in, her eyes said it all, I was stood waist deep, and she was only about 6m away from me, but i knew if i went back out, we could both drown, although i had made the decision if she went under i would risk all, but timing the waves which were stronger receding than coming in was not easy, she kept eye contact with me the whole time, suddenly 4 Thai men just rushed out to save her, now they too were in big trouble, eventually i managed to signal to them to grip hands and on the next big wave i dragged all 5 to safety, the 4 men dropped the girl, and went back to the beach exhausted, i carried the girl back to a round of applause when really i had done nothing, laid her down and felt she was still breathing, i held her until she came round. whew i've got tears in my eyes now. The next day she ran up the beach and gave me a wai. . Now i'm really crying. Later that day I called out to some tourists swimming and waved them in, i explained what had happened they didn't go back in.
  11. Letters of Residence are free from immigration, but some 'pay' to get them quicker as they don't want to wait a few days and a return trip to IO.
  12. How's that plan going Tu Tu ? Well they ARE with hundreds of Russians already arrested for demonstrating against Putin's War on Ukraine.
  13. I pay 50b for my glasses and they are making a profit on that. admitted they are only plastic but, recycling old glasses to poorer nations seems a waste of time and money when they could possibly could just send new ones, i'm guessing buying in bulk are only about 25b a pair. Some foundations/charities just waste money on staff, admin etc.
  14. Many branches of banks have closed and ATMs removed, especially those places that relied on tourism. No problem just use another banks ATM.
  15. And all in my garden, plus; wild spinach, lemons, bananas, ginger, lemon grass, chillies, Krapow and other herbs that just appear. Does anyone know what these fruits are called ? taste a bit like cherries, very sweet with a stone inside, eat one, and after even chillies taste sweet, and beer like lemonade.
  16. Their too busy checking Facebook, for complaints and criticism about themselves, not working or doing their job.
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