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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Why were a pair of Jeans arguing over a women ? Sneakers were found at the scene. sounds more like a fashion show.
  2. And many don't / can't even correctly read the article itself.
  3. I am becoming more and more dismayed, with this site as so many fail to read the articles correctly or fail to read the full stories before making comments.
  4. You can trek anywhere in the national park, there are no restrictions or fees, fees are just for the water falls.
  5. Utter nonsense, here I am and knew nothing of this, life is normal on Koh Chang. Koh Chang is open its just the park areas closed, the sea, beaches (never closed), hotels, restaurants, shops are still open. The Park chief has no say in closing anything except the park areas.
  6. Don't worry everyone we survi Yes everyone it was a close shave, but we are all, OK thanks for your concern.
  7. Do the police do background checks on themselves ? And more importantly Psychology Tests especially if given a gun licence.
  8. If you click on the 'Manager' story 6 passports are shown, 2 are of the same Polish person, so was it six or five ? or maybe twin brothers with the same name and Passport number ????
  9. Already brain damaged riding without lights, bet he saw a few lights when he passed out though.
  10. Did the girls pink hair grow back, after it began falling out from being vaxed ? or was it those chemicals in her hair treatments. Never heard of that one again since.
  11. While with the rest of the worlds currencies the Baht is stronger. As usual just about the USD. ????
  12. Some people just bury their head in the sand and hope their problems will just disappear. init
  13. I would contact the agent again, and tell them if it's not returned say within 7 days or less, you will have no choice than make a police report, because at the end of the day that is true, it just might make them take more effort in trying to find it. If they can.
  14. That was before Doughnuts, junk food and fizzy pop really kicked in.
  15. May I suggest if you want them to last paint them with a protected coat of, I believe its called 'Fish oil' its very thin and watery, comes in a beer type bottle, available at most hardware shops. it will make them water proof and prevent them from rotting, they will turn browner, you can usually see it applied to those hats used by rice farmers.
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