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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Even reading the full story it is not clear, induvial cops have taken out loans and cant pay them back, but by the headline it appeared the police force are in debt, why do people take out loans knowing they can't pay them back, but maybe they were hoping to nab more than they have, 'ol Joe Ferrari made a fortune from this method.
  2. Even reading the full story it is not clear, induvial cops have taken out loans and cant pay them back, but by the headline it appeared the police force are in debt, why do people take out loans knowing they can't pay them back, but maybe they were hoping to nab more than they have, 'ol Joe Ferrari made a fortune from this method.
  3. And the results of the autopsy were ??? Is it not in the public intrest to know?
  4. Just checking the escape route will be open for him and his cronies, and the VIP lounge will be finished in time. Please tell exactly what, are paid for by these Public Agencies, and just who they are. So we can rant some more LOL.
  5. Yes I read that too, it seem to me that "This Year" doesn't include 24th to 31st Dec 21. 427 deaths was what I found on google that's an average of 61 a day !
  6. Just make sure your covered for any annual/monthly charges from your bank like SMS charges, direct debit, or the like, so your money does not drop below the 400k. just saying.
  7. From the full story; He claimed he didn't know it was illegal. Yeh sure ????
  8. So the kids won't get to play with guns again this year, thank god. Is it no wonder Thailand has a gun culture. Time this was stopped.
  9. This just says it all why the Shinawatra family are hounded out of office by the military Coups. Nothing to do with any charges of corruption, simply so the Military can keep the cash flow. IMO.
  10. All well and good but do they get any training ? Safe and Trusted Thailand. Pattaya the family resort. lmao.
  11. This guy running off, without checking on the victims, and no doubt pished up, was awful, BUT there were no lights front or rear on the sidecar as is pretty normal here. Condolences to the victims family.
  12. When a Thais dog ran down an embankment and across the road chasing a cat, it ran directly into the side of my M/C bowling me over, when I got up, the Thai family who had been sitting up in their garden, had disappeared and hid inside their house.
  13. Good advertising for the Sushi place for very small outlay. Good job !
  14. She had it lucky my missus used to walk 1 hr to school without any shoes to her name. She now owns the 8 ria that the family live on. Her Mum died when she was 8yr and her Dad died when she was 12. A very strong minded, hard working woman.
  15. X 1 same with us, I might buy my missus something she needs occasionally, but its not for Xmas or birthdays. Birthdays may involve a 7/11 cake with a candle stuck in it
  16. I watched a YouTube vid blog yesterday, from Nepal yesterday the Norwegian/German guy was talking to his Taxi driver about stopping for a drink of beer, the driver said ''No I can't drink and drive if I get caught DUI then it's an Immediate One Month in jail " it was unclear if he meant just taxi drivers or all drivers. Their jails are on a 'par with Thailand's. I immediately thought now that would be a very good deterrent for here.
  17. Been there, done that, My bank sends out card readers from an automated system, with no tracking numbers, other mail I have no idea if or when posted, or by whom. Their reply to me were words to the effect of ''when was it posted" after filling that all out on their site, ''what name and what address'' just asked the same questions again. Pathetic.
  18. Thanks for actually answering my post, the cheque's in the mail
  19. I have a big problem with my postman/post office, Nothing has been delivered to my home for more than 2 yrs, I say nothing but I have had 2, TOT bills delivered in that time, I have complained numerous times to them, and i just get blank stares as their eyes glaze over. I'm trying to get a bit more info from you lot, I now pay my TOT by direct debit, so they don't cut me off again, The Question I would like answered is ; If paying by Direct Debit, do TOT still send a bill every month ? the english spoken in my TOT office left me more confused than before I spoke to them. (I'm not interested in apps on my phone.) Thanks in advance.
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