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Posts posted by kevc

  1. Another Ferang with stupid idea.We will be overun with them. Some cant afford much else.

    Another Farang with a stupid response as well, have you ever seen what these dogs go through I have before they get their legs tied behind their backs and bundled into a sack and carted off home to have their throats slit. I'm an out and out animal lover and I would gladly kill these dogs myself before letting them start out on that journey.

  2. Stay Kowloon side near Jordan Mongkok area close to the MTR, Temple street market is located there great shopping and great food also around Mongkok there's good not expensive shopping my wife loves the area.

    Try the Star ferry to Hong Kong side and take a number 66 bus across to Stanley Market great trip as you can also stop off at Repulse Bay Beach, watch the light show across the harbour at around 8pm from Kowloon.

    Take the MTR to Wong Tai Sin station to visit the temple costs nothing to go in and really nice. A must visit The Peak go before dusk to see it in daylight and night time and visit Madame Tussuards at the same time.

    Have great time.

  3. I think the main problem with Thai workers is that from an early age at school they are taught not to ask why just do it. When it comes to problem solving in later life in their jobs most haven't got a clue because they've never had the encouragement to question. eg taken computers many times for repairs and it's always the same answer wipe it clean and re install.

  4. Spending on rural roads and infrastructure is damaging to the nation.

    Swampy, Airport Link, BTS extentions - not so much.

    jaltsc: only need one more than the other guy.

    Spending on rural roads is a must where do you think the rice and veggies you eat come from Klong Toey!. As others have said theres more to Thailand than Bangkok. Imagine if in the Uk they said they were concentrating 80 percent of their efforts on improving the London underground and roads how many votes do you think that would pull in for them.

    We live in a rural village outside of town because of the state of the roads it takes us 30 minutes to navigate the potholes (sorry craters) instead of 15 minutes, we have to buy pick ups with a high wheel base as a normal cars are too low to the ground. How do you think that effects the farmers who have to ferry their produce and and fertilisers back and forth. Most of the people around this area have only seen Bangkok on television.

  5. It'll take you a minimum 45 minutes by cab to the airport and I'm sure you can collect from 2.30pm onwards. I've done it before when taking the train to Sentral then the bus to the LCCT and made it there for around 4.30pm so if you take a taxi direct and no hiccups you should make it.

  6. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    World Book Capital is a title bestowed by UNESCO to a city in recognition of the quality of its programs to promote books and reading and the dedication of all players in the book industry.

    The designation runs from April 23 (UNESCO's World Book and Copyright Day) of one year until April 22 of the following year.

    Ahhh so now it makes sense they don't actually need to make the people read books they've just got to promote it a lot.It's sad that someone in authority has actually been paid to think this up, goes hand in hand with free riot insurance with your tourist visa.

  7. Why don't they look closer to home for the drop in tourism, stop the long lines to get into and out of the country, stop the scams with taxis and customs stopping tourists after they've cleared, stop the cigarette police giving tourists a holiday to remember and last but not least clear out the touts telling everyone "The Grand Palace is closed today but". Not to mention politics and the fact that people don't book in advance now in case the country blows up again and they loose their once a year holiday.

  8. My wife wants me to buy her some hair repair product either Aveda Damage Remedy or Phyto Citrus Vital Radiance Mask, got absolutely no idea where to start looking other than Boots and I struck out there. Any of you ladies could point a poor lost soul in the right direction.


  9. I had no problem using my SCB debit card in Malaysia; same for Indonesia. Ditto for my Kaesikorn debit also USA bank debit card.

    Maybe because their Asian Banks but even last year we stayed in a hotel in K.L they wanted a card for deposit on check in gave them my LloydsTSB debit card and wouldn't accept it, gave them my Bangkok Bank card which isn't debit and they wouldn't accept that either because it's not embossed and they couldn't swipe it, but I could use the Bangkok card at ATMS.

  10. I found not many banks stock Ringetts but the exchange at The Emporium does. One more thing you won't be able to use your debit card in Malaysia, they'll not accept them even the ATMs however if you find yourself stuck May Bank will accept but they'll tell you no. I had the problem a couple of years ago, three banks wouldn't accept my LloydsTSB card, I finally spoke to the manager at May Bank and after a lot of persuading he checked up and admitted to his suprise they could accept it.

    Staying in K.L. try Chinatown Boutique Hotel nice'n'clean and new about 1.000 baht per night, the only other area worth staying is Bukit Bintang the sort of Siam area of K.L.

  11. My wife, Thai, thought it was a scam

    Sounds more like an honest mistake by his staff.

    Thaivisa ... the most argumentative site in the World?

    'My wife thought it was a scam'

    ''Sounds like an honest mistake to me'

    'Are you calling my wife a liar??'

    'Well I bet she dosn't have a degree in rocket science like my Hi-So wife'

    'My wife has two degrees and an MSc and loads of land .... so there'

    'Bet she can't even pronounce tilac!'

    'She can too .... and she's got white skin and never asked me for anything, ever, so up yours with knobs on .... '

    'Red shirt!'

    'Yellow shirt!'

    ..... and on and on ....

    By the way ..... thanks for the info on the market .... I miss the Night Bazaar

    Very funny put a smile on my face and spot on............no it's not

  12. When we first moved out 6 six years ago we didn't even have a half decent mobile signal so we bought an ariel in town and put it on the end of a 20 foot mast, you can get leads for all mobile phones to attach and if you can't find a one with the correct plug then theres a "stick on the back" style. Worked great although your stuck with the one location being attached to the mast.

  13. I've got a Non O multi I know I can get 15 months from as I've done this many times before but this time the dates fall wrongly and I want to go to renew at a later date, could I just before the last 90 days (15 months) apply for a two month extension giving me a total of 17 months.

    Any help most welcome.


  14. Been to the one in London which we enjoyed and also in Hong Kong the problem is the Hong Kong one was full of Asians that we didn't know as someone said earlier might as well have been looking at a lot of shop dummies. Nothing much in there for the average westerner to recognise.

  15. Thanks for the comments......at last, I've had a Techline dvd usb player for about three years and still doing fine that's why I initially looked at then, they've got them playing in the shop but wasn't sure whether they would skip or not as the road to our house has some craters in it that wouldn't look out of place on the moon. Googled them but not a lot on line maybe I'll just go for a tried and tested Sony (without the screen.

    Thanks for the opinions.

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