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Posts posted by problemfarang

  1. this happened to one of my friends years ago.

    he went to the local immigration office and told them about the situation. They said its ok and actually they stamped it with a short note on it explaining the situation. the date they stamped was the entrance date and exit date. But i think only the stamp was saying Khon Kaen immigration and that was why the explanation was for. So all ok. 

  2. On 8/27/2021 at 11:16 AM, ftpjtm said:

    Another consideration for those who mainly use 95 or fuel without ethanol, 


    I grew up in New England in the US where we have variable weather, hot as Thailand in summer and well below freezing in winter. 


    When I was younger, ethanol fuel additives were very popular and a must in freezing weather. This is because as temperatures change, condensation can form inside near empty fuel tanks, and when the tank is filled this contaminates the fuel with a small amount of water. In the winter the water can freeze, stopping fuel flow and leaving vehicles stranded. So it was a early winter ritual to add some "gas line anti freeze", which was a bottle of ethanol, to your fuel. The ethanol absorbs the water in the fuel and it is burned off with the ethanol in the combustion chamber. 


    A decade or two ago the US government mandated that all gasoline sold in the US must contain 10% ethanol (or methanol). This mandate ended the need for gasoline anti freeze, as ethanol is present in all fuel. 


    While freezing gas lines are not a worry in Thailand, there are evenings when it's cool enough to cause substantial condensation. This could lead to water in fuel tanks, and 100% petroleum fuels like 95 won't absorb it. If enough water accumulates in your tank it can cause engine misfiring or stalling. 


    So I would recommend that persons who predominantly use 95, use an occasional tank of one of the grades containing ethanol to flush water out of the fuel tank. Either that or add an occasional bottle of overpriced "fuel conditioner", which is mainly ethanol, to your tank to achieve the same result at a higher price.

    good advice, thanks

    im planning use 95 and sometimes E20. I want to try E85 just to see if it really power up the engine that much as ppl say. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, ftpjtm said:

    I have a car (MG3) which is compatible with E85, E20, 91 and 95. I did some research and this is what I came up with. 


    95 is 100% petroleum based. 91 is 10% ethanol, E20 20%, and E85 85% ethanol. 


    I was told by several neighbors that E85 gives worse KM's per liter than 91 or 95, which negates any savings due to the dramatically lower price. I didn't believe it so carefully recorded Km readings and liter usage with several tanks of 91, E20 and E85, driving in a similar manner as much as possible. With my experience the range of a tank of E20 vs 91 was indescernible. A tank of E85 netted a few less Km's, but the extra range from 91 was absolutely not enough to negate the savings vs use of E85. E85 was by far the most economical choice. I my car runs fine on all of the fuels. I definitely can not notice any difference in performance with a tank full of E85 vs 95.


    One problem with E85 is limited availability. In my area it's only available at the larger PTT outlets. I've never seen it available at a Shell, Esso or Caltex station. But if you're not able to find it the obvious answer is to use another fuel type.


    Another problem and the main reason some cars are not rated for E20 or E85 is that ethanol is more corrosive than petroleum. So if ethanol corrosion rated materials are not present in the fuel system E20 & E85 definitely should not be used. Myself, if I leave the car sitting for long periods of time (when I leave Thailand for multiple months) I make sure it's full of 95, and ask the neighbor who takes it on occasional runs to keep it full of 95.


    As far as environmental friendliness, from what I understand ethanol burns more cleanly than petroleum. But burning ethanol also produces more greenhouse gasses, so it's probably a wash.


    The ethanol used in Thai motor fuels is predominantly distilled domestically from cassava or sugarcane, so to me I feel better about supporting the Thai farming community vs the petroleum industry. 


    The reason that the ethanol fuels are cheaper in Thailand is because the ethanol industry is Thai government subsidized via import taxes on petroleum. So E85 and E20 fuel's cost advance could disappear overnight with the stroke of a pen. But for now, it's the best option IMO for cars that are driven daily.

    thnx for the post.

    Im using 95. The worst i will use E20

  4. 42 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

    No touch screen ?

    The Google Assistant app lets you use GMaps, and the rest you can do with voice commands.

    I installed a Pioneer screen, cameras F and R, mirror the fone, use the touch screen for everything. Fone never gets touched

    Mazda cx30 has no touch screen

  5. 37 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

    My parents have Mazda and I was installing the navigation SD card for them. The card was from Mazda, and already preconfigured. They were given a code to download one update per 6  months or maybe per year to that navigation system. Compared to Google maps it was quite inaccurate.

    It does show the speed limit on that small display above the steering wheel, and it beeps when you exceed speed limit, etc. which is good but it gets data from navigation and it doesn't match reality on the road.

    Eventually Android Auto app was installed into Android phone (note this will get discontinued in Android 12), where the much better version of navigation is displayed right on the screen of your Mazda. Before you spend time and money on SD card, give Android Auto a try. Might be much easier and actually better experience.

    Thnx for the answer. Usefull

    Although as you might know google will end or stop android auto. 

    Also if the car has a such option.. i would like to use tbh. 

  6. Hi guys,

    So Mazda has no navigation card in thailand. that means need to find from other countries. Though other countries has no thailand map

    I was wondering if this is possible:

    1) to buy mazda navigation sd card from another country... format it using my car or other device... and download or update from mazda thailand website? mazda thailand website has download for navigation sd card. 

    2) can i use another car navigation sd card (ford/bmw/etc.?) on mazda? format it and upload from mazda website?

    3) i read somewhere, just buy a micro sd card. format it on your card and download map from car official website and.. use it. is it true? if so do i need 1TB memory card or 2TB. im sure 128 or higher would be enough


    Im well aware that there are mobile apps or likewise, though i want a navigation sd card too. Mazda has option for that so i want to use it.



  7. 9 hours ago, BritTim said:

    Did your wife need to attend Immigration with you?

    of course. As i said when i went to khon kaen immigration everything was ready and im sure. She just didnt want to do it thats all. Actually her friend was kinda confused too why she didnt do it. She found a grammar mistake in one of the documents from my work. Like i said she just didnt want to do it. 


    But if you are asking about the agency, of course no. all i did was giving to agency 2 or 3 copy of documents. that was all. My extension was ready ????

  8. 1 hour ago, BritTim said:

    18k baht for a marriage extension is the cheapest I have heard of. Some are charged that much for retirement extensions which are far easier. You are very lucky. If you want to tell me via PM where the extension was actually processed I would be seriously interested.

    i had already non-o visa. All i needed was to extend it. Went to khon kaen immigration and they didnt do my extension. My salary and everything was enough. But they didnt do it. I got angry and found this agency. 

    First extension was 29K because im not american or european. anyway everything was great. Then extension end and i asked them again to do another  1year extension. I was preparing another 29K but she told me its my second time and it will be only 18K. 

    I suggested them i think around 6 people by now from this form and they are all happy. Forget about that thaivisa agency. they are just trying to get as much as they can from you. I added their line id and now i cannot block or delete it too. They keep sending me idiotic messages every 2 days.. They are useless and really expensive. I asked them just to check and they told me it will be 30K to do my extension and i told them i already have non-o and extended... they told me still its 30K. well i just got my 2nd 1 year extension for 18K. I believe european and american nationality get for 15K 

    If you are interested send me PM i will give you all details ????

    good luck

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Yes, unfortunately I can't see Thailand achieving anything like the UK has done, especially in regard to vaccinations. I wish the authorities here would give schools the same level of priority; but I don't really think they care.

    And i cannot understand why and how you can or keep continue comparing uk and thailand... another non sense..



  10. 43 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    No need to be over-emotional. I'm a teacher myself, with a young child. If you're happy with schools remaining closed for many months, I would respectfully disagree. Schools are open in the UK, yet kids are mostly unvaccinated.  We have to accept the risk and learn to live with Covid. I hope Schools can re-open here soon.

    I was not being over emotional. And my opinion stands. What you wrote or the way you wrote or the words you chose was very selfish and non-sense at all. And you are a teacher with a child. Im wondering what would you do or think if your child would get covid from someone at school. Would you blame yourself or your child for not learning living with covid OR blame the government because they opened the school..?


    UK started face to face education... so? Thats their mistake. Why should we do the same mistake just because uk started it... might this be the reason why they are in the 5th place for high covid cases.. 


    I agree that we need to learn living with it but like i said the way you wrote was not nice at all.


    Anyway, stay safe and hope covid will end soon..

  11. 6 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    It's not killing many children, unlike some other illnesses that can be picked up at school.  Education should be a priority.

    omg... did you really write this comment? i just cannot believe you said that.. seriously. Do you know that many university students are covid... do you know that many secondary students are also covid in rural areas and also in Bangkok.. I'm sure you are also not wearing mask just because you think its hot.. omg


    Don't you follow social media? Dont you see how many videos are around showing kids are taking by medical stuff because they have covid... Just because they had to go to school! You know that pandemics are really dangerous?! especially where many people are gather?!


    3 people i know died because they had to go work... its same for the schools or education. 


     Dude... your comment is a joke and i really think its a very selfish comment.

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