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Posts posted by problemfarang

  1. UPDATE 1:


    Yes, they indeed replied real quick and told me only the hospital can use or change the vaccine records. And they are only responsible to put that data into the app.


    So, yes.. a trip to hospital. This is something i dont think thai people can solve on the phone. But just will call the hospital and try. 


    Will update.

  2. 12 hours ago, Caldera said:

    Send an email to [email protected] with an explanation of the problem and attach the vaccination certificate from the hospital. They might be able to correct your data, especially if it hasn't been updated due to a technical issue. Worth a shot before venturing to the hospital again - they did help me with a minor issue with my data, but I'm not sure if they can add a vaccination record that is missing altogether.

    Sent an email, waiting for reply. I will update. Thnx

  3. hi guys,

    well i had my 3rd shot 2 weeks ago. Other 2 shots were updated in my MorProm app no problem. but my 3rd shot not updated yet. All my friends at the work (farang) updated already. This 3rd shot was not at the same place where we got other 2 shots. Obviously the hospital made a mistake and didnt gave my info to where it should be. 


    I tried to contact to hospital and of course they have no clue what im asking or trying to tell.. i just cannot understand why there is no english speaker (at least basic level) in a hospital.. anyway They keep giving me some different numbers and blah blah same story. So most likely a visit to the hospital soon. 


    but i was wondering if there is any other way to let the MorProm know that i already got the 3rd shot and i already have the paper and photo from the hospital. I tried to use the app where you can send the info to the app to correct the mistake but of course its not working. so, is there any other way to update this app rather then a visit to hospital?



  4. are you a thai citizen as asked by DrJack or you are feeling like a thai citizen? 2 very different things.


    If you are not a thai citizen, are you working? If you are working and if you have government insurance provided from your work i believe you can come to thailand but 5 days quarantine (no need to stay all 5 days at your hotel, just need to be there 1st and 5th day). if you dont have that insurance you have to get a covid insurance equal to $50.000. Dont forget to take your work permit with you too. a covid test at a hospital before 74 hrs arrival is advised for both countries. Nothing to lose to have it just to be safe just in case if they ask. 


    If you are a thai citizen, then no anything extra but i believe again 5 days quarantine (no need to stay all 5 days at your hotel, just need to be there 1st and 5th day).

  5. Hi, 

    One of my friends has non-o visa with work permit working at a university in bangkok. Our wives working at the same place. He extended his visa for 1 year using having a wife method. Now he wants to extend using work method. He checked the list that @ubonjoe (thank you) provided in my other post and told me that his friends had to get a criminal check from the local police office. They never left the kingdom so it took their 10 min to get the report. Also he told me that immigration asked some teachers' degrees to approvment or something like that from the minister of affairs. Also approvmebt from their embassy ( that the university is real, or something like that) But all these things are not listed in the list provided and also this list is from thai government website. So he confused as i am. He is working there for 4 5 years now.

    At this point the for sure things he knows:

    - copy of his degrees (in his own country language, officially translation to english using a translator from his embassy) no embassy stamp but a stamp shows its officially translated. 

    - copy of transcript

    - copy of his passport, first page and extension, visa

    - no need wife to go with him ( because extension reason is work)

    - copy of work permit

    - documents from his university

    - last year tax papers


    Could someone add what else needed, such as criminal report or else needed or not... that minister of affair thing is needed or not or what ever else needed not mentioning in that list. 


    Thanks a lot


  6. OP mentioned its a chain of hotels. lived 10 yrs in KK the only hotel that big i know in khon kaen is Sofitel, old pullman. I dont know any chain of hotels in KK. And im pretty sure they know how to do tm30 or report. if thats your hotel leave and stay in other hotel. There are many better hotels than that one. if not, i would move to another hotel again. obviously it might create future problems.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Ralf001 said:

    Havent for a few months now but I used to drive up to Nakhon Ratchasima atleast once a month (Wife's girlfriend parents live there)..... always got stopped, never had a request for passport.


    where in Isaan do they ask you ?

    well, normally im in khon kaen area. but i travelled isan lot for 10 years now. In bangkok last 6 years now. time to time still going to khon kaen area to check my empty house and other isan cities. Im pretty sure they will stop me for this or that reason as you mentiones. Tbh sometimes (especially like 10-12 years ago) they jsut smile ask me where i am from and let me go. But later they started to ask driver license they check it and then they ask my passport. they look at the first page and check other pages with empty eyes. and in seconds give me back all. there are times not asked passport but i would say 80% they asked my passport. I have no problem showing them. not bothers me at all.

  8. To work with your Non-o marriage visa,

    -get a multi entry non-o marriage visa from thai embassy (i think its 5000 baht) get multi so you will have time to arrange things.

    -you need to extend it 1 year in thailand at the immigration using 2 ways: min income 40K baht (thai work salary or from your country) or 400.000 in the bank. the rules are different. so check them

    second after extension with your non-o marriage your work will provide you documents and you can get your work permit. so you can work with your visa

    thats how im doing in thailand. non-o marriage extension based on my income from my thai company. 

    if you dont have or cannot do any way of extensions... you can contact with an agency. It will cost you from 25K to 30K baht. and they will do the magic. 

  9. 4 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

    Show to who?


    I don't believe this.


    4 hours ago, Ralf001 said:


    it is true. Whenever they stopped me in Isaan area the first ask my driver license and then passport. They only look where i am from thats all. 


    4 hours ago, Tayida said:

    So they ask for your passport. Take a look at the id page or even at the visa? Thank you.


    They only look where i am from thats all. they look pages too but with empty eyes. They dont know that visa details. 

  10. 26 minutes ago, Nils99 said:

    What surprises me is that from what I have heard it is not that difficult to submit the form since it can even be done online and it's free. So I don't fully understand why hosts don't just do it.. Its not like it's difficult to do. Maybe they just want to earn some extra money from confused tourists 


    if they do that and report you, they must pay tax. thats what they dont want. I have a friend renting her home to farangs and thats how i know. And asking money from you is also wrong and illegal because it is free. The only reason why they ask money from you can be because they know IO will charge them 2000 baht because they didnt do TM30 in time but late. 

    if i were you i would find a new place and move and do all tm30. It sounds like your landlord is useless and the only thing he wants is money and not care you.

    • Like 2
  11. im sure you will get a better answer from someone knows better, but i dont think you can use your work non-b for marriage non-b. Because your visa type is for working not marriage. But also im not sure i heard that you can change or get non-o marriage in thailand without leaving. It is better your future wife contact and ask clearly to your nearest IO or her house area IO is better because you need to go to that IO for extension. 

    Im sure that you can extend your non-b marriage using both work or wife. 

    congrats btw and wishing you a happy married life


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  12. I dont think there are police check points on the way. If there are they will only want to see your thai or international driving license. They MIGHT ask your passports if you dont have license. But probably they have no idea about visa and that details. Also they probably only want to see where you are from. just act natural and friendly, thats all. 

  13. On 1/20/2022 at 7:11 PM, glegolo18 said:

    You got rules and laws from the goverment as per behaviour from the falangs. Meaning that there probably have been bad behaviour earlier.. fraud, scams etc.. fake-marriages etc from others... So why not???


    If you have nothing to hide, who cares if the guys comes home and check on us?? I dont care, this is not my country, and I have no right to cry and complain about it..


    totally agree. i also cannot see any negative thing that IO visits me. so what?! they will drink my thai ice-tea.. sit for 10 min probably... thats all... Now if they want to see my bedroom or else i would just ask them why, its my privacy.. because the reason why they are here is that many farangs give wrong address not to see my bedroom or bathroom. 

    Now if they come 2nd time even if they saw me in their 1st visit, then yes i would make it an issue because obviously something is wrong here. 

    again i have no problem they come to my home.

  14. First of all i really dont want to create an argument on this. But i believe we need to think objective here. 

    i dont know about the thai immigration law on this but i do believe imm is free to come to visit your home or to do things like that (its how it is in many countries i believe and including USA). In the UK immigration can blast into your home not even knocking the door. Happened few of my friends. Also if you were an immigration officer and your duty is to check randomly foreigners, im pretty sure you would never care about privacy or else but to do your job as far as the law allows you. I think no need to react on this topic. Obviously it is their right to do and they can do and they are doing. Now i also agree that a good reason or explanation would be great thing to do by the IO which had ben done (many foreigner give wrong address) and tbh i totally agree with this reason. We all know many foreigners give some 5 min creation addresses. Also OP mentioned IO is 100m from his home. Again tbh it is a great opportunity for the IO to demonstrate its authority or power which is again i think very normal. 

    I know it is very alarming, stressful that IO is coming to your home... but again i think they should do it. This way the dark side and the light side will be clear amongst farangs.. They will be happy and we will be happy (farangs who wants to live hear without any problem) After they check you 1 time, then they know you and you will be free for the rest. I would gladly accept a visit from IO about this. 

    I just cannot see any reason to criticize IO who is just trying to their job. Clean their own country and find the good and the bad. I think this is very normal. But again i reply myself, they must do it legally. I mean if it is not in the law that they cannot visit you then yes, we have lot to talk. but if it in the law.. then thats the end. 

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