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Posts posted by problemfarang

  1. 17 hours ago, thaisail said:

    All my income is in US dollars. I have no income in Thai baht. So if I send US dollars to Thailand there is usually an exchange rate commision and there are wire transfer fees. Schwab Bank charges $15 per transfer. I am guessing that all of these charges result in 2% loss by the time the money arrives in Thailand. The other 2% is a loss from the credit card itself which pays me 2% cash back on all of my purchases. It seems that only domestic US credit cards offer this feature but if anyone knows of other countries that offer this please let me know. So, 2% + 2% = 4%. That is what I am loosing in having to pay using a Thai bank. All of groceries, fuel, shopping are paid with my Capital One. Only Navy Federal Credit Union Visa Card offers 3% cash back for restaurants so I pull out that card when eating out!

    I see... thanks for the info.

    But again this or that way.. soon or later.. at the end of the day.. you name it but you need/must put some money in your thai bank account, i mean you cannot be living in thailand just using your credit card, right? Its not my place to give you any advice or suggestion or tell to what to do but why dont you transfer big amount every 1st day of the month? Think that will balance things?



  2. 2 hours ago, khunjeff said:

    The OP's income and funds are all in the US. He previously paid Lazada in Thailand using a US credit card that gave him a 2% cash rebate on purchases, plus converted the baht purchase to USD using the Visa exchange rate, which is virtually always more favorable than the rates given by Thai banks or by Wise (the actual Wise rate net of fees, not the headline rate).


    To pay via a Thai debit card instead, he needs to transfer USD to Thailand somehow, pay the couple of hundred baht for the local debit card, and then forego the cash rebate from each purchase. Saying that he'll lose 4% is probably an exaggeration, but he'll certainly lose money compared to his prior way of paying.


    Since he apparently has no baht income stream in Thailand, all local purchases that he makes here will somehow have to involve a conversion between USD and THB, which will always involve a cost. There's just no way around that.

    Ok.. thanks

  3. hi,

    im also a good customer of lazada. I think its great and bought lot of things and never had any problems. Although i cannot understand paying with credit cards when you ordered something online. What ever i have ordered online i want to pay when i see it first. And i never order electronics or likewise things online. Need to see and test first. 


    31 minutes ago, thaisail said:

    Because of this new Lazada policy, I must now pay for a debit card from my Thai bank. I calculate that I am now loosing 4% total between bank charges, exchange rates and loss of my 2% cash back commision.

    im sorry i dont understand what you mean. I might be wrong but, if you have thai DEBIT card which is not credit card which means you have to have money in the debit card account. it is thai debit card so you must have thai baht in it. if it is dollar account then you must have dollar in it. So how they can charge you 4%? what bank charges, what exchange rate? Youi can pay in baht with lazada... 

    • Confused 1
  4. im not in pattaya but here in bangkok any auto key shop will do that for 100-500 baht. The shops change car key bat and so on. Not the ones in shopping malls under the stairs. 

  5. This happened to me probably 6 years ago.

     I was a busines meeting at sri racha but my 90 day reports were in another city. And also it was my 90 day report time. I went to sri racha immigration and told them that i want to do my 90 days. Of course they told me i need to go to the city where i should do. I told them and showed them that im at a busines trip and meeting. They were very helpful i must say. He did my 90 days and put a note on it said they did it because i was in a meeting here. 

    The next time when i went to do my 90 days at my city immigration they just read it and showed it to his boss then the boss asked me if i was at a meeting and where.. 5 minutes got my 90 days. 

    The IO told me that in speacial cases they can help and do 90 days like in my case. BUT if you are at a holiday or nothing special, there is no way. I dont know if its still like this now.

  6. 2 hours ago, Paulaew said:

    My experience, when I changed my Non-O reason from marriage to retirement, is that immigration required my wife to appear at the office in order to approve the change. Perhaps that is because, strictly speaking, I would no longer have an obligation to support her under a retirement visa.


    However, Mrs. Laew knew she had nothing to worry about. She has her claws in me pretty deep.


    Paul Laew

    thnx for the info ????

  7. 3 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    You will be changing the reason for your extension of stay to working for a company from marriage. It can be done with you existing non-o visa entry. A non-b visa entry is not required.

    A general list of required documents to apply for a extension of stay based upon working for company is number 1 here.


    You will also need at least 50k baht of monthly income from a western country.

    thank you

  8. Hi guys,


    I have non-o visa because im married to a thai lady. Then got my work permit and extended my visa for 1 year based on marriage (not work). But because of my wife's work i dont want to continue with my marriage extension but using my work. She must travel a lot and it really makes a lot of problems for immigration and also for us. We need to change immigration a lot. Also all 2 of my extensions are from other cities. Also 1 done by an agency (the last one). That's another reason why i want to move on work based extension. I dont want to use agency visa for forever. 


    So it is confirmed before by @ubonjoe and some others that it is possible to extend your marriage visa with your work too. My question is basically what kind of documents am i going to need to do this change? 

    - obviously need the proper papers from the work. But will they be the same like normally going to visa extension to immigration OR some documents must change? Immigration will be chaengwattana immigration. OR do i need some extra paper work then usual documents such as copy passport, education like that from my side when going there?

    - do i need my wife to come with me again? This is where the problem starts because shes a high rank army officer and shes not here at the moment and she cannot come here too because of some work. This thing was a problem many times with the immigration. This is one of the reasons why i want to change the visa extension to work based. 

    - if no need the wife, will i need the original marriage certificate or copy of them or KOR2 or any related paper work / documents of my wife?

    - I know it is possible but my HR department really insists it cannot be done. When i asked her why she told me some other person tried it before (some years ago) and they told him its not possible at CW because his visa is non-o thai wife not non-o work. 

    - Any suggestions with the documents? 

    - Will there be any problems because my last visa extension based on marriage was done by an agency and again its not bangkok. ( i asked this because we have a new employee and he came from Udon Thani, he cancelled his visa and got covid visa with some papers from the udon immigration to CW. So he can extend it or change it to non-b work visa. At udon things were so good and fast. But in CW they called the udon immigration and many other things.) Well as you can understand my last visa was done by agency im little bit worry about this.


    thanks a lot,

  9. 14 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    The OP mentions providing his own funds and using money in bank method.

    The service you outline is for agent to cover the financials. Different situation completely.

    BTW ...the prices you outline are standard even slightly overs.


    Well, i said IF he needs. No harm to get info or to have other options.  Also im pretty sure it will be cheaper too because he already has 800k. Thats something they need to discuss. And im still sure her prices will be NOT over than many known agencies. Anyway, its his choice. 

  10. OP if you need an agency contact me. She can do everything for probably 30K opening bank acc and all together unless you have no other issues with your passport.  Also if you do your second time (1 year later) with her again, it wont cost you 30K again but max 18K. she will also do your 90 days too. I suggested probably 7-8 people from this forum and they are super happy.

    She did my non-o for 28K 

  11. 1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

    AFAIK proof of being fully (double) vaccinated is all that the airline and/or the health screening staff on arrival at Krabi airport will want to see.


    The same will apply for your return flight.

    Thank you. So no covid test at the airport, both for departures and arrivals

  12. Hi guys,

    Not sure if this is correct place to post but have a question:


    Im planning to go to Krabi for 2 days just for the new year.


    Before my friend took the plane from udon thani to bangkok and they asked him to do covid test. He did. He had no vovid vaccine


    So i had 2 vaccine already and i have this on my mobile app. I was wondering if thet will ask me to do the covid test at the airport or no need...



  13. 5 hours ago, mvdf said:

    No "if"... you MUST demonstrate that you can speak and write Thai which is a good thing as other countries also require us Asians show a satisfactory command of their languages if we intend to apply for citizenship.



    No there is no 'must' as i know, i might be wrong. But it has point section for thai speaking/understanding and another point section for read / write thai. So this makes me believe that it is not a MUST to speak or read or write. Thats why they have individual scores. At least thats what im thinking. Although as you mentioned im also pretty sure that they would like to see at least something basic which makes sense because you want to be a thai! My friend took this test and he told me some people interviewed with him and they basically asked him to introduce himself. He did it nicely, then they ask 1 or 2 questions and they just told him ok thats it in 5 min right after they understood he can answer all 2-3 questions without any problems and fluently in thai. But he cannot read or write, they told him its not that important but they cannot give him some score from that. Anyway he passed with 75 if i remember correctly. 

    • Like 1
  14. Just now, ubonjoe said:

    He could change the reason for his extension from marriage to working if he can qualify the extension. He would need supporting documents from his employer.

    General requirements for the extension is number one here. https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?p=14714

    The non-o visa entry would still be the same. The only way to change that is to leave and re-enter the country.

    Thanks again

  15. 2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    He can still work with a non-o visa and a extension of stay based upon working. I assume he has that type of extension now. That is probably what the agent arranged when he got divorced.

    A question answered by him would help at this time. A copy of his current extension stamp would help.

    Getting a new passport and then claiming he was on a non-b visa would not work and that is certainty.

    The only way he can get a non-b visa entry now is to leave the country without a work permit and get a non-b visa at a embassy or consulate.

    Hi and thnx for the reply.


    Actually he is still on non-o and he used his non-o both for extension and get the workpermit. He could do the extension with the help of the visa agency. And yes he was divorced when he did it. He just gave the copy of marriage documents, ex wife id copy, ex wife house book copy to the agency that was all and agency extended 1 year, and with that extension did his workpermit too. Ex wife doesnt know this. He told her he got non-b aldeady and cancelled non-o. But its lie just to make her think he is not using non-o so she will not try to threaten him with this. 


    As you recommended the best way is to go out and come back to thailand with a new non-b


    What if... he extend his visa in july again another year BUT this time using working reason? Will they ask anything about the ex wife? Want to see her too like normal marriage extension? If he do that that non-o is no more? 


    I know mentioned many time in the forum that marriage visa can be extended using work reason too. But it sounds like it will not work out because marriage visa is  and its extension is for marriage.. it feels like they will not extend marriage visa because you are working. 

  16. Hi guys,

    Lets say someone used an agency to extend his non-o visa 2 years ago and still on this for yearly extensions. And the city he is in and the extension city is not the same. 

    But this person divorced almost 1,5 year ago and still stayed on non-o with the help of agency.  

    He is working at the same work for 7 years and holding a workpermit. 

    This man wants to get rid of this non-o situation as soon as possible, and wants to get non-b because of his work. His next extension is in mid July. But again he wants to get rid of this non-o as soon as possible. 

    He obviously didnt notify his divorce to any immigration and so far his ex helping about keeping his secret. Although some problems are starting about the ownership of the house and cars... so as you can imagine he is worrying about his ex might stop helping with the secret (probably she wont, because she thinks she is also quilty because when he used the agency they were still married and she thinks she might be in trouble too) but again he wants to get rid of this non-o. 

    He is aware that he just cannot go to IO and show them all documents from his work with the workpermit and ask for non-b. Yes, he could wait for the extension time and use his work reason to extend his visa and kind of change it to non-b (not really but kinda) but its too long.. its on July. Also... that non-o extension he did when he was not married will be still on the passport.

    Also obviously he never went to bangkok immigration for do any work visa or extension about work because he was doing everything with his non-o. This means he has no record at the immigration or in their computer/system. He renew his workpermit in september so its fresh.

    These are all the info, now this is his plan but not sure if it will work or not: 

    Go to the nearest police station and report them that his passport is stolen.. get the police report from them and go to his embassy to make a new passport. Also getting a letter telling to IO that he was holding a non-b visa and working here from the embassy if they give such a thing (they give a letter saying its lost and kindly asking IO to help but not mentioning about the type of the visa). After getting the new passport go to bkk immigration with the documents and paper work and workpermit and tell them he lost it or stolen and kindly ask them if they could transfer the extension to his new passport. Of course he will not mention non-o thing and ask for working extension reason so it will show that the reason for the extension is work... and he hopes it will work...

    But here the problem is.. first of all as i mentioned before he has no record at the immigration. IO will see that or not? They will check computers, entries? Or IO will take the bait and just do the paper work and do the visa (yes no record but obviously every document and work permit is real and same workpermit for 7 years). Also what about his arrival card? Can he keep it and say it was not in my passport (not to the bkk IO but if he needs to leave the country again in the future), probably at the border IO will not do anything about it. OR he must go to a border and tell them this stolen story and ask for a new arrival card? 


    Another thing is he has a new girlfriend and they are serious, so can get marry. If so, do you think it will help and how? Can he use this new marriage at the IO before or at the time of extension in July? But again his old marriage is still on the passport and obviously there is no cancelation of that visa.. so maybe again stolen story but this time go to IO with the new wife and documents? 


    Any info from you guys and from @ubonjoewould help.


    PS: he is really in stress about this and really feeling down and hopless. I fear he will do something stupid.




  17. 600K.... only if he would block the number plate... 

    If he hide the money and tells cops i finished it already or likewise... he can get the money back with a clean white page in 5 years


    Actually he is not the funny part of the story here but the bank... pretty sure the teller is in this as well. 

  18. 1 minute ago, BKKTRAVELER said:

    Thanks for your answer, my friend will be upfront and say that last time he asked an agent to take care of his covid extension as he wasn't sure what was required. He was never asked for a TM30 and is more than willing to correct his mistake. Do you think it's a bad idea?


    Also, as I understand the last covid extension was made in another province by the agent (typical I guess)

    well yes and no..

    To get the extension in another place or city is good. They wont check most likely. They wont waste time for that. Also no need at all. So no problem here.

    About TM30 if i were him, i would just tell them i also want to do my TM30 here because now we are living here and again with my girlfriend or wife. If there is problem with TM30 i would tell them i didnt know about it because of covid. and i just thought its not that important since i was staying with my wife or girlfriend all the time, so sorry.. my bad.. Just accept it. No need to mention agency thing because they will udnerstand at that moment things are not real. And questions will start for sure. Not sure how much it will affect but will sure. 

    So try to find another story for TM30 if you dont want to say i ignored it. They might not like it as well. I think the best thing here to say is, he doesnt know that he has to do TM30 when staying with girlfriend. He thinks TM30 is only for if you rent a house or condo or likewise ???? and say sorry for it and tell them you will be very careful about it next time. 


    good luck

    • Haha 1
  19. Hi OP,

    I read only first or two pages of comments.


    First of all like everyone said calm down. This thailand and there are options for sure. just need to find one. 


    Secondly sorry to say but i cannot understand why you dont want to have covid vaccine. Risking yourself and other people is a very selfish thing to do. Thats stupid. 


    yes, it is not easy to find a work without a degree. But what you can do is to apply one online and study online. OR you can even study in thai universities. If you chose to study in educational area most of the schools will accept you also labor office will accept your studying documents too. 


    Another option is marriage. If you dont have 400K you can do that with an agency for 30K


    But you need to understand something.. you need an income for yourself and your wife and for your life. You mentioned many times you are young for everything. Dont know your age but it seems you have enough time to make up your mind and make some life objectives. Do it. Be strong! Good luck

    • Like 1
  20. Nothing serious but if the agent did at the same place it might raise some question marks with the IO. its also because he never did TM30 before too. If the IO is a serious one he will ask questions for sure, and do a proper check, i would. Another thing is most agencies just do the visa and other things but (i dont know how to say) they dont put you into the system. So when IO checks from the computer he might not see your friend. There are always risky things when you use an agency. Also I really cannot remember when but i kind of remember that in this forum someone mentioned that they didnt give him another covid visa because he didnt do TM30 and its breaking the rules so they didnt extend or give another covid visa. i might be remembering wrong. i recommend that your friend prepare a backup story just in case if they ask questions there.. because if creates a story there TRUST me they will understand and not going to buy it. 


    This been said, the most likely scenario will happen is; they will little bit complain about the TM30, get some money and yes i think its 2000. Do all the things and let your friend go. 

  21. On 11/2/2021 at 11:03 AM, Speedo1968 said:

    Thanks Moonlover, yes found your posting when searching on my phone.
    When I sent by DHL it cost around 6K baht the shampoos etc about 1,000 baht, however my daughter says the items are either not available or much much more expensive than sending from here.    She has a form of Caribe afro hair ( took her about an our to brush etc every morning before school ) so products are much more specialised, however a common brand of shampoo here seems to work well as do the conditioners.     

    with all respect, you mentioned it cost you 6K to send a shampoo... and the reason is they are expensive in the UK.. what kind of shampoo is this if i may ask? 6K 

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