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Posts posted by problemfarang

  1. On 8/11/2021 at 7:51 PM, Jumbo1968 said:

    I can believe that, the government don’t want the kids to be educated and worldly wise as it would only give them problems, people who actually Kew what they were talking about.

    well... its actually because of covid. Not because they dont want them educated. If you havent heard yet, there is a virus killing people and its called covid. You can google ????

  2. by saying to translate house address and Id card address i believe you are talking about writing them in english letters. Any thai person can do that in 5 min. You can even ask to thai employees of your embassy. there is no official translation of that. Just write your address in english letters. thats all. Are you in thailand like... 1 hour?


    good luck

  3. 2 hours ago, Delight said:

    Is it possible that your friend can set up a Thai company-then transfer the house to this company?

     Of course a foreigner only has control of a property when it is owned by  a  Thai company.


    Suspect not possible!


    Yes, one of our common friends suggested that to him. He said its too much work and extra money just to have this house. 


    Last time i talked to him, he said he will just wait 1 year and then tell her ex to sell the house, bye.

  4. 1 hour ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Again: you have a brand new car. The models are running on all fuels since years.

    "Flexfuel" motors exist since about 10 years. Mine is from 2011 and not yet specified for E85 otherwise I would have tried this too.

    Very old cars (like 15 year old or more) might have problems with E20.

    Our old Toyota (17 years) runs on Gasohol 95 as millions of other cars.

    If you see a Thai person with an ordinary car at the Benzene (Petrol) 95 pump, take a picture.

    thanks for the useful info. 

  5. Im more concern about my engine. I dont mind spending some extra money for the fuel to protect the engine. I just scare if i use e20 or similars instead of 95 to damage the engine after 5 6 years. 


    I have all gas stations around my house. And they have everything. 


    But it seems thats not the case. I think i will stick with 95 or e20


    Thanks guys. 

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, driver52 said:

    no way that stuff is a load o pish! it has 15% ethanol in it.......ethanol is not good for your engine, your pipes (it dries them out)

    I know newer cars are more 'tolerant' of it (apparently) but I'd avoid the ethanol stuff like the plague

    can you get 98 octane in Thailand?

    No 98. The best is 95.. so i think i will go with 95

    Car manuel says e10, e85, e20 and 95 thats all


    If im not mistaken 95 is also the most expensive in normal gasohols. 

    • Haha 1
  7. Im not a pro but it seemed to me he just closed the leak with some proper stuff.


    But you are right. It will take you for a year maybe. In my opinion he should change it. Take it back and tell him you are not happy with this and ask for a better solution.


    Or you can wait and see. Whatever happens it will be still in waranty because he repaired it. If something happens from the same place/location it means his work was not good and should do better or even change the part. Observe it every day.


    Good luck


    • Haha 1
  8. Hi again guys,

    This time im confused about the fuel i should use for the best result. 


    Mazda cx30sp 2021 manuel says e10, e20, e85 and 95. Only 4 kind. Seller strictly told me no 91. Ok


    Of course i will use 95. But which one?? Have 2 types of 95. Gasoline and gasahol. Now not sure thai manuel but USA manuel says use unleaded gas or fuel. 

    So which one is unleaded.. gasoline or gasahol. Or i can use both? Or it doesnt matter as long as it says 95? Or what is the best for my  car? 


    Also i checked some website and everyone kimda agreed that shell is the best. Is it? I always prefer ptt or esso. Which reminds me another thing. Today i filled my tank second time since i bought and saw 2 95 at caltex.. 1 was normal 95 and the other was gold95.. (both orange color) pump boy explained me i can use both but gold95 is more expensive. It take cares engine..


    So whats the best for my car... 



    • Haha 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, Duke007 said:

    I tried for months unsuccessfully to find a navigation SD card. Mazda Bangkok claims they do not make a card for Asia. Unable to find any outlet online. It might have been nice if the dealer told me this before selling the car!

    Are you serious?? Damn... so no navigation sd card for thailand.. thats big. Thanks

  10. So mazda cx30 sp doesnt have touch screen at all. Although 1 of my friends told me that if i pay 500 baht to someone he knows he csn hack the system and make it touch sceeen. He has mazda 2 and he told me how he did his screen for touchscreen. 


    I told him mazda 2 screen designed for to be a touchscreen. But mazda cx30 designed not to have a touch screen. I mean it doesnt have the electrical things.. also his hacked was for to let him use the touch screen while driving.. bit he insisted that i can do.


    So i was wondering if this touch screen thing is real or not. If this guy hack the system it will turn into a touch screen??



  11. 1 hour ago, Moonlover said:

    And so back to the original question! I do not live anywhere near Bangkok, but I do have recollection of reports of the police there withdrawing routine breathalyzer checks because of the risk of spreading the Covid virus. It makes sense of course.


    They will, of course still pull over anyone they suspect of drunk driving as usual.

    Thanks. Finally an answer

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  12. 11 hours ago, n00dle said:

    It was a pretty stupid post, but your newbie remark is equally ridiculous.


    Does whiling away entire days serial posting on thaivisa somehow carry some intellectual weight?


    Doesnt seem to from where I sit.

    my post was a simple question. They do or not... if it makes people confuse.. lol

    • Like 1
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  13. Hi guys,

    I was wondering if the police do check points and do alcohol check in bangkok like they almost do every night in bangkok?

    Havent seen them doing that since the covid are they doing now or still not..


    I mean for car drivers. Not walking people



    • Confused 6
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  14. Just now, BritManToo said:

    House next to me was purchased by flippers ...... it's been vacant 8 years since built.

    Moobaan houses are almost unsalable at the moment, and have been for the past 5 years.

    Different rules for builders, as they can offer credit.

    Kitchen adds no value to a home in any country.


    Yes, you can sell it easily if it's for half the price you purchased.

    thanks for the advice. I hope he can sell the house and get rid of this situation. Maybe she will sell the house just for the rest of the loan... like i said the next house owner really wants to buy it. I think she already offered 2.5

  15. 5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Would point out new houses that come with a mortgage arraigned by the builder are easier to sell and at higher prices. Your second-hand house with no easy financing will be almost impossible to sell at any price.


    its 2 year old house. And in really great condition. When ready to sell it will be 3 year old house and again with new house condition. Have kitchen and garden too

    The location is also really good. 7-eleven, bigC about 1km central westgate mall is about 7km. Have many things around too. 

    My opinion is it can be sold in 2-3 months easily 

    he told me that there are already 2 people asking for the price. 1 is the next house. I think she wants to join the 2 houses. 


    Also if cannot sell that fast. He will live there till sell. At the end she must sell the house if she really wants to get rid of the loan. so he will think like its rent house... 

  16. UPDATE:


    he decided to live in the house alone for another 1 year so the house will be available to sell. That 3 year rule was from the bank.. due to tax and other things. After a year he will tell her to sell the house and he will move out because he cannot pay 2.5mil which is the rest of the bank loan. He will suggest to pay the loan extra another 2 months which will give her a good chance to sell the house and close the loan. He will rent a house. 



    thanks to all.

  17. On 7/26/2021 at 10:19 AM, MrJ2U said:

    On top of that most likely could take year or more.  Why not just wait one more year to change the name?


    Bare in mind property values have dropped since COVID-19 so its in there best interest to wait anyway.


    nope, its not dropped. or at least where i live. A house i looked for myself at a ModiVilla muuban was 2.7 they stopped the construction due to covid and started like 2 months ago and now the same house is 2.8 I also noticed this in some other muubans.. 

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