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Posts posted by problemfarang

  1. On 4/10/2021 at 12:48 PM, sherwood said:

    I had mine taken February last year for my Extension of Marriage Visa. Korat. No big deal.

    Not needed this year as they must still be in the system.


    i dont believe they keep any info in the system tbh. This is thailand. Thats why every year we must do all paper work again for workpermit or likewise things... i wish they do

  2. 15 hours ago, Jenkins9039 said:

    Difference between commercial and personal usage, and yeah my wife speaks thai and a quarter of a dozen other languages, but that isn't the point....


    You should not need to, besides it wasn't a case of "Speaking" but reading and writing, see above for the post descriptive that outlines the issue.


    well ok then. 

    And yes thats 1 of the reasons im not using shopee. So far lazada works great. Although not often but sometimes delivery guys are throwing things to my garage if im not at home. 

  3. Hi,

    dont even go to the website. These are all fake and scam sites. They say 20k for the training or likewise but then when you get into the price will get high as much as they can, There is this brit guy doing this and you can see his ad almost in every youtube video, he lives in northern cyprus.. and telling people how to make money sitting on your sofa. When you go to his website it says training fee which is very low.  then when you start to talk with people and if they understand your being serious, the price goes up to 30.000 POUND! and yes im serious. go check by yourself if you not believe me and the funniest thing when you start to questioning them... they block you without saying anything.

    • Confused 1
  4. Hi,

    Well as many mentioned or will, you shouldnt give your workpermit to your employer. That was a mistake.

    Also from what your telling us it is very obvious that your very new to thailand. unfortunately working as a teacher in thailand is not that great as many youtubers or some other people keep telling. You will be threated like a dog in many schools and yes including some famous ones. I can understand that your working in a small village or small school. So my 14-15 yrs of experience in thailand and teaching at some universities for 2-3 yrs. would be, be ready for these kind of situations. its very normal here. Im lucky that now im working for a military company and not teaching anymore.  My other advice to you is never ever work with teaching agencies. I think you are now, because you mentioned that a company is keeping your work permit. 


    So that been said;

    First things first, do you have a letter from the school saying that your not working there anymore, letter of termination? thats the most important thing. You really need that. With that letter you wont need any work permit dont worry. You will use this letter to change your visa at immigration or to leave the country and to cancel your work permit at labor office. For the work permit part, just go to the local nearest police station and tell them you lost it. With the police report go to the labor office and tell them you want to cancel. But again they will probably ask a letter form the school. In most cases, school cancels auto because they dont want your name in their employee list. this is the easy part..


    Then our problems might start at immigration. If school dont give a letter or refuse to give one, tell this to the immigration, they will call the school or give the director's no. They will surely contact if you talk and request nicely. i would call the school or director when im at the immigration and let them talk to them. Then you can do the rest. You can call the school at labor office, that might be a better idea. Basically let someone from he office talk with the person whoever holding your workpermit. it is illegal that they are holding your workpermit. So if you want to pass all of this nonsense just go to the police station and tell them you lost it. and keep the report always.


    Here the biggest problem most likely will be your visa situation.. its most possible that your overstay already. Now im not sure you might get or not covid extension, im sure there are people in the form can help you about that better then i. Someone mentioned about 500 per day overstay, its true. But surely you will pay overstay. After canceling your visa NORMALLY you must leave the country at once or in a few days if you pay 2000baht, but im not sure whats going on about covid now. i believe your a pinay. So you better check your country conditions if they have flights to accept you. 


    If your married with a thai things will be great for you. If you are send me a message and i will introduce you to my lawyer. You can get a 1 year visa like a magic. around max 29K and no headaches. 


    Good luck 

  5. This might be some old info but this is what happened to me:

    When i changed jobs, i had a letter from my previous work (termination letter) thats the most important thing. Also they more care about your visa cancelation and to do that you dont need to give or do anything with your work permit. that letter do all the magic in 5 min at immigration. 

    I never gave my work permit to anyone or to labor office to cancel or else. I still have  my 10 years old work permit with me and of course im not working there.

    it seems they dont care about the old one.. at least in my cases. 

    As long as you can get a new work permit without any problem there shouldnt be any problem. Also if im not mistaken its your work's responsibility to cancel your work permit, sometimes your work place might ask your work permit to cancel which is ok and normal. Dont worry even they dont do that (in most cases they dont because they are too lazy to go and do that) they cannot do anything with it. 

    Just let the new work do the paper work and work permit thing

    So i think and believe you can keep it

    good luck

  6. 12 hours ago, yankee99 said:

    They take your gross and divide it by 12 to arrive at your monthly salary. 


    Your last / latest return is what they base your point score on. 


    You must have 3 years continuous certified returns to apply. 


    You will need a bkk yellow book imho

    hi. you dont need a yellow book. But to have it gives you points. if you have it for 5 years you get 5 points and if more you get more points. thats all about the yellow book. Well of course its a big plus having it.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, lomtalay said:

    Thanks - I suppose it'll come down to whether they want 40k+ for every individual month or if they'll accept a year which will show well above 40k/month...


    3 minutes ago, lomtalay said:

    Thanks - I suppose it'll come down to whether they want 40k+ for every individual month or if they'll accept a year which will show well above 40k/month...

    it says 40K monthly... not say anything about how long for.. might be 3 years because it says 3 yrs working time for married man

    i really think you have nothing to scare.. 

    PS: or you might want to spend max 30K for a lawyer and no headaches.. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, lomtalay said:

    Thanks for this. Might need a few beers for Dutch courage before the anthem rendition!

    hi again, well i found this for you and its currently like this:



    you can visit the website have many info in other pages too.


    im not sure if i can post the link or not, if i cannot post a link im sorry

    • Like 1
  9. im not sure if related or will help you but this is what happened to me;

    when i was doing my non-o extension i had to show 40K min. and when we arrived to IO she throwed the 1 year bank statement to me and asked me to show and highlight the 40K income every month and gave me a yellow marker. Well i did 3 or 4 and she said ok thats enough. (khon kaen immigration)

    i have a feeling thats what they will do, just check the amount, im pretty sure they will pass that 2-3 months.. wont even notice. when they see 100K many times im pretty sure they will say ok. I wouldnt worry too much, worth the try nothing to lose. go for it all things seem good enough. 

    tax time is from JAN to JAN

    but start to memorize king's song. thats the hardest part. There will be 5-10 committee members and around 30 listeners. they will give you mic and ask to sing the song. it is 5 points to do. you can pass it but they will deduct your 5 points. Also thai national anthem, again 5 points you can pass but again will lose 5 pts. Total 10

  10. Hi,

    im not sure if your work time is effecting your status to become a thai.

    But i believe you should be marry at least 5 years with your wife to apply. Thats what i have been told few months ago and i was married for 8 years. Also your age can help too if your up 50. 

    I think that 3 years of work is not for being a thai citizen. You can only apply for permanent residency with that which is really expensive (around 950K)

    There are sections you need to do to become a thai citizen in the test and you will get scores from those things. If you can do 50 or up you can be a thai.

    good luck

    if i was wrong about any info you guys please correct me.

  11. UPDATE:

    well i printed a very nice sign saying please dont park in front of my house, thank you. and put it on my fence. 

    seems its working and also i found out that it is ok to put a sign that way, but its not ok putting a sign TELLING them not to park. I also found out that it is ok to put small things in front of your house without blocking the road and it includes cones too. But it must be very very close to my fence and must look like its not trying to people dont park here.. but well we all know what it means. 

    At the moment i think sign is enough.
    thanks to all for posts

  12. On 3/8/2021 at 9:45 PM, mahjongguy said:

    According to the OP it is not a public street. It is common property belonging to the mooban. Parking regulations, if any, will be defined in the village rules as approved by the Committee and kept by the Juristic Person Manager.


    It is extremely unlikely that your neighbors are not allowed to park in front of your property. Sounds like they have already told him so. Take the good advice and fill your front yard with tall shrubs.

    yep.. i think people are free to park there

  13. On 3/8/2021 at 8:23 PM, jackdd said:

    Yes, people may park on the road in front of your house. No, you may not put stuff on the road to stop them from parking there.

    Isn't this the same in most other countries as well?

    thanks for the info.

    actually in my country people can put stuff without blocking the soi or road. And also there is a common of respect to other people space so people dont park in front of other's houses.

    So i was wondering if i could put things in front of my house.. because i see people put things such as; flowers, table to sit.. etc.

  14. Just now, jackdd said:

    Why does your rental agreement state your move in date?

    My rental contracts only stated the date I started renting the property, it doesn't mean that I moved in on this date.

    Well i thought you must do your TM30 when you move to a new house or a new place. And i think IO consider the date on the contract as you moved already. I dont know. But it sounds logical. This is thai IO, do you think they will understand the issue?

  15. 22 hours ago, BritTim said:

    There is no rule that states you must move into an apartment on the date you start renting. There is no way for immigration to know what date you actually moved in, and I will be very surprised if Immigration tries to make an issue out of it.

    Just wondering they wont understand from the rental contract? there is a date on it doesnt immigration consider that date as your starting living there and do your TM30 accordingly? 



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