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Posts posted by blackhorse

  1. Isn't this in essence much like the British Embassy does until now (I don't use service so unsure), and now the embassy says Thai Imm needs the embassy to verify the pension is true. With Aussie stat dec how is the Thai Imm requirement for proof of truth of the income letter satisfied (if there is such a requirement and the Brit Embassy isn't just dumping the service for other reasons!)?
    The oz embassy requires no confirmation letters from anyone
    You state your income and sign the stat dec. Done deal

    • Like 2
  2. Well I assumed the US would follow and others will announce the change as well.
    No one using that method will sleep tonight & no amount of complaining will force the respective Embassy to do a thing as it's a Thai issue.
    Oh sigh I do feel for the guys using the monthly income method but I think it's time to seriously consider an exit.
    Yeah especially the older guys now having to do the border run shuffle until one day they are denied reentry by some dude who is having a bad day. I couldn't and wouldn't do it

    Must be thousands considering repatriation right now
    • Like 1
    agree, look around. my apartment block is managed by the family who built it. they are hands on, customer focused and expect their staff to be the same. any tenant, thai or foreign, who breaks the rules, usually noise, is given one warning then asked to leave. if it is a big breach they leave immediately;  recently the thai gf of a foreigner had a complete meltdown that ended up in the corridor and therefore on cctv and they were asked to leave the next day.
    if building work is going on nearby the management negotiate reasonable working/noise hours to lessen the disturbance.
    good apartment blocks are out there.
    Same here. We just had a complete make over of the lobby and a Great job. They also just painted all of the common areas.. Every floor. New deck chairs around the pool and always adding new gym equipment.

    The renters would like you to believe that most condos are about to fall over due to neglect.
    Can only be jealousy I presume. Living in a 4k fan room has gotta suck
  4. Hello,
    Yes, there are the joys of renting, but also those of the purchase.
    Ask the 50 future / ex buyers of TROPICAL OCEAN at HUA HIN what they think.
    They have been robbed by crooked promoters who for some have disappeared, and no one is responsible.
    Soaring savings of a lifetime.
    Take a look around. There are hundreds of thousands of complete condo projects.

    Buy from reputable developers with runs on the board instead of super cheap condos with unknown developers

    These days the best allow you to pay your deposit monthly so you can go to the site and physically see them working before making a payment.

    It's stupid to give a few examples of corrupt developers and paint the whole market with the same brush.!
  5. Nobody has any idea what the other Embassy's are doing yet. No Embassy can or will guarantee what you tell them. This enquiry as such, has been going on a while and this I suspect, is the start of it. The UK is simply the first to say that they just cannot comply with what Thailand is asking for in the way of guarantees of financial information.
    Lets see what transpires over the next month or so. I suspect the UK won't be the one and only that say they cannot comply. I posted a link above which may help to understand where they are with it.
    Actually we do have an idea what the other embassies are doing. Sweet FA

    best to just stick to the facts and those are the facts unless you have inside info
    • Like 2
  6. Why is everyone blaming the British Embassy for this.
    This has come direct from the UK Govt.
    Look on gov.uk website.
    I dont think its a problem. The only people that should be concerned is the ones who live in Thailand with hardly any money.
    I dont live in Thailand. I spent almost 1 year in Bkk and returned home in June.
    Thailand is expensive.
    Housing and transport is cheap and cost of hotels are cheap when i wanted to travel to the beach.
    But honestly...street food from filthy road side sellers at 50bht does not appeal to me.
    Cheaper to eat and drink in UK.
    I never went to Thailand to go girlie bars or such (never appealed to me) as i was living with my gf (not thai).
    Can all you ex pats tell me what the appeal is of living in Thailand on 15,000bht a month after taking off housing costs?
    I was spending 25000bht after paying my half share of condo cost a month.
    My idea of going to live somewhere other than at home in the UK watching where i spend my money and keeping tabs on how many times i go out in a month just does not do it for me.
    Maybe with all that is happening in Thailand with immigration time you went back home instead of moaning.
    Maybe its Thailand just had enough of people living there and not spending much money that is not helping the economy. 
    Tourists are what they are wanting...not people living there and not really contributing apart from buying a 80bht Chang or Leo.
    What's the difference? 800k in the bank or lifetime of 65 k. Ask anybody which they would prefer and the choice is obvious

    These are not poor people and many support extended thai families easily
    If I recall right regarding that unit, the four filters you're mentioning are ONE set, meaning they all get used at the same time...
    As opposed to, four versions of the same filter that can be used in succession, the first, then the second, then the third, etc etc...
    Yes correct. It's only been 2 months and the display is suggesting to replace a filter that should be replaced in 6 months according to the manual however it's probably due to cooking smoke so I just turn it off or leave it on low speed manual mode now
  8. I started this below, is it worth petitioning parliament? https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/230120/sponsors/new?token=DK30K4e4lQKtLa3JO0h8
    It needs 5 people to sign to go live 'Reinstate Pension/Income Letters at Bangkok British Embassy'
    Reinstate Pension/Income Letters at Bangkok British Embassy
    As of the 12th of December 2018 British Citizens can no longer request a proof of income letter required to obtain a Retirement or Extension based on Marriage visa in Thailand
    Other Countries Embassy's have an option to sign an affidavit that your income is true.   
    The British Embassy has stated that this is because the Thai Immigration require proof that they cannot provide yet the current income letter already covers the embassy legally.  
    The British Embassy has left us to resolve this with Thai immigration
    The Thai immigration has not made any announcement and still requests the letter. Failing this retired or married Brits may be forced to transfer between £9-18,000 to a Thai bank as proof
    Good work. It wouldn't hurt to email the newspapers as well. It would make good headlines

    " thousands of expats forced to leave families behind and booted from thailand etc etc"
    • Like 1
  9. Grunluft air purifier on lazada highly recommended with a built-in counter. If I put a drop of oil in the frying pan the counter goes From 5 to 300 and the unit kicks in to highest fan speef

    3600 baht with 4 filters

  10. For me, clean and tidy is nice, to answer your question.
    I have nothing personal against you of course, but there are many decent people living in condos, and it's not fair to call them pigs or other words.
    You misquoted me. I didn't call any poster a pig.
    But let's be real , how can you make a 4k room " look nice" ?
    Fresh flowers are good but what else?

    Play the ball and not the man please
    • Confused 3
  11. 3 places.


    1. Directly underneath Asoke bts is a resteraunt that looks a bit like a delicatessen. Great western food and pizzas but it's always packed


    2.corner of soi 13 is Margarita Storm, good Mexican and burgers


    3. The old German beer house has relocated to the trendy condo about 3 minute walk from Margarita Storm soi 13


    You can check out all 3 in a 10 minute walk

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