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Posts posted by blackhorse

  1. If it turns out this is only a British thing (which is what other nationalities of course are hoping for) is there nothing British expats can do to elevate this issue back in the British press and government? If it's only a British thing, then the British government is creating hardships for it's own citizens. If other embassies have a way to deal with Thai immigration requirements, what's the British excuse? 
    You know the ozzies tried this last year. Exactly the same even made an announcement via official embassy website BUT did a backflip within a few weeks. Obviously some type of legal ramifications involved

    Wouldn't surprise me if the brit embassy do exactly the same thing
    • Like 1

    I was replying to post No. 2 by a Canadian who found virtually the same denial is going to be imposed by the Canada embassy. Since then, Americans, Aussies and other Canadians have chipped in. And, if you haven't read most of the posts, the change has been sparked by Thai immigration, so it likely applies to many nationalities. 

    "the change has been sparked by Thai immigration"


    Then it should have been announced on their website


    Sparked by British embassy.


    • Thanks 1
  3. No, what Immigration are saying is that income verification letters issued by an Embassy are no longer acceptable.   My understanding is that Immigration now require proof of either 4/800,000 baht on deposit for the required period, or minimum 40/65,000 baht/month being credited to a Thai account, neither of which any Embassy could provide verification for, only your bank could do that.   My question would be, for what period would you have to show the monthly credit for, i.e. the previous 12 months, or as in the case of the lump sum, 3 months.
    Incorrect. Go back and read it, I did and changed my view about oz embassy.

    "The British Embassy Bangkok is stopping the certification of income letters because it is unable to fulfil the Thai authorities’ requirements to verify the income of British Nationals."

    A wishy washy statement.

    What they should have said is the thai authorities have BANNED income letters but that hasn't happened.

    If I was brit I would be calling the embassy demanding a proper explanation
    • Like 2
  4. Read my reply I did say he said all .
    you are so wrong about lady’s with dark skin, ok I agree with the tattoo side of it . My thai was not great at English when I meet her , but you know some girls do lean English in thai schools, and some lean it on YouTube, like I lean thai with YouTub.
    it’s not a fact , you have your facts so wrong.
    Maybe your right the majority of ex farm girls learnt English on you tube and then went to bangkok and Pattaya to meet a good man

    That just makes no sense. Be happy you found a good girl
  5. Let's face it, the letter of income, or signing a statutory declaration, as is the case with the Aussie embassy, in a lot of cases is a scam, and taking advantage of a loophole which allows those with insufficient funds or income to remain in Thailand.
    Last year the oz embassy made the same statement and then did a 180 on it

    But if the brits are right then all embassies will follow
    • Like 1
  6. I told my wife about this and her reaction was "We're up here" (in Kalasin). In other words, it has nothing to do with her/us so she just doesn't care. And that is probably the attitude of most Thais. If it doesn't concern them directly they aren't interested, be it tourists being gunned down or who is elected to what position in the USA. They are happy in their own little bubble.
    She is just being normal and agree 100%. If your going to deeply care about every vile act on the planet or every political situation you would end up a basket case
    • Like 2
  7. Maybe not big fighters but they are WELL KNOWN to be cowards in all meaning of the word. so if they are 5 or 6 or even 10-12 people they will NOT hesitate to bombard you with kicks in the head stomach and maybe even put e knife inside you...  
    Just be care full here i Asia and particularly in LOC (land of cowards)
    Maybe a street corner fight but getting knifed at immigration?

    Sure if short and obese then best mind your own business or get fit
    • Like 1
  8. More bad news that will scare off tourists, chinese and indians included.  The international media has also well publicized this disastrous incident in downtown Bangkok.
    This is where the Thai Police should do it's job...instead of harassing expats and retirees on their visa extensions or other bureaucratic hassles.
    The final nail? Maybe you can lend the bib your crystal ball to provide place and time for the next shoot out.
    • Thanks 1
  9. It's Thailand's own fault for never enforcing their own rules, even on their own citizens. I guess foreigners stand out and are easy targets. Whatever they put in place just makes it harder for genuine visa/extension holders to live here, but will barely dent the numbers of foreigners flying under the radar. 
    Without retirement extension I wouldn't live here. All these under 50's unable to afford a metv running around like blue assed flies, ducking and weaving, border runs and then denied re entry by some dude who is having a bad day followed by desperate TV posts.. Please help me.. Why bother?

    A case of the tail wagging the dog
    • Like 1
  10. I want something that’s gonna make my member hard as a rock, or I guess that depends on the dosage ?
    Don't stroke the budgie before the flight is a good start.

    If you must have viagra at x 10 times the price instead of kamalgra go to the central mall pharmacy. Name pharmacies less likely to be fake
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