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Posts posted by blackhorse

  1. Please read my post and understand before replying, if you cannot read english i will try my best to translate to your native language.
    I mentioned nothing about the embassy changing any laws. 
    "There must have been changes for them to act"

    Your sidestepping. I asked you to provide a link to the "must" changed laws on their website.

    You need help in comprehension? I can do that. [emoji16]
  2. Where do you get a box of 50 Kamagra Jelly for 800 baht? The cheapest I've seen them is for 1,500 baht but from a cheap pharmacy.
    Soi bukaho. Any of the bars. Sit and wait and when the dude says 1400 you say 800. When he shakes his head and says impossible you go back to browsing your phone and ignore him

    If he walks wait for the next one. You can pay 1400 if you feel sorry for him but I could care less about them
  3. The embassy has acted for legal reasons. 

    Therefore they are abiding by the laws that are in place. 

    There must have been changes for them to act and soon to follow are the other embassies. 

    The embassy can NOT Change immigration law!


    They can change internal policy.


    Why is that so difficult to understand?


    Now where is your link to thai immigration backing up your statement... Nope didn't think so.


    • Like 2
  4. Sorry to hear about your ad luck as I am told as long as you keep renewing the card your in.
    I have been away for 3 years, my card was due to expire next year i.e. August 2019 and I was going to do what you did, i.e. go into Medicare and request a new card early as I will be there this month, they would probably say why, oh, I live overseas and probably would have done the same as they did to you, thankfully I looked into the profile section of Medicare and saw that you could order "lost cards" on-site, so I gave it a go, and as I have an address (mates) and PO Box in Oz, they sent me a new one to my PO Box where my mate collects my mail, took a snapshot of it and sent to me, it expires in 5 years, i.e. 8/2023 you little beauty, just checked the profile section again now and it's still the same, but the numbers on the Medicare card have change.
    Going back in a few weeks and no doubt it will work because I am at 8 months off what the expiry date was on the old card, but will be using the new card, as I mentioned the numbers have changed on the card, so they probably cancelled the "lost card", however I always have a plan B and took out travel insurance for the family out as non residents visiting Australia just in case of an emergency and Medicare didn't cover us, worth the $120 outlay for the week, as the Irish say, "to be sure to be sure [emoji33]
    I would like to suggest that you try this, go to your MyGov account if you have one and sign in, then go to Medicare and sign in, once in go to the lost card section and order a new card, naturally you will need an Oz address to get it sent too, that might reset the time to 5 years as my new card did, wish you the best of luck, and if it works let us know in a PM
    Good advice. I will try my gov as I do have an oz address I can use
  5. Just on the topic of Medicare for those of us that are Non Residents for tax purposes and have never been sure how long it takes before Medicare gives us the flick, it appears The Department of Human Services have updated their website to make it a little clearer on where we stand on Medicare as Non Residents:

    If you’re an Australian citizen and you live overseas

    If you’ve moved overseas, you continue to be eligible for Medicare for 5 years. The 5 years starts from the date you first left Australia.

    You can’t access Medicare services from outside of Australia. If we have a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement with the country you’re in, you may get access to medically necessary care. You’ll need a Medicare card to do this.

    If you live overseas for more than 5 years you’ll no longer be eligible for Medicare. You will need to re-enrol in Medicare when you move back to Australia to live.




    I went back a few months ago and still had 12 months left on Medicare. I got the card and thought it would reset the 5 years but she wrote in my profile I had 12 months left.
    Should of clarified it but It only occurred to me after I left the office
    • Like 1
  6. The British embassy have already said they are discontinuing this service and why. Check out the notice on the OP again. So you have your answer. 


    The bottom line here, is that expats are going to be required to have the prescribed funds in a Thai bank account during the prescribed periods. Can`t do, then no yearly extensions, end of story. What is so difficult to understand about that? Any protesting won`t change anything and also taking into consideration this does not affect all expats in Thailand, only a percentage.



    Because the oz embassy were way ahead of brits and announced the same followed by a backflip.


    If you let them drag you around by the nose happily then God knows what their next BS announcement will be and affecting a much larger percentage!


    Hold them accountable but I guess I was expecting a weak response anyway


  7. Never take more than the proscribed dose. Bear in mind if you use viagra when out boozing the erection might stop you urinating.  Viagra tends to be a one shot wonder but cialis ebbs and flows with the rhythms of your body and has a half life of 24 to 36 hours. Cialis is far superior to viagra. More subtle, more natural, longer lasting,  less unobtrusive. 
    Good points but I don't wanna be horny for 3 days. The bank balance would take a hit.

    RIP one off the kamalgra satchel and I'm done for the week lol
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