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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. Nuaresan Hospital in Phitsanulok....Bht 250
  2. Course they can, grow rice in their living rooms! 555
  3. Oh well I never, he adds tamarind sauce to it. Isn't that the main (only) spicy taste in Pad Thai apart from fish sauce, salt, sugar, chilli ? No tofu or MSG? Wherever I have seen it cooked, the egg goes in first.
  4. A bit off topic, but if the tree is on your land, or overhangs your land, get the chain-saw out.
  5. The smoke from Weed is a p1ss in the ocean. More comes from the charcoal barbeques seen every few hundred metres. and the smoke from making the charcoal. Let's face it, a big plume of smoke ten kilometres away isn't un-noticeable. Get the police, and the local Government officials to go there and put a stop to it. Unfortunately, as I said last week, in our village there is no refuse collection so there is not much else to do but burn it, trying of course, to use less plastic and paper packaging. Who needs two plastic bags for one meal?
  6. From a 7 year old knackered recliner, to re-upholstered. Three days Bht 4800
  7. Wasn't there a post a week or so back which said that you CAN now open the parcel and see the contents before COD.
  8. KannikaP

    queue ticket

    Is that not every day of the year?
  9. Boy Scouts and Masons have them too.
  10. One time I was overnight in the local Government for nothing very dangerous. They ordered me a pizza .
  11. And now it's Robbin' Keir and Maid Rachel ! 555
  12. She knows the PIN for my ATM card anyway. And knows that if she steals any, it will be the last she gets from me.
  13. Read my post again. The first time was to replace an apparently hacked Card. Over the weekend we decided to open a joint account so that when I kick the bucket she can LEGALLY have access to the funds in it. I never thought that because I am not Thai, I would not be able to add this Joint account to my online and telephone banking, hence the return yesterday, when that problem was sorted out. My partner is also quite capable of opening her own accounts at any bank, I have explained why we wanted a Joint account. I did not choose to live far from the bank, it was they who decided to close down the local one.
  14. I listen to it before every Manchester City game. hasn't done much good this season.
  15. And whilst on this subject, I had to go to Bkk Bank last Friday to get a new Debit ATM card as they had noticed a Bht 0.00 transaction from Microsoft. I signed 5 papers to cancel the old card, and another to get the new one. TWO copies of my passport were taken, one sided only of course. There was no charge. Yesterday we went again to open a Joint account when another copy of my passport, and her ID was taken, five papers for each of us to sign, and pay Bht 400 to get an ATM card. However, when I got home I could not add this new account to my online and phone banking apps, getting a message to say that I must go to my local branch as I am a foreigner. So today another 65km round trip to the bank, get my passport and her ID copied AGAIN five papers each to sign, to be told that the papers will now be sent to head office, and I should be able to get online in a week. Progress in the Banking industry...I think not.
  16. Asked this at my Bkk Branch and they looked at me like I was POTUS!
  17. In a joint account, ALL the funds are available to either of the names on the account, not 50/50.
  18. But if it is a Joint account, can she only lay claim to half of it. YOUR 800k stays until Mr Probate says that she can have it. I am only trying to get my ducks in a row for when the Grim One comes for me.
  19. Ha ha ha. Wish I had 1.6M sitting doing nowt.
  20. Yes, that's the way it should work. In the past 4 years or so, using WISE to Bkk Bank, only once did it go via Kasikorn so arrived in Bkk as 'from another Bank'. As you said, I went to Kasikorn to get a Credit Advice, something they had never heard of before, three hours sitting in the branch while they spoke to the HQ, then a hour or so for the Advice to arrive. Obviously accepted by Immigration or maybe they never noticed or bothered. I called WISE and made sure that my account was 'tagged' to ensure that all transfers to Thailand went directly to my Bkk Bank. Hasn't failed since.
  21. Must be the difference between Kasikorn and Bkk Bank. Does the Kasikorn say it is an International (Foreign) Transfer as Bkk say FTT code.
  22. Because I ticked the "Long Stay' option, so a human being (Thai type) is involved. I set up another transfer and ticked '"Family etc". That would have been instant. I cancelled both transfers.
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