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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. Driver was 71 years old and using his phone at 4am. Explains it all
  2. It is a NATURAL chemical though. Like caffeine in coffee & tea. Or alcohol in wine & beer.
  3. So that is an average of 28 people at each one doing say 8 hours shifts, making nine at each checkpoint. That's a lot of people to sit around one television!
  4. It only took you 17 years to come up with these suggestions. Well done
  5. Does the kilo of pork loin I just put on to cure, sea salt, raw brown sugar and a tad of Prague powder, class it a Highly Processed?
  6. A nice rare steak and a bottle of red every Sunday ai'nt gonna kill you...................is it?
  7. Brilliant stuff. Contains opium though......only a tiny bit.
  8. How would they go on if booked Jan, Feb & March. 31,28 & 31 days
  9. As can the brain of a motor cyclist riding home from a party in the early hours. At least his phone survived.
  10. No, you get what you DON'T pay for. 555
  11. Do helmets come off if fastened properly?
  12. Something from one of the many cannabis shops could possibly help. Don't forget that it is a Natural remedy, not Chemical.
  13. Quote you from earlier. I have never seen a farang ride a motorbike on the pavement, but if ever I see one riding towards me there will be consequences, and that is not a threat, it is a promise.
  14. Just watched one of those silly set-up programmes about Pawn Shops in USA, and a guy came in with a Fender Strat from, he said, 1952, but the date on the body said 54. Got me thinking about the over 200,000 Strats alone which were made in the 60s. Then all the other Fenders, Gibsons, Rickenbackers etc etc. Where did they all disappear to? It's not something you would throw away or burn, yet so very few seem to surface. OK, old cars rot away and are crushed or are crashed.
  15. I have a $90 Microsoft 365 subscription which includes 100 minutes a month to almost ANY phone number, landline or mobile, for up to 6 people. Very useful for calling my Banks in UK, or Government departments when I want to hide my location.
  16. OK, thnask, hapyp nwe yaer. 654
  17. No, I meant how would you tell whether he was Farang or Thai.
  18. So what if the motor cyclist coming towards you is wearing a full face helmet?
  19. How was I sidetracking? OK, in Thailand, someone over 75 cannot apply to insure their own vehicle, they must do it in someone elses name, even though it is the vehicle which is insured. About as silly as using the job in UK.
  20. To fix YOUR vehicle in the event of write off, stolen, fire etc. If your car is worth Sweet F A , then, no, 1st class is not worth it if even available. Mine is 12 years old but I still have 1st class on it via Roojai. But other companies put a limit of 7 years on it.
  21. In UK, and I guess other countries, vehicle insurance is partially based on YOUR JOB! How silly. You change from being a rock musician to being a school caretaker, does that change your driving habits. They also take your age into consideration saying that the premium is based on past experiences, as does your Postcode by saying more cars were stolen in the street next to yours, so they pay more.
  22. Why do they name these initiatives in English? Most normal Thais will not understand what they mean!
  23. Red wine in the fridge????
  24. I never miss a typo, spelling mistake or bad grammar, not only here on AN, but in newspapers, TV ads, subtitles. I know some may think it is sad, but I was taught proper English. If I do not correct the perpetrator, they will never learn. I even email the BBC & SKY News for their misdemeanours.
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