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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. passengers aboard Air India Express's inaugural flight from Surat (India) to Bangkok
  2. You Tube, which is Free for me, will only show whatever I ask it to show. Many good music videos, documentaries, movies,....whatever I WANT TO WATCH.
  3. Most Doctors would not have to pay the electricity bill needed to get the temperature on a bedroom down to 20C, let along 15.6! 26 is fine for me. It was 18C this morning here, so I keep the windows open a bit, with mozzie screens of course.
  4. True, as the OP does not mention it. I have BPH, and sometime can get up for one 3 times in the night, only 2 hours apart, even though I have not drunk any further liquid. I sometimes wonder where it all comes from. But, of course, urine is also a by-product of what you have eaten, digested and extracted the goodness out of it, and then you get rid of the poison and suchlike. Pooh on the other hand is what your body cannot digest or need.
  5. Once again an AN member has taught me a new word, had to Bingle the meaning, but...thank you for enhancing my knowledge. Must now try to use it in context. Do The Missionaries spring to mind?
  6. Prolificacy means lots of bull<deleted>?
  7. Wow, now it's Ghosts, after Refined Falangs 3 hours ago and Flaunting Wealth yesterday morning, as well as several others. Gamma, you joined as this name in July 2021, 42 moths ago. Since then you have posted 12667 times, which in my maths is 301 per month or TEN EVERY DAY. What do you do the rest of your time?
  8. Oh yes George I certainly have. I joined them, and wear my shirt hanging outside my jeans. Do you not think it looks ridiculous to wear a casual shirt tucked in, with the belly hanging over the belt?
  9. Who had already committed the dirty dead CONSENSUALLY. Blame the mother.
  10. Since the legalisation last year, I would have thought that more Rastafarians would be in this list! 555
  11. This Continental loaf, with flax & chia seeds is pretty good. Baked by my own fair hand in my Haefle breadmaker. Sorry it is off topic as I am in Phitsanulok! haha 555
  12. A Viking from Ukraine?
  13. As can 400k of Retirement deposit for a length of time. Both must be replenished eventually.
  14. No, I was just asking as i did not know, never been married. So Marriage must be 400k, Retirement 400k for 7 months.
  15. As are modified rear white blinkers going so fast, blue rear lights, black smoke, heavily tinted windows. etc.
  16. 35 Best Free and Open Source Apps for Windows 11 (2024) | Beebom
  17. So why tell us?
  18. Don't talk silly. There are LONG waiting times here in my University Hospital, but I eventually get what need sorted out for a very reasonable price, both treatment and meds.
  19. It is all free for everyone in the UK. That's why waiting lists are so long.
  20. When you get to the age of some of us, health insurance is impossible. Keep a stash on one side for that. Or have a few high limit Credit Cards available. Or DNR tattooed on your forehead! 555
  21. Can you knock the Marriage deposit down by 50% for 7 months as you can with Retirement?
  22. Do local Government Hospitals have insurance policy deals? I asked at mine and was told NO !
  23. There are not many kangaroos in Chiang Mai !
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