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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. No, made in Thailand, or maybe China.
  2. As do so many phones these days.
  3. Thanks.
  4. And if I have a wired/WiFi printer?
  5. Ahh, that explains it. Almost ANY hotel, bar, Mum&Pa shop have printers. They DO NOT usually store your data, why would they. Just give them the Bht 10 and go.
  6. Where please is local. And does that include the cost of renewal?
  7. What are you on about.......................burgers?
  8. Santana was 70/80 pop....well he was very popular, as was Steely Dan. But not really Jazz.
  9. So did a couple of the Wilson brothers. But Brian's still here....just about. Same age as Macca who is playing to 23500 fans tonight in Manchester. How stupid on Manchester Derby night!
  10. Yes, that's the one I got from Shopee. Great unit. What's the operating system of the computer got to do with it? I have an LED lamp plugged into mine as well. Was 1200 not 1950, with 2 years onsite warranty.
  11. So if the bloke has had his meat & veg removed??? More like what genitals they had at BIRTH. Or Chromosomes.
  12. Kenny Ball, Chris Barber and Acker Bilk.
  13. Take a photo of your meter same time every day. Get a fuse box monitor to show them that the readings coincide. My Zircon Hybrid 1000 keeps my PC set up on for 2 hours, and if I turn the monitor off (unplug it ), much longer.
  14. JAZZ can be anything from Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Jaco Pastorious or Barber, Bilk and someone else beginning with B. And there are so many different genres, nobody can know all of them. Stephan Grapelli was a Jazz violinist. The Four Freshmen were a Jazz vocal quartet. And Niel Diamond was The Jazz Singer.
  15. There are numerous electricity monitoring thingies to fit in your fuse box on Lazada/Shopee. I have one which sends info via Tuya to my phone. I also have a voltage stabilizer plug board into which I plug my PC/Router etc. Seems to work OK. Also got a Zircon UPS for Bht 1200 which can keep my PC alive for about 2 hours.
  16. As is paying interest on a loan.
  17. WhatsApp Video 2024-12-14 at 18.53.14_795f4d02.mp4
  18. On that theme, a lady goes to the Doctors with a rather nasty red rash on her Lady parts. Doctor ask her which pads she uses and she replies Brillo. "Well your'e a bright <deleted> aren't you"
  19. OK, sorry. I will not do it again. Good morning.
  20. No. But the OP s question has been answered early on, saying there is no POD available in Thai banks. Followed by many off topic answers. I said that 'I think it CAN be' not 'I am going to close the thread.'
  21. How do you know if you never tried Weed. Have you drunk alcohol? Well it's similar but not as dangerous, or cause such hangovers. But just as dangerous to drive or try to work under its influence. It's the chemical stuff I am against.
  22. OK Bob, will do. Calm calm.
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