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Posts posted by Meg_2003

  1. 50 baht is a bit steep for a plate of rice. But will still be checking it out as I just can't resist a good Indian!

    Chicken Tikka Masala....Poppadoms... Naan bread.... watering mouth.... :):D

    50 baht + 160 baht, its all a bit steep, for a curry! :D

    I don't think its steep at all for the curry. This is Indian curry we're talking about, Not Thai curry. Every Indian restaurant I have been to, the food is prepared by Indian people. I don't mind paying the price when its being cooked by proper Indians.

    Foreign food in Thailand, cooked by foreign people, You just can't get it at Thai prices.

    I do however, think that Carrefour's Indian stall is too expensive for what you get... When I ate there, my food was MICROWAVED. None of it was fresh and it was the worst Indian Ive ever tasted!

  2. Go from 2nd road to Soi Buakhao.

    Turn left.

    Go about one block.

    Turn left.

    Curries is up that soi on the right.

    That is correct if you go onto Soi Bua Khao using Soi Diana.. but not if you are going down any of the other soi's connecting 2nd Road and Soi Bua Khao.. :)

  3. No she dosen't and no I have never seen a bargirl in Chiangmai not like Pattaya where they are in your face all the time. on every street and school yard. Makes you think that every woman in Pattaya is one and I would not be surprised.

    How would you know? you have never been to Pattaya

    your quote

    I stay in thailand because I simply love the place, the culture, weather, food and the most lovely people in the world. My loving true faithful wife and my son. I simply can not find a thing to complain about about this country. Never been to Bangkok or the southern tourist hub or sex spots such as Pattaya and have urge to do so. I live in Chiangmai a beautiful peaceful quiet area with wonderful people.

    when you know what you are talking about, then make a comment!!!!I have noticed that at leat 15 of your posts, are about how bad Pattaya, women from Pattaya and people in Pattaya are!!! why? you live in Chiangmai, you dont want to come here but you keep coming on the Pattaya forum and slagging off the people who live here, once again why? you call yourself a Christian, thats not very christian is it? if you have not got anything better to stay then stay on your own forum, TROLL!!!!

    Nice one spotting that out lemel. It amazes me how some people can write such Negative comments about Pattaya even when they have never been here!!


  4. syd ... syd ...my friend .

    what are you thinking ?

    first you want to set up your misses on a som tam / street barrow ... then motorbike renting for her to make a living from and now you you need to save money on a battery for your phone ? ? ? ?

    syd ..... if you need to save money that much then you need to say bye bye to your misses and go back home ...... wherever that is ?

    coz thailand is FULL of cheap charlies ( kee noow ) already ! ..... we DONT need any more thank you

    enjoy .... dave2

    why dont you go home - there are plenty of prick's in Thailand we wont miss one

    agreed micksguvara .... .... and syd barreet wont be missed

    enjoy ... my friend ! .... dave2

    LOL.. I think Micksguvara was referring to YOU to go home Dave2.. Not syd.

    With an attitude like yours, I think you are the one who needs to go home and certainly won't be missed.

  5. I often have young, healthy fit looking women in come up to me in the market with a baby in their arms saying "Madam, 10 baht for milk for baby..give me".. I will NEVER ever donate to these kinds of people as they have 2 arms and 2 legs and should find a job like everyone else has to.

    I do, however, always search in my purse for some spare coins when I see a beggar who is clearly unfit to work, ie No arm or leg.

    Theprasit Market last Saturday night I saw a Thai woman sat on the side of the street with a new born baby, begging. I didn't see anyone give her anything..

  6. I found the food there pleasant as well on my one visit. Will go again.


    I think I remember reading that you have eaten at the 'Tikka Center' on Soi Bua Khao..

    If I'm correct, how do you compare the two.. Is this new place as good as/better than the Tikka Center?


  7. I'd also invest in a real one from the Nokia shop. I wouldn't bother with fakes. I have had a fake one before and my phone would always get very very hot when charging with the fake battery and after charging it didn't stay charged for long.

    I think my fake one was around 200 baht but it was from Bangkok.

  8. When we have visitors to Pattaya who are looking for a cheap hotel, we always take them to the Sawasdee Hotels.. None on Soi 7/8 but there is a large one on Soi Bua Khao.. The one on soi Diana has a large sign outside advertising 590/night but they don't have a pool.

    Have fun!

  9. Sounds like a nightmare!

    That is shocking that they wouldn't help you with the broken item, with it being quite expensive.

    Shame on them for laughing in your face.

    Hope you get a replacement! Good luck!

  10. Sorry to trawl up an old post, but was searching around looking for recommendations for a good vets.

    My Labrador became quite suddenly sick about two weeks ago and just wasn't eating at all, he just went totally lethargic and generally looked bad.

    We took him to NPW Animal hospital last week, where he spent 5 days, they have let him come home last night, but he still looks terrible and is really thin, this is a dog that two weeks ago was full of life.

    Apparently they think he has a kidney problem, though I suspect it is possible poisoning.

    Will try the one near to Lotus today, but has anybody else recommendations for a good, competent vets, coz I really hate to see him suffering like this.

    Muang Ake on Sukhumvit, just passed Lotus when traveling South. On your right hand side if coming from north.

  11. I took my putor to a repairs place Tucom, 3rd floor, up the elevator, right and then left, straight ahead, on the right, they just about stripped the thing bare, memory, cheap motherboard added, etc etc. Cost me 5000 to get another place to put it back the way it was when I took it in. Ive been told they do it all the time, and change thier name every 6 months or so.

    Which shop was this? It would be helpful if you had the name as Tukcom is full of computer repair shops.

    I've always gone to Pattaya2u and never had any problems... I haven't had to get a computer repaired for about a year and a half though, as the computer I bought from Pattaya2u 1.5 years ago is still running perfectly, best computer Ive ever had.

  12. Had a nice burger again today at MOS Burger.. The burgers are very nice, however those huge pieces of tomato in the burger are just yukky!

    The sales people, however, must think that customers are Dumb. Every time someone tries to order a burger and a coke, the person taking the order tries to explain that it is cheaper if they have it as a set meal, and that its more expensive if they order just a coke and burger, and that it would work out cheaper if they had the burger,drink,fries meal. They tried it on me today. Even when I explained that I just want a burger and coke because I wasn't that hungry, they insisted that Id be paying more for a burger and coke than if I got a meal with fries in it too...

    Luckily enough I am not as dumb as they think and I'm good with my maths.. Lets see... Meal set = 129 baht

    Individually, Burger 79 baht, Coke 29 baht = 108 baht.

    21 baht more for a set meal, Yet they insist that even though you want just burger and coke, its cheaper if you order a set meal as its a 'special price'

    I'm not tight on cash, but it just annoys me when they fool so many people into buying their set meals when they convince them it would work out cheaper to just get fries that they don't want.

    .. Ok.. Rant over.

  13. Went to Central today to buy a new camera.. Was looking forward to using my '1 Card' and getting 5% off in Power Buy. After all, there IS the 'Power Buy' logo on the back of the card, and they do advertise with a big cardboard cut-out at their door.. In I go, decided on which camera I wished to purchase.. I then asked the sales guy to confirm that they accept the '1 Card' . But no.. they would not accept my '1 Card' in Power Buy. I pointed out their logo on the back of the card, but the sales guy said I can't use it for brand named items (I was buying a Canon Camera)...

    I just wanted to warn people looking to use their '1 Card' in Power Buy that they probably won't accept your card... I wish I'd have known it earlier because I wasted a lot of time in there.. I went to one of the smaller camera shops opposite Power Buy (A dark looking shop) who were offering 1,000 baht discount and lots of free gifts with my purchase.

    Power Buy just lost a 26,000 baht sale for not accepting a card they advertise that they accept. Shame on them, I'll took my cash elsewhere :D:)

  14. I was in Central at the weekend and it seemed quite busy. I think it's doing well (compared to places like the Avenue!) however, the clothes shops are still empty.. Will be interesting to see how long they last!

    Although, with items at those prices, I suppose they could still stay open even if selling a couple of items a day, because their prices are already sky high.

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