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Posts posted by Meg_2003

  1. Meg_2003

    Glad to see you took your gallery pics down. Just checked they were not there, never saw them, but people judge folks enough on looks to cause you grief, or a lot of attention, esp.

    from this group. You would not believe the number of unsolicited marriage proposals, and less formal suggestions, I have received based on my pics and my nick name. A few were even from women.

    Just goes to show you the worst thing about a public forum is the same as the problem with public transportation... they let just anyone on.


    :) I didn't remove my Photo Album KDF.. I checked my profile and its showing up for me ok.. Can you check it again and let me know if its showing? I'm not going to let one loser ruin my time on ThaiVisa :D Don't worry, I can handle it :D

  2. Yeah, I saw a small photo in your Avatar, but it was not large enough to identify you by in person, and I did not see a photo album. Until yesterday I had never seen your photo album. Yesterday was the very first time I connected Meg the Internet girl with the real life specimen.

    In actual fact it was my GF who identified you as the girl on the visa run. She saw your photo and said "hey, that's the really white girl (and her friend) we saw on the visa run". She's seen you around town a lot because she likes shopping at markets. She has a very good memory for faces.

    Do I have the hots for you or something? No, I'm very satified with my cute Asian girl thanks.

    Yawn.. Yeah right.. Whatever Tropo..

    And by the way.. the "Do you have the the hots for me or something" comment was from December last year.. You already answered my question with "I wouldn't knock her back."

    P.s It's 'Satisfied', not 'satified' ...

  3. I think its silly that someone would expect foreign food with foreign ingredients, with foreign chefs, at Local Thai prices.


    Yes, and wishful thinking.

    can i have apint of whats megs had :)

    Looks like you've had a few too many :D

  4. I've never seen your photo album before. Up to you if you want to believe it... in fact I wish I hadn't looked in the first place so I couldn't make the connection with Meg the internet girl and the real life specimen because now that I know who you are I'll be seeing you all over town. It's just another clue you've got tickets on yourself, thinking all members would take the time to view your personal profile.


    I don't need to waste my time responding to you. Allow me to quote a few of your posts from December last year.

    Meg_2003: Ok - for all those people left wondering, I have just added a gallery to my profile..

    Tropo: You look fine Meg, but how can I ever take you seriously on here after seeing them?

    Just another quote to rub it in :D

    NaanLaew: Is Meg_2003 hot?

    Tropo: I wouldn't knock her back. :D :D :D

    Apologies for the weird quote boxes, I couldn't figure out how to get them on here from another thread.

    But its all in black and white here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Careefour-Pa....html&st=50

    Ok, Ok.. Just 1 more quote.. You wish you had never have seen my photo's, and you're convinced that I couldn't wait to post them on here so that I could 'compare myself to 'megastars'' ... Yet you were the one yourself asking me to post photo's..

    Meg_2003: Seriously Tropo, do you have the hots for me or something?

    Tropo: I remember awhile back you said you were hot, so post a photo and I'll let you know.


  5. Meg_2003 and Pattaya-girl, I mentioned in another thread that it had also been toooo long no see for me.

    I well remember the 2 of you and I got to say 3 to 5 words to Ken at Fairtex also so that makes 3.

    I thought then and for quite a while what interesting stories might lurk within y'all.

    Your presence at one of the Friday nite crawls would have been welcome.

    Now unfortunately, we end up in ear splitting go go bars, where no one can hear anyone's nickname or story.

    Tall tails and talking story are holy sacraments from my Texican and Hay why in roots.

    Yours might well be worth hearing. If the Friday nite group becomes again what it once was, think seriously re the invite y'all will receive from me.


    Haha.. Yep.. We were kinda shy at the ThaiVisa Party.. Didn't really know anyone there.. :D :D

    Sure, me and Pattaya Girl have talked about joining you on one of the Friday nights.. But we just don't like Go go's (We wouldn't mind if it was one of the Go go bars in Boyz town though :) Just joking :D )

    We've been to the Pattaya beer Garden before which we enjoyed, so we will keep our eye on the Friday night thread!

  6. I didn't say you were getting upset about being likened to Britney or Avril.

    The point was that your post was out of place on a thread where a member is complaining about being called by a derogatory name.

    Your post clearly came through as an excuse to show the board how hot you think you are. Changing you avatar made it even more blatantly obvious.

    After you changed your avatar, I glanced at your profile and noticed you had a gallery. I'm now aware that I had the privilege of accompanying you and your red-haired friend's ghostly apparitions on a visa run to Cambodia several months back. I'm also now aware that anyone calling you Britney or Avril are paying you a huge complement.

    BTW, nice work on the photos, but they really don't do you justice. :D

    oooooooh! Cat fight! Now, now Tropo.. There's no need for personal insults! :D

    Ok, I don't really have the time to sit here arguing with people like you, but I suppose I can spare a few minutes to fill you in.. :D

    So, you're trying to say that you had never seen my photo album until now? C'mon.. You know that is not true! Don't try to make it look like Ive quickly added these photo's onto Thaivisa, I opened my photo album months ago already, and you know it :D You really do make me laugh. Trying to pretend that you have JUST seen my picture. Do you really expect me to believe that? :D

    My post isn't 'out of place' at all. The OP wanted to know whether he should be offended by being called 'Mr Bean'. I posted about my experience with nicknames received from Thai People to show that they may not be trying to offend him.

    I don't need to come onto Thaivisa and try to show everyone "How hot I think I am" as I know many, many ThaiVisa members in person and they all know very well what I look like. I also attended the Thaivisa BBQ Party in Pattaya last year where hundreds of members attended so most members on here already know very well what I look like..

    Before I end this, I just want to say that at least I have the guts to post my picture on here for all the world to see. Why don't you post your picture on here for us all to inspect and give our views on how you look. I bet its easy for you to sit typing away anonymously behind your little computer screen, insulting a 20 year old young lady and insulting her and her friend. Shame on you!

    You should have introduced yourself instead of sitting anonymously on the Visa run.. :D Something to hide? Like I said, no need for personal insults about my friend either. It must be fun sitting there anonymously insulting and picking on young ladies, huh? What a gentleman you are. :)

    Now now, Don’t get your knickers in a twist .. :P Like I said earlier.. It takes a LOT to post your personal picture on a forum of thousands of people. At least I have the guts to do it. Why don’t you? C'mon.. Show ya face! :D

  7. I dont think that Meg will know who Twiggy is Tropo - thats mine and your generation :)

    Yep, Im not as old as you guys ( Sorry Pattaya_Girl :D ) , but I know who she is because she used to appear on 'America's next top model'

    Why would I be insulted at being called Twiggy? Wasn't she a top supermodel? From what I saw when she was younger, she was very pretty....

  8. I also get called Britney Spears or Avril Lavigne by quite a few Thai people.. Maybe because they don't know any other foreign females to compare me to? ...

    What is this Barbie? An excuse to massage your ego again?

    Obviously "Mr Bean" is a derogatory name.

    People calling you a Britney Spears or Avril Lavigne look alike are paying you a huge complement because in real life you don't come close.

    No females would get upset about such a comparison.

    Would you be as jovial if they were calling you Twiggy, or Fattie, for example.

    Don't worry Trop-Trop.... I don't need 'ego massages', medication, steriods ect to feel good about myself... :D

    Who said I'm getting upset about people saying I look like Britney spears and Avril Lavigne?

    So you've seen me in real life then huh, Trop-trop.. Oh no.. back to stalking me again :)

    Muahahaa.. Take it easy, dude!

  9. Surely there should be more news reports on this?

    Channel 3 is a nationwide TV channel and their report on this matter was a good 10-15mins long and very thourgh, they even showed exact locations on a map where the 5 containers are situated and a lengthy interview with the fishermen.

    Havn't tried, but it might be on their website, although it will be in Thai.

    I meant the Pattaya news. If this happened in Pattaya, surely the Pattaya news teams would be all over this hot news. I wonder why there haven't been any more reports on it, and nothing online either..

    Maybe the quota for bad news was reached that day.Remember that a while ago the papers were ordered to announce only a certain amount of bad news.

    Yes, I remember that...

    Its very bad if they are keeping news like this a 'secret'... hundreds of dead bodies?!

  10. Surely there should be more news reports on this?

    Channel 3 is a nationwide TV channel and their report on this matter was a good 10-15mins long and very thourgh, they even showed exact locations on a map where the 5 containers are situated and a lengthy interview with the fishermen.

    Havn't tried, but it might be on their website, although it will be in Thai.

    I meant the Pattaya news. If this happened in Pattaya, surely the Pattaya news teams would be all over this hot news. I wonder why there haven't been any more reports on it, and nothing online either..

  11. I am happy to report that the importer replaced the device with no questions asked as promised.

    They have a shop at MBK in the 4th Floor (I think Dollar Bluetooth it was called, near the toilets opposite a jeans shop).

    Super nice people, very interested in learning about that SP Telekom shop in Tukcom and my experience there.

    Glad you hear you got a replacement Raro!

    As for the shop in Tukcom...... What goes around comes around...

  12. It started as a quiet joke some months ago, when local Thai neighbours labelled me with the nickname 'Mr Bean'. Now the whole neighbourhood have labelled me as 'Mr Bean'. Should I feel offended?

    Surely, Mr. Bean is a socially inept misfit with obvious physical features and mannerisms that are gauche, clearly someone who is not a role-model, and just a figure of fun.

    How can I 'Nip this in the Bud' and return to being an anonymous 'Mr Barrett'?

    Kind advice and responses appreciated.

    LOL that is so funny thanks for that, I think its stuck now fella your not going to remove that label so easily.

    Since I moved here I have acquired the nickname 'Barbie'.. Wherever I go I am called Barbie...

    Its actually quite funny as my boyfriends nickname is Ken...

    So we're Barbie & Ken :D

    Give me strength :)

    ActuaIIy, i think megs story is cute. Thanks for sharing that Meg.


    As for being caIIed Mr Bean, i can see why that may be a bit offensive to us, as we see Mr Bean as a bit ridiculous. However, as others have pointed out, Thai dont see him in quite the same way. I think they are quite affectionate towards him and see him as funny and IovabIe. If you reaIIy dont want to be caIIed that, then ...im not quite sure..hmm..change the way you Iook (if you have any simiIarity)??. Grow a beard for a whiIe? If you dont mind the name, just worried about the association, then dont worry too much, im sure they dont mean it in a bad way at aII.

    Thanks Eek :D

    I also wouldn't take it the wrong way being called Mr Bean... The Thai people I know all love Mr Bean..

    Do you know the reason as to why they call you Mr Bean? Do you look like him, or maybe you like to joke around and make people laugh?

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