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Posts posted by Meg_2003

  1. Yeah they are open air. Would you mind if I take an asparagus piss in there while you are riding? They are open air. You could always get off ...

    Thanks for the comments from the considerate smokers. We all have vices. I am addicted to coffee but I don't spit coffee I have swirled around my mouth at passing strangers, unless they ask.

    Ohhhhhhhh Jingthing.. You're hilarious :)

    As to the smoking in Baht buses, I am a Non smoker. I don't mind other smokers but smoking in a baht bus where the smoke (and other hot lit particles) are blowing into someones face is just unacceptable. I don't use the baht buses so haven't seen this happen myself but I would not be very happy if it happened to me. My boyfriend is a smoker and before now when we have been sat near a fan, a burning piece of his cigarette has blown onto me and burnt me. The same thing could happen in a baht bus but enter someone's eye. Very dangerous.

    Unfortunately there are some very inconsiderate people in this world who couldn't care less what other people think.

  2. First time i have had a peek at your photos too meg.So what does a 20yo do in Pattaya then????

    Do you live here and work???

    Never seen you walking about like some say.

    Yes Patklang, Ive been living here full time since childhood. My parents live here also..

    I'm not working right now, I'm studying (I used to do a bit of modeling and movie work but not lately), my family run a business. I also have a Thai boyfriend who works..

    Yeah, I don't really go out as much as I used to do, hence not seeing me around much. Too busy with housework and studying :)

    How about you, do you live here/work? :D

    Omg, this is totally off topic :D

  3. I'm trying to delete one of my two Photo Albums so that i can put all pictures into 1 album.

    When I try to delete one of my albums I get the following message:

    Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available.

    I am logged in and get this message whatever I do...

    Any advice? :)

  4. To the OP.. Maybe you could ask them straight and find out why they are calling you Mr Bean?

    Thanks to Meg_2003, pattaya _girl, tropo and others I have been able to see through the haze and find the galleries.

    Someone coulda told me ya had to be logged in. Anyway I was so inspired I put up 2 of my pics and have scheduled

    a bearskin rug shoot of yours truly for some time in the future.


    ooops is this a double post? or am I just on the cusp?

    *Searching for KDF's pics but can't find them*

    I like the avatar pic with the 3 bottles... Ha ha ha Looks like you were having a good night!!! :D:)

  5. 3rd Road? No, went to Soi Convent, as I was in the area. Not sure what you mean by 3rd Road... What's the full address?

    3rd Road, Pattaya. Soi Convent is Bangkok. This is the Pattaya forum.


    I think Sadako is a bit lost :D

  6. Meg and tropo - if you two have issues - take it to PM.


    Now lets get back to helping bean find his sausage.

    Apologies Soundman.

    Tropo is the one who started with personal insults about my looks, In which I feel I must respond to to stick up for myself on this public forum.

    I am not the one writing personal insults about the way people look.

  7. The Motorbike auction is every Friday night across the road from Theprasit market. If you're coming from Sukhumvit, its a little past the beginning of Theprasit market in the corner of (I think) a open air furniture shop.

    I was interested in buying a bike from there last year. The bikes are 'sold as seen'.

    We got interested when the bikes were selling for anything between 2,000-15,000 baht.. We enquired about how to buy and there was a 10,000 baht member fee for the day.

    You pay 10,000 baht and you can buy as many bikes as you wish, but only on that day.

    It was full of Thai Guys buying many bikes, probably to re-sell.

    You could probably get a good deal there, but the problem is not being able to run the bike and check it out before paying for it.

  8. You're still at it?

    Yawn... yeah right...whatever Miss Britney Spears.

    You posted a small avatar pic which I commented on in a tongue in cheek manner. I'm sorry you took it so seriously (literally).

    There's a huge difference between Meg the avatar and the real deal visa run incarnation thereof. A blonde version of Mortisha Adams would have been a far closer approximation of what I saw that day.

    BTW, FYI, it's usually written "PS". It's never written P.s

    You're still at it?

    Yawn... Now you're just starting to make a fool out of yourself. :D

    You're the one who asked me to post my pictures in the first place. Are you getting Alzheimer's old TropTrop? :D I posted an album of photo's not a small avatar pic. Go check out the dates the pictures were added if you're so convinced. Any old excuse ay Trop?

    I know many, many ThaiVisa members personally, some of whom I see on a regular basis of 2-3 times a week. Do you really think I'm going to embarrass myself and post pictures which I look nothing like? FYI, I couldn't care less how you think I look. Seriously though, you're funny :D:)

    Ok, Honestly, You should get your facts right before trying to prove me wrong. http://www.wisegeek.com/in-a-letter-what-does-ps-mean.htm

    Have a nice day :D

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