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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. 7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Last month I took Levofloxasin for 30 days, age 63.

    Walked 80Km last month (taking it easy because of tendon damage fears), already walked 55Km this month.

    This is exercise walking, doesn't include normal day to day activities.

    No negative effects so far that I can determine.


    Maybe you were too old or too unfit to take these drugs.


    We are all different, some are naturally more susceptible than others. You were lucky to get away with it. However, FQ drugs have latent effects, delayed onset 5 years in my case. Lots o luck! As for age and fitness.... we are the same age.... I'll leave it to my nickname for you to guess my level of fitness. Yep, the doctors turned an athlete into an old man.

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  2. Bear in mind that the blue reg book only shows the date the car was registered in Thailand. It could have been manufactured years earlier and then imported into Thailand as a used car. Therefore, the reg year in the blue book does not prove age of vehicle. Check the VIN number with the manufacturer. (Amazing Thailand)

  3. Why does nobody want to live in France? I can think of a list of reasons but will give one example that comes to mind.


    So I was flying Air France Bkk - Paris when I noticed the stewardess coming around with a bottle of champagne. I further noticed that only French people were getting champagne. So when she came to me I answered her in French. She returned four times, by which time I had was getting slightly drunk and answered in English. You should have seen here face.... I have been giving champagne to an Englishman!


    What's wrong with France? ..... The French! If you speak French they love you, if you don't they have no time for you.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Daryle said:

    Because more ways to "cock" things up, as Thai Immigration is clearly a world leader in cocking almost everything they turn there mind too!

    Except opening brown envelopes, they seem to be expert at that. The Thais are incapable of doing anything the correct straight way, but are genius at corruption. World class indeed.

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  5. Think I might put this in the Immigration suggestion box (a worthy read that must be).... I would rather go with a GPS ankle bracelet or implanted chip, at least I would then not have to endure the purgatory of CW Immigration or TM30 or 90 day reports, as they would always know where I am - (a bit like Lady Roadrunner, I swear the female of the species have Radar, or Thai Jungle Telegraph). They are going to have a hard time using the Biometric Scan on me as Roadrunners don't have fingers.


    How much more of these ridiculous regulations before we all up and leave?


    How much more will the IO's put up with doing 12 hour days?


    Who will crack first, the IO's or the Farangs?

  6. 33 minutes ago, KhunFred said:

    Very depressing, but be glad you live in a country where you can buy your way out of everything short of murder. I actually like the system.

    I think you'll find the "system" does not stop short of murder, it just costs more. Amazing Thailand.

  7. 2 minutes ago, rumak said:

    Roadrunner,  thank you so much for being so brave and telling your story.  I am really upset that you are going through what so many...yes. so many in the world are.  I also am hesitant to talk anymore on this forum as the naysayers always come out.     Since you have been suffering for so long I would expect that you will be very resistant to trying a protocol that TAKES TIME to work,   I implore you to go to the site floxiehope.com  .  I was just recently "floxed" and  threw 40 dollars to the wind to get the ebook they are selling.   It is a long read and of course the author is making money.... but I started immediately taking many of the supplements recommended ( if no other,  take small doses of magnesium many times during the day.

    I also bought a crock pot and we are making bone broth to eat/drink continuously.  There are way to many

    other things to do (a full time job) but I would gladly pay for this book for you !  I will also PM you with some private info.   I am one week into this "therapy" and for the last 2 days have barely any pain (before had trouble walking)  and feeling good.  yes, good.   I know I must keep this up but maybe I caught it early enough,  before too many cells were severely damaged.  Doctors, probably in Germany as well, just don't understand WHY our bodies are being destroyed and certainly would never consider "natural remedies".

    I cannot convince people,  but will gladly try to help anyone who has been hurt by these terrible drugs.

    Thanks for considerate response. The average MD hasn't got a clue about this condition or how to treat it. And it's no longer small numbers who are affected.


    Ciprofloxacin and other drugs have now been found at toxic levels in our rivers. Animals are given the same antibiotic, eat the animal and you get it too! Man is poisoning his world and has no other planet he can migrate to. Unless one considers Thailand.... an Alien world.


    The Germans appear to be the most advanced. I am following a naturopathic approach. The protocol includes IV therapy with Glutathione, NADH, Methylcobalamine, EGCG, Magnesium, Probiotics, Bicrabonate.


    Oral supplements don't seem to have any effect on me.... DHEA, COQ10, 5 HTP, Curcumin, Glutathione, Vit E, B Complex, PQQ, Alpha Lipoic.


    Oh, I did try the bone broth you mention.... as a vegetarian, all I can say is YUCK!


    Diet must avoid Gluten, Soy and Dairy.

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  8. I usually keep this to myself as most either do not believe or do not want to know. Ignorance is bliss eh.


    Mitochondrial Failure caused by Fluoroquinolone Toxicity. Yep, I have been Floxxed. In the USA there is a black label warning on this stuff, but even that does not tell you enough. And still the doctors prescribe it like it were children's sweets! I hate to tell you this guys, (as I think some would rather remain in ignorance), but this stuff is POISON. The OP is not joking.


    Effects are latent. Can take time before problems show up. Starts with rigid muscles and pulling tendons. Five years later, (yes 5 years), I suffered from permeable gut, can no longer eat Gluten, Soy or Dairy, all of which cause severe gastric distress, muscle pain, brain fog, Peripheral Neuropathy, Fibromyalgia.


    Severe damage to Mitochondria, the cells which produce energy. Aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. They turned a Roadrunner into an old man with their drugs. There are days when I lack sufficient energy to move.


    Be on your guard, they will even prescribe it for Bangkok Belly and a whole list of other common things. Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Levaquin, Ciprofloxacin.... there are about a dozen variants of Fluoroquinolone.


    Now entering my 11th year of this Hell. You can all crowdfund me as thanks for this info' as I am going to need a bucket full of money to pay for treatment in Germany.


    Let us hope the Germans can rebuild Da Roadrunner.

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