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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. 17 hours ago, Hanuman2547 said:

    I would be very wary of buying anything now.  If you're looking to retire anywhere in Thailand you are at the mercy of the Thai government at what they might require to obtain a one year retirement visa.  For a long time it was just 800K baht in a Thai bank.  What if it were to change to:


    1)  1 million THB in a Thai bank and your daily balance cannot drop below 800K THB at anytime.


    2)  Mandatory Health insurance which covers hospital stays as well as outpatient.  


    All things to think about when purchasing property in a country that could very possibly make it difficult for you stay in the country.  What if you are 75+ and can't get health insurance?

    Exactly what I thought. It's that link between health insurance and visa that will screw up our retirement and force us to leave. They gave us a retirement visa and then took it away with the limitations of health insurance.

  2. Another one. Further proof of what living here can do to you. Thailand can destroy you, mentally, physically and financially. All we can ask is, did he fall or was he pushed? There must have been witnesses in a store like that. Horrible way to go, seeing the ground rushing towards you must seem like an eternity, like the apparent slow motion experienced in a car crash... then splat! RIP.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Inn Between said:




    It seems pretty well known to everyone except Aliwassa that the logical rules of supply demand don't apply to Thailand real estate. It's absurd to think that Thais lower prices when markets are soft. I believe they go they other way, raising prices to compensate for the time it sat waiting for a buyer.    


    Thai logic..... they are selling less so they'll have to raise prices.

    • Like 1
  4. What are you worried about? They may open your bags, but a body search is rare. So just put them in your pockets. If carrying something larger, pick a moment when the customs guys are busy going through someone else's bags and stroll through. Which is exactly how I got an entire car steering and suspension system in..... Biggest rainbow coloured asian bag I've ever seen! Talk about hidden in plain sight!

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 5/13/2019 at 8:09 AM, BritManToo said:

    Bars, girls, beer, Indian food, hotels, ruins.

    All reasonably priced except for the ruins.


    One hotel I stayed at cost $12/night (air-con) had a great swimming pool and served beer 24/7 by the pool for 50c. 



    Our needs have much in common, except for the ruins (I am one).


    Which town would you choose and why?

  6. 1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:

    a friend of mine's wife knows someone who said they were told by their husband that his sister said that this affects expat's pets as well. 


    like retired cats and dogs will need insurance too.    

    So will I have to get health insurance for Lady Roadrunner too!? She already costs me enough.


    We Farang need some collective way to petition the Thai Gov't and Immigration. Right now they just do as they please with the reg's that affect our lives. How can they expect people to retire here with no surety of tenure?


    The health insurance requirement may not affect retirees yet but it's coming for sure.


    Bottom line is you can stay .... so long as you have money. Typical Thailand.

    • Like 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:
    1 hour ago, DaRoadrunner said:

    Anyone got copy of a response from Ubon Joe yet?

    An hour ago, https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/1100492-medical-insurance/?tab=comments#comment-14139445


    Despite Ubon Joe's comments, it's pretty obvious it will become mandatory for all of us eventually.


    Bottom line is, you can stay if you have money...... Or put another way..... No money no honey.

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    • Haha 1
  8. On 5/13/2019 at 10:51 PM, DavisH said:

    There's no way really to get 300HP from the original engine + auto in that car. You could try an engine swap to a B16A but they are getting long in the tooth now. I've seen some later civic swaps with k20A or K24 (200hp) + 5 or 6 speed. They will exceed your budget though. A turbo will work but will shorten the auto life and not get near 300hp. I had a civic 2004 2.0 for many years. hardly modified at as it wasnt worth the money to get decent power from it. 

    Just found this - k24A 350HP swap. 


    Do you know who did the mod's?

  9. 1 hour ago, torrow said:

    Yes most transactions are electronic but what happens when the bank issues a new card for instance? My accounts are registered at a property I will no longer own therefore I need to change my address. My understanding is, you need a UK address which I will no longer have.


    My understanding is, Barclays offshore will accept an address in Thailand. I have no other reason to have an offshore account.

    They expect you to have a UK address when opening the account. Once you move to Thailand, go online into your account and change your address. Nationwide posted my new card to my Thai address. Banks vary of course..... A bit like Immigration officers, some are helpful, some are a pain in the ****.

    • Like 1
  10. If its automatic this will blunt the performance and the auto box is not designed to handle the power either.


    Another way is to swap the entire engine and gearbox for something more powerful. Which is what I wanted to do but could not get the engine through customs as an individual item, needs to be in with some other goods in a container. (Anyone got a container coming over from Blighty?)


    (Other suggestions on importing used engine welcome.... thanks)

  11. I'm in the computer shop the other day and among all the noise and kids playing games is a guy 'doctoring' his bank book! Not sure what program he was using? But I could see him moving figures around. Well, he could print out the results as a photo copy, but what happens if they ask to see the original?

    • Like 1
  12. Oh no! The sight of 18-22 year old university girls wearing their school uniforms was one of the pleasures of being here..... Phwoar!


    The way they wear em too tight..... makes my sap rise! I never figured out if it was because they were wearing hand me downs or had to make do with old clothes that no longer fit? Or were they just teasing the boys?


    Ah the joys of being a teacher...... Sigh, it will never be the same.


    As usual, they have not thought this through. School uniforms are relatively cheap. Plus the poorer kids will lose face, unable to afford the latest fashion like some of their rich friends.

    • Like 1
  13. On 5/11/2019 at 12:55 PM, Kwasaki said:

    It's lot of hassle but if you are committed to wanting the car, start by going your nearest DLT office and get papers needed for the owner to sign and send them to her.

    Also ask what else what is needed from her as said copy passport and exit stamped page etc.

    Also a statement letter from her saying what happened to the blue car book for handed to the police.


    If you must.... the above post is good advice. Start with the DLT, they can check out the records from the registration number and advise who really owns the car and how to do it.


    Never seen one like this before but I suspect you'll need a transfer of ownership paper signed by the former owner (if indeed she really is the owner???). Plus a Police report and her passport.


    Remember the blue book is proof of ownership by law.


    Could be on finance or stolen??


    Bottom line.... no blue book = no buy.

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