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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. Is your lost bank card also a Visa card? If so, try getting a new card from Visa Thailand.


    Borrow from the "acquaintance" in Phuket.


    I presume you must have given the hotel your passport and they made a copy of it, so they are likely going to pick you up at Immigration, but it’s only a civil law matter so no big problem. Take a copy of the Police report re lost card.


    Can't believe there are no friends / relatives that could send money via Western Union.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, eagleo said:

    You can do it 14 days before or up to 7 days after the due date. I would not leave it to the last day in case of any delays with your departure. Better safe than sorry.

    Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

    Do it online, save yourself going to Immigration. (Only works on Internet Explorer). I may be wrong but thought it was between 7 and 14 days before due date.

  3. 52 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    I wouldn’t buy one of these just because of that fugly blue and red MG badge on the back and that Morris Garages since 1924 decal !! “

    Made in China, how can they call it British and put the Union Jack flag on it? "MG" Morris Garages now stands for Mandarin Garages.


    Re-sale value will be poor. If you want one, buy it at 6 -12 months old, save a fortune.

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, tomtaylor1 said:

    My own experience is, importing 5000 Bahts worth of spares for a Jeep Wrangler from The States, DHL charged me 6000 Baht tax, before they would hand over. In future  had parts shipped from The States USPS, for The Wrangler and my Audi ,either 7% charged or no import charges at all. On The face of it, DHL and Fedex the actual shipping costs were cheaper but in the end you end up paying through the nose.

    Avoid like the plague.




    Don't think I can get a whole engine and gearbox through USPS! Can't quite see Somchai the postman getting it on his bike either!


    What you need for this game is a friend at Thai airport cargo, entire place runs on corruption.

  5. It's is supposed to be 20 - 30% depending on the part (used), not sure about new parts? Ah the mood of the customs guy..... You need a customs broker with connections to negotiate (bribe) these guys. The amount they charge is different every time.... amazing Thailand.


    If you find a way let me know, Da Roadrunner wants to import a used engine from England.


    • Like 1
  6. On 5/31/2019 at 7:11 AM, TimShady said:

    been in Asia for 18 years, Hong Kong & Vietnam

    So how do the girls in Hong Kong & Vietnam compare to the Thai?


    As for the Thai girl.... hasta la vista babe. I hope the car is registered in your name so you can keep that.


    Be prepared for her to get nasty when you show her the door.

  7. 11 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    No insurance company cannot quote you what will needed for an extension of stay based upon retirement or any other one applied for at immigration here since the requirement does not exist.

    As usual, Ubon Joe is correct, but I would not want to bet on things remaining this way. I see it coming to the point where there are so many regs and documents required that we will have to camp outside CW for a couple of days just to get a visa.


    My last retirement visa required 4 visits to complete! Plus the IO visited my apartment to take photographic proof I live there. She was very nice and said, "it's the General, not us."

  8. 25 minutes ago, baboon said:

    I honestly doubt that he knows or cares about the mountain of paperwork or regulations. Such minutiae I would think would be decided at a Civil Service level.

    Several IO's informed me that the General was behind all the extra immigration paperwork and regs. He is known to be paranoid about farangs and border security. Someone needs to tell him we are not interested in taking over the country, we only came here for the pu55y.

  9. 6 hours ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

    It all evens out in the end. I gave a girl at the pharmacy 1,000 baht for a 200 baht item, but she couldn't tear her eyes off her phone long enough to pay attention. Deep in her 'facebook-trance', she returned my original 1,000 baht bill plus gave me 800 baht change. The marvels of modern technology!

    Thai mathematics..... Er, you did give her back the over payment didn't you?


    The 1000 Baht change trick is quite common as cost of living has gone crazy and they don't get paid much.

  10. 10 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

    Naughty boy.

    I know I know. The Thai Police have been after me for years for road traffic offences. It is my pleasure in life to torment them and then tear off into the distance. Beep! Beep!

    • Haha 1
  11. 16 hours ago, ccarbaugh said:

    (after 11 consecutive years of residence,)  at the expiration of my current 1-year Retirement Extension, I will be located outside of Thailand.

    OP deserves a medal, 10 hours.... Jesus Christ. Where are you re-locating to?


    CW is the worst as it covers a huge area with too many people. Pattaya is quick and user friendly, but who wants to live there?


    I don't think the problem comes from the IO's, they tell me it's the General (I believe that refers to the one that is PM). He is paranoid about security. I wonder why he is afraid of a few Farangs? Someone ought to tell him we are not interested in taking over the country, we only came here for the pu55y.

    • Haha 1
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