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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. I agree with luk AJ's post above. But if you must......


    Khun Kit 095 787 1000, Modifies Honda (speaks quite good English and is helpful).






    Khun Montri (The Bear) Does not speak English but knows his stuff.

    Bear R Honda 086 882 5469 They do all manner of engine replacements, tuning, turbos, ecu's etc.




    ECU Thailand


    081 773 2434



    I have not used any of them so cannot comment on their work. I know them as I once consulted on modifying my own car, but could not get the engine imported through Thai Customs.... Grrrr.





    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, OneEyedPie said:

    Budget? Which leads on to direct or indirect?  Thanks.

    Would like direct but wish to compare with one that stops about half way, I like to get out and stretch my long legs. I don't fly well, .... strictly a land animal.

  3. 48 minutes ago, OneEyedPie said:

    Can you please elaborate a lot, DaRoadrunner.  Where from and where to, what class, budget etc.  

    Bkk - Germany return, economy, 3 month return validity. Wish I could get a flexible open return date but they don't seem to do this anymore.

  4. 2 hours ago, jdlancaster said:

    4. You make friends and have friends of friends that can be helpful and influential... Such as a friend that is an Immigration Officer at BKK, can be helpful when you have loads of visa exempt stamps in your passport.

    Not sure I'd want an IO as friend, but I am curious how you got the visa exempt stamps?

  5. NeoTract Announces Independent Analysis in UK Confirming Cost Effectiveness of UroLift® System Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

    About the UroLift System

    The FDA-cleared UroLift System is a proven, minimally invasive technology for treating lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The UroLift permanent implants, delivered during a minimally invasive transurethral outpatient procedure, relieve prostate obstruction and open the urethra directly without cutting, heating, or removing prostate tissue. Clinical data from a pivotal 206-patient randomized controlled study showed that patients with enlarged prostate receiving UroLift implants reported rapid and durable symptomatic and urinary flow rate improvement without compromising sexual function. Patients also experienced a significant improvement in quality of life. Nearly 60,000 men have been treated with the UroLift System in the U.S. Most common adverse events reported include hematuria, dysuria, micturition urgency, pelvic pain, and urge incontinence. Most symptoms were mild to moderate in severity and resolved within two to four weeks after the procedure. The UroLift System is available in the U.S., Europe, Australia, Canada, Mexico and South Korea. Learn more at www.UroLift.com.

  6. Could we have more useful info here please

    1. What does it cost to rent an apartment?

    2. Can you actually own a house?

    3. What's the cost of living compared to Thailand?

    4. What's medical care like?

    5. What entertainment is there of the female variety?

    6. Nightlife?

    7. Food?

    • Like 1
  7. 31 minutes ago, OneEyedPie said:

    Hotel prices are as much as you can afford.  Isn't that the beauty of the choice that's laid out in front of you?  I always factor in the additional tax in making my final decision on a room.  


    Is everyone so concerned about what they can't afford these days?  Personally, if I want something then I work towards attaining what I want to achieve.  If it means putting in a few hours of extra work a week then that's what I'll do.  

    Isn't Thailand getting ridiculously expensive anyway? And with greed as the driving force it's gonna get worse.

    • Like 1
  8. 18 hours ago, Oxx said:


    This is an often repeated urban legend.  All fresh milk here is exactly that:  milk from cows, not from powder.  Indeed, I posted the figures for milk production and for milk consumption in Thailand on this site a few years ago.  They're virtually identical.


    The one really fake product is Thai "butter", which is made from a chemical brew, including imported butter oil.  It's not churned from cream.

    My information came from the farang managing director of one of the milk distributors here. It's powder reconstituted. There is comparatively little fresh real milk here. Take a look around.... how often do you see a cow in Thailand? There do appear to be Oxx though!

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