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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. 1 hour ago, fredob43 said:

    This time it's the turbo that has gone up the creak. Has just been quoted 2.5 thousand UK pounds to replace same.

    There are independent specialists that repair turbos for less. Just needs new bearings. Make sure they install the proper Titanium bearings as ordinary ones won't do.

    • Like 1
  2. On 2/22/2019 at 1:07 AM, Murka said:

    What can happened ??

    Probably nothing. By Thai standards, what you did was nothing. He is also way outta line asking for a bribe and you can mention this to the police chief if you ever end up down the police station. You can say you drove off as he tried to extort 10k from you.


    As for the drivers licence, I found it cheaper not to have one! Just pay the cop when he stops you, cheaper and quicker than going down the police station to pay a fine and get your licence back.


    A cop took my Thai drivers licence (third time). You should have seen the look on his face when I told him he could keep it.


    Oh and if you're drunk, why are you driving?

  3. 15 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    You'd spend 1,000,000 baht on beer and pu55y ??? erm instead of ensuring your your visa status?

    Money well spent. At least I'd die happy. What did the OP get outta this?


    If you think having an elite visa ensures your status for 20 years you are dreaming. Thai immigration reg's change all the time, in this country anything could happen. Witness the original post, they can't even handle the application process. :cheesy:

    • Haha 1
  4. Was it worth the money? For 1M Baht I would expect elite service, which clearly you did not receive.


    Knowing what I do about Thailand, I would not have fronted 1MB for any kind of Thai service.


    If I had your problem I would have my bank stop payment and refund as you have clearly not got what you paid for.


    It appears from your screenshot you do have proof of payment, plus your bank records. If you still want the damn thing, you could take this to their office and demand to see the managing director.


    What a waste of money. Some have more money than sense. Imagine how much beer n pu55y that would buy.



    • Like 1
  5. If you think that's bad, try going to China. They warned me, take a suitcase full of biscuits and candy bars or you'll starve. I thought they were joking...... they weren't.

    • Like 1
  6. I bought a car in Bkk which was registered and had plates from Nakhon Nowhere, 10 hours drive, way up in the N. East.


    Took car and papers to Nonthaburi Reg Office. They said you have to go to Nakhon Nowhere first and get it transferred to Nonthaburi, then come back here. I said its a waste of time, I'm not going. I told her In my country it's all computerised, no hassle.


    The Nonthaburi Reg Office lady said, "it's my last day here, for years I have hated these stupid rules. I'll do it for you." Off she went with my papers and came back with a new blue book and new plates. They even fitted the plates for me in the Reg Office car park.


    The whole job took half and hour. The satisfied expression on the Reg Office lady's face was something to be seen.


    Amazing Thailand.

    • Like 1
  7. 35 minutes ago, flbkk said:

    Yeah, but this is Thailand, what's the betting Somchai the Customs man would require a brown envelope or impound your bike.


    The purchase price here is high, but this is not so bad once you consider that the resale price later reflects this. Main problem with buying bikes here, if it's a used one, they often have bent frame and forks, which Somchai will have tried to hide.

  8. 3 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:



    Don't you mean buying a 2nd hand car is a lottery ? 


    3 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:
      3 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Buying a car from Asians is a lottery. 

    Both statements are true, but my mind boggles at some of the things I've seen wrong with Asian owned cars. Take the car to a main dealer and pay them to check it over (pay now save pain later!). Any faults found can be used to bargain down the price. The dealer also has a computer record of servicing.


    Careful, there are a lot of accident damaged ones around with bent steering, suspension and chassis. Have you seen how a crab walks?

  9. Go see Jesse the Indian tailor (they all are) at Rajawongse Clothier shop below the Parkway Inn. Small place easily missed between Nana Soi 4 and the Landmark Hotel. Excellent cut, quality and materials. Of course you have to bargain with an Indian! When you shake hands, check to see if you still have all your fingers! But Indians are all like that.




    Near to Nana BTS Station.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, truemove said:

    What if the car is still on finance from the previous owner, please do advise.

    The blue registration book will either be with the finance company or at least have their stamp in it. Also have someone who reads Thai check if the registration name matches the owners ID card. A myriad of things can be wrong with a used car (especially when it has been in the hands of Somchai !), take a friend who knows a lot about cars, or drag Da Roadrunner out to look at it (ex UK motor trade).

  11. 6 hours ago, pj123 said:

    If you use this foam repair can you get the puncture repaired and continue to use the tyre? I had read somewhere that you cannot after using this foam repair.  

    Removing all the foam is a messy job for some Somchai but it does not stop the tyre being repaired, though this also depends on how it is damaged. Convenient to use, the foam is meant as a temporary repair.

    • Like 2
  12. 7 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

    Hmmm as a single hansum man cashed up.

    i might prowl (operative word) and find me a gorgeous hi-so or soso hi-so gal in those opulent corridors????

    Lots o luck. The hi-so girls look down their noses at Farang. They want a rich hi-so Thai boy. If you cannot give them a Benz and a credit card they don't want to know. All the C's.... Cash, Card, Car, Condo. (There is a 5th 'C' unprintable here .... go figure it out for yourself!)

  13. 10 hours ago, Captain 776 said:

    Never make yourself worth more dead than alive.........especially here. 

    The above is the best advice on this thread.


    Some Thais will do anything for money. What kind of mentality does it take to murder your own sister?


    Never have I been in a country where I have come close to retaliation with murder myself, until I came here. Thais are weird, just when you are about ready to kill one of em, another shows up and does something kind and helps you for nothing!

    • Like 1
  14. I got there about 8.15 am and about 220 people already had tickets and were queuing up inside the building in a line that stretched down the side outside of Immigration. The outside ticket machine was taken away just as I arrived, so there we stood, a growing crowd of ticket-less souls outside the entrance.


    When they opened the entrance we got in first, before the 220 that had arrived early! Da Roadrunner sped through Immigration in a blur and got a ticket from the machine inside... number 76. (How 75 got a ticket before me is still unknown). And before you complain about queue jumping; they let us in first and I had been there the day before with ticket number 756, - gave up and went home!


    It still took 4 hours to complete the job. With all the new paperwork they keep introducing it's going to get worse. They need to simplify the required papers and do away with stupid regulations. Or are they thinking, if we give these Farang enough sh1t they'll give up and go away?

    • Like 1
  15. If a Farang had beaten a Thai in a similar way he would have to pay the police and the hospital.


    What's the betting these Thai boys get off with a 500 Baht fine. If they want foreign tourists it should be 20 years for attempted murder.


    I notice how Thais will help other Thais in a fight, but if you are a Farang you are on your own, other Farang won't step in to help.

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