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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. 20 years ago they were 20 years younger.
  2. they tried to stir up some kind of resistance using tyrant, Hitler, fascist. It became increasingly clear that nobody with pink hair, smooth hands and unable to change their own tire would show up to be the resistance. So now it is oligarchy which is softer and a way to admit without saying it that they gave up with no fight. They basically know they were outsmarted by people more successful then they are.
  3. It's just a return to normalcy.
  4. Nah, it will be because young people don't use old school forums like this. The audience here is 60 and these days probably pushing 70.
  5. One of the founders also had two of her houses burn down in LA. Karma...
  6. Yeah. The idea that you simply do not negotiate with terrorists should always be used.
  7. Only morons considered it divisive, coarse and out of touch. The majority of the population support mass deportations which hopefully begin tomorrow.
  8. Sharp as a tack behind closed doors... the dems can never be trusted to have another of theirs in the WH. Ever.
  9. It will never happen. What is funny is Trump will make a bunch of whiney little gen z types very happy. Biden will be the guy remembered by them as the gutsy who tried to kill Tik Tok. So it is all working out pretty well. A bit slimey but everybody loves slimey when it works to their advantage.
  10. One day we will all be sitting around telling stories. Remember 20 years ago when they chopped our boys dicks off, taught about anal; toys in school, dressed him up as a girl and never said anything to us? Wasn't that funny? Then we all have a hearty chuckle and tell our now grown son Dorothy to get us all a beer.
  11. Instead iof taking orders from Biden to censor people right? Because he had such a strong back bone back then.
  12. Well I will never throw a 300 game but i still can go bowling. Let's not let perfect get in the way of the good.
  13. For employees working from home they should have their pay evaluated based upon the cost of living and also for not having to commute. Maybe have a button that has to be pushed every 30 seconds installed at their desk at home. You can work from home but you will remain at your desk during working hours.
  14. Spoken like a naughty little kid that just got the paddle trying to tell his friends it wasn't that bad.
  15. These fires prove that regulations need to be tightened.
  16. Hamas won't. It can't. It is a terrorist organization trying to find a future. There is no future for terrorist organizations. It is the same as any other hostage situation you try to get the hostages out and promise whatever it takes. As soon as the hostages are safe it's game over for the hostage taker. Suddenly they don't bring you water and sandwiches and you end up dead or in prison. Simple as that.
  17. Nice and cold for the handful of protestors. Hope they have the water cannons ready.
  18. This is why they have no message. This is why nobody listens to them anymore than the crack addict that is rambling on the subway. They are pretty much done now. Travelling around the country nobody wants anything to do with it now.
  19. Find some odd and rare insect preferably a dung beetle. Issue an executive order to protect it and make everybody in California move with no further explanation. Make them move on foot because of climate change.
  20. It has been a complete embarrassing failure. I am happy it imploded on itself this quickly. Nobody here is playing that game anymore.
  21. The only thing certain is they are never giving up all of the hostages.
  22. Could somebody give the toilet one more flush? Joe seems to be stuck. Good riddance you useless evil man.
  23. Hamas can't possibly release the hostages. If they do there is no reason not to kill all of them after that happens. As far as the prisoners being released go it actually works out. They can join Hamas and then Israel can kill all of them. No way does Hamas honor this, it would be their death warrant.
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