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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. He is the sitting president. Which actually makes it worse. He is in power. Get it?
  2. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2024-09-10/los-angeles-times-elections-endorsements-2024-november First the unions now this.
  3. Go one step further and require them to have this before they travel to the USA. We made people from the EU submit papers to book a flight and took prints on the ground. If you are from a country that doesn't cooperate with police genies you are held until verified. If they do not accept their people back when deported you are also held until you voluntarily go to a third country on your own.
  4. We never needed unvetted waves of illegals to swarm the borders. America is a country many people want to come to with skills to offer. Go to any American embassy in the world and look how long the lines are for foreigners are. In friendly countries they go around the block. This notion that we had to hurriedly let people in with gang tattoos and no vetting is absurd. America doesn't need to offer incentives to attract people to come here. But if you look at the OP and his approach to country searching over the past 3 decades on this site.... he only ever considers what is best for him, not what he can do for that country but if he can get a better deal for himself. He said in another thread we need illegals so we can keep their SS payments. To do this they must be illegal. lol What a great guy.
  5. So your worry is if migrants don't pay in and get shafted that SS won't continue without fraudulent payments? So basically you are admitting you want to steal from illegal aliens.
  6. We all know what she is best at polishing so there is that.
  7. Half of America doesn't vote for either one. According to chat GPT which is as good a guess as any, there are 258 million people of voting age. Getting 70 million people is nowhere near half. Put both sides together it is just above half. So the winner only ever has the approval of a small minority even in a landslide year. I certainly won't vote for either of them and consider the vast majority of morons that do hyper partiisan lunatics.
  8. Removing Biden had to happen after all of that. He can lurk in the shadows these days but is unfit for public consumption in general. The dems in a drama queen moment of panic and hysteria did what comes naturally. Their greed got the best of them and they really really wanted that $100 million war chest. Obviously in hind site that was just a small amount not worth chasing. They made a really bad short sighted decision to grab some money thats just what they do. The funny part is at some point money doesn't help because you can only buy so many commercials especially if you have to keep your agenda hidden.
  9. The big wig types on CNBC were all saying they are positioning their holdings for a Trump win or have already. Seems a tid early but one explained even if Kamala won it is probably divided. Other than that if she wins she has already had to change policies. The green deal is dead now. So you can go into nuclear over solar for example. The dems have had to adopt Trump policy just to survive. If they welch on it like Bidden did they are done next time.
  10. It is probably the butler outfit she is wearing. She looks like she has been told where the polish for silver is.
  11. The thing is Trump can pull it off and Joe or Kamala can't. Be cause they are too awkward. Donald is one of the best entertainers on the planet. Kamala can invite Usher, Lizzo, Eminem, Bruce Springsteen, etc. They don't join a team at mcdonalds or sing or perform. Just saw jimmy carter wheeled out to vote. It was gruesome. Even at the convention for the DNC nobody showed up. Beyoncé didnt go there. Eminem might announce but he wont perform. Diddy perhaps?
  12. That is so bad it is pitiful. Can you hear yourself? It isn't intelligent.
  13. Let's not forget he runs the most important and forefront communications provider on the planet. After that he has chip implants to help the disabled with neuralink implants. Let's admit it a few members here will need those soon.
  14. Shapiro: Vern, you had Elon dead to rights with that lawsuit. What happened? Vern: (sighs) Yeah, thought I had him. But his lawyers sank me faster than that ridiculous submersible he offered to send for the cave rescue. Shapiro: (laughing) Oh yeah, that “kid-sized submarine.” More like a publicity stunt in a can. But that’s the problem, Vern—Musk is always stirring things up. If we lose this election, there’s gonna be political accountability, and he’s fanning the flames. Vern: You’re saying, take him out before he can tweet about it? Shapiro: Exactly. If he keeps causing a ruckus, my opponents could get the upper hand. If they win, it's not just me who’s toast. Vern: (nodding) So, preemptive strike—before he sends in another useless sub. [Call ends.]
  15. Can you give me specific examples of how Musk is corrupt?
  16. If they knew of a law it broke they would have arrested him already.
  17. She was reading from a teleprompter when she wrote it.
  18. McDonalds fries just got tastier.
  19. Was that really so hard? No wonder nobody trusts you or her.
  20. Address? I used AI to scrape the universe and it can not come up with a reliable source or location.
  21. They didn't have physical addresses back then?
  22. Okay you just don't get it. Well anyway...
  23. I am guilty of stalking McDonald's on a public street? They want business and people to come.
  24. But no physical address right? No manager or owner.
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