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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 6 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    That's one of the big reasons I stay in Thailand.  I can eat anywhere I want and tell my wife to order anything she wants.  Rayong not Bangkok.  I can buy any phone I want.  I can tell my driver to drive anywhere I want.  I can stop at the local place and choose any company I want.  I live where I want, had the furniture I want custom made.  I make my own food and buy anything I want to accomplish that.  I cure corned beef and ham.  


    One of the nicest things is doing what I want to do and that is priceless.  

    How is that different to the rest of the world? 

  2. 11 minutes ago, yuyiinthesky said:

    I think a lot of these opinions about Cambodia are outdated preconceptions. A lot has changed in the last years, and Cambodia is developing faster than Thailand in many areas.

    The young generation in the cities, especially Phnom Penh, speaks English much better than the young generation in Thailand, and is more open and friendly. 

    Education is taken much more seriously than in Thailand. Many invest in going to English language schools. If you study Computer Science at the Royal University in Phnom Penh then you must be fluent in English, all lessons are English only, and there is no "no fail" policy. The students there actually learn something.

    The young guys the ISP sends to install your Internet and router know what they are doing and can explain it to you in good English.

    The roads are improving fast, for example Poi Pet - Siem Reap - Phnom penh is now an easy drive.

    There is still a lot to improve, and the power cuts are quite annoying, but throw away your preconceptions: Cambodia is in many areas already easier and friendlier than Thailand.



    May be not as fast, but improved dramatically in the last years and working fine, 10-60M. Online TV such as TeatimeTV.to is no problem. I recommend Sinet.

    Mobile Internet everywhere, Smart, Metfone, and more. Tested and working.


    ABA has an excellent mobile app, easy to pay for utilities, internet, and more. Easy to get debit cards. Also virtual cards from ABA, Wing, Paygo are available through mobile apps. Easy and working.

    There is nothing in there that would convince a wife to go which is the title of thread. 

  3. 10 hours ago, Ron jeremy said:

    Why put up with this Thai bullshit? Leave, many nice countries in the region with currencies worth something.

    whats the draw with Thailand anyways?

    Interesting nic you have so assume you know exactly what the draw is ????

  4. 52 minutes ago, DJ54 said:

    Or leave so you at least can work and send money to your family for support.

    How is that going to work? Most are pensioners who can barely afford to live in Thailand ..60 years plus and they will set themselves up back in first world and then by some miracle find a job and lose the pension? and support their family here..


    Wont happen.  Agent Agent anyone can drop 15 to 20k with a bit of planning

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