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Posts posted by madmen

  1. On 7/22/2019 at 1:58 PM, Guderian said:

    For a person living alone it doesn't make any financial sense to buy a washing machine, use the coin op places that are everywhere around the town. If you want to wash your duvet you'll need a machine capable of taking 12 kg, and they're quite expensive. The cheap small ones only take 6 kg or so, fine for shirts and towels but they're too small for doing a proper job of a king-size duvet (if you're a midget and sleep in a single bed then please disregard this post!) Using the coin op machines you don't pay for the electricity or the water, but most importantly you don't have to worry about maintenance. Washing machines are notoriously unreliable things even in the West, I wouldn't place any bets on the lifetime of the cheap things they sell here. My house is plumbed to take a washing machine, but with three coin op places within 100 yards of the village entrance the plumbing will remain unused.

    convenience ! and  heavy duty duvets ? why its not Alaska just turn the air con temp up and no sheeting necessary

  2. 12 minutes ago, BestB said:

    Could you not think of anything more trollish?????


    Thats the weird part..Your a errrhem  a "hotel owner" that's only interested in bashing and fighting with his best source of customer base right here on TV.

    Your sinking it and for what reason? makes zero sense

    You struggle with immigration and you have a work permit ?? 

     Take care buddy

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  3. I'd largely agree, though I wouldn't say 'the whole package', it ticks most boxes. We're happy here in Hat Yai and have no plans to move. But that isn't to say Malaysia isn't also an option that ticks most of the boxes too, including some boxes, like language and infrastructure, that Thailand fails on.
    We all left first world and didn't come to SEA for the infrastructure that's for sure [emoji16]
  4. I lived and worked in Malaysia for three years, thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm in Thailand because my wife is Thai and we have a life here. I still have friends in Malaysia, and I still undertake consulting work there, so visit around four to six times a year. If I hadn't ended up in Thailand I would very likely have opted for Malaysia.
    Sure but most posting about thinking about going to Vietnam or the Phillipines or heaven forbid even Cambodia have excuses. I think somebody once posted they had a parrot to take care of

    The real hard core truth is thailand has the whole package so why would anyone leave
  5. so funny I have had thais ask me for loan and didnt even understand collateral concept!! I was so shocked

    Turned out they had been given over 2 mln baht - no collateral at all apparently this is common practice

    Tick tock tick tock

    Same setup as 2008. Wait till the whole thing falls and buy a house for dirt cheap

    These condos are going to be selling at under 80% cuts by the time they realise its in a nosedive

    Current management has no idea how to operate economic policy imho they need help
    The condo market has been crashing for 20 years according to the bar stool analysts. But they keep building with 3 million dollar.. Yes that's USA DOLLARS in Nana of all places

    The 4k Pattaya fan room boys won't be getting rent reduction anytime soon
    • Haha 1
    Sorry every tourist I know does not complain even at getting 30/1 USD
    But what they do not like is the BS government the previous overthrow of a democratically elected government &
    what they hate most of all? Corruption at almost every step of the way.
    Tourist I know who made annual treks to Thailand have found greener pastures
    They were very much in love with the Thailand of 10 years ago & still came yearly
    But year after year they saw/felt the changes & finally said enough.
    It is just not that nice of a place to visit anymore.
    My wife & I we come every year of course as we have a country house & family to visit that will not change.
    But folks we know without Thai ties that loved Thailand no longer vacation there & to be honest an improved exchange rate would not change their minds.

    "But what they do not like is the BS government the previous overthrow of a democratically elected government &
    what they hate most of all? Corruption at almost every step of the way."

    Totall nonsense on a grand scale. Ask 100 tourists who is running the country and you will get 100 shoulder shrugs

    It's always always ALWAYS about the money
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