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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 14 minutes ago, Jackin1960 said:

    "Thais are in love with this stable government" seriously!! Climb out of you ivory tower and talk to real Thai people the ones who have very little and are struggling to make it past each day. 

    I don't mix with farmers and construction workers. What 3rd world countries give these guys a stunning paycheck?

  2. 13 minutes ago, RobboR said:

    Are you going to help fund them then??
    Also there are military checkpoints coming to BKK that would scupper any groups wanting to protest

    Educate yourself before making ridiculous comments. You think these were wealthy people ? look at the Thai example, they will march so why not now ??




    There are 10 million in bangkok that dont need to march through checkpoints in Issan ..and no there are no checkpoints so please no more anecdotal nonsense to try and back your false comments


    Thais are in love with this stable government ..something that has been missing for over decades in the past !!

    • Sad 1
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  3. 3 hours ago, fxe1200 said:

    Protesters are living under threat of murder, and are being forced to leave Thailand only to be killed in Laos or on the Thai Vietnamese border. Very democratic.

    More excuses and total BS and if I can add a very dangerous accusation against Prayut. Hopefully your IP is outside of borders you are not invisible 



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  4. Why's she dating an old white guy living in a small condo then?
    You must be very hansum!
    I know why my gf lives with me, I pay her 10k/month.
    This is not in a small village but just outside Chiang Mai, best job she can get after dropping out of university.
    Mid 50's and a big condo lower Sukhumvit I own and I never have or will pay a hooker a retainer to pretend she is my girl
    I feel sorry for your low self esteem!
    • Sad 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Perhaps2more said:

    You don't know Thailand then! The rich are very rich and the poor are very poor. Sukhumvit is a very expensive area and the cars you mentioned belong to the few. Ordinary workers in Bangkok earn very little unless they sell something for themselves. Selling their bodies is one easy solution but not easy to do. Still many of them are doing it and tourists are enjoying what is sadly on show obviously. 

    £10 a day is a promise which is not what they are getting.

    The hookers are all from villages that come to Bangkok and very few are natives. My Gf makes 87k per month and her sales team are all on 50k, a lot more than most big white pensioners on 20 k !


    Big bwana with his tiny pension no longer gets to call the shots unless its some remote village surrounded by chickens and buffalo

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  6. 6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I know many that manage to live on less than 20k, almost all the Thai population, and some foreigners.

    There are several VISAs available that have no financial requirements including Elite.

    I could easily live on 20k if I were single, or had a partner that contributed rather than took.


    All the 7-11/Tesco/Makro/BigC/KFC (et al) menial staff are on 9k/month nationwide.

    Rent assuming your not sleeping on 7/11 steps and water and electric and health insurance? 

    • Confused 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Perhaps2more said:

    How do you expect a country to develop when a local person in work has about £10 a day to cover all his living expenses with perhaps few people in his family?

    step out of your village and come to towns. The whole of Thailand are not all construction workers or farmers

    On sukhumvit bangkok you won't see a car older than 5 years unlike the west where rust buckets are everywhere

  8. Can't talk for Pattaya or Phuket but Suk Soi 4 BKK was packed on Thursday night.  They even closed off the entrance from Suk for quite a while turning it into a one way street. The bars were full. 
    Most of the guys on here are in some God forsaken little town in the sticks and have never even seen soi 4

    I live 5 minutes away and that's the case most nights even in the low season right now
  9. Logistics plays it's part. Many Australians that frequented Thailand one or twice a year now going to Bali instead. Cheaper and shorter flights, similar weather, cheaper on the ground.

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

    But your still basically in oz,. May as well go to the gold coast save even more and a ton of Asian hookers
    • Like 1
  10. 40 minutes ago, sambum said:

    I did say "on average" - the actual amount could well be much higher. The Immigration requirement for a single ex pat on retirement status is 65,000 baht a month into a Thai bank account - that is 780,000 baht a year = 2136 baht a day.

    The point I am making is that ex pats are here all year round, spending money day after day, not for 2 or 3 weeks. How many tourists spend 780,000 baht on a holiday? ????

    And how many Thais do you know that are making 65,000 baht a month (and don't say "quite a few, actually"- I'm talking on average!) 


    Average Amount would be lower around 40k. The embassies stopped income letters because majority could not meet anywhere near 65k

    Ozzie expats are receiving 36500 baht pension right now and usa poms and canadians and most of europe in the same boat.


    Nobody wants them, cruel but fair

  11. 8 minutes ago, sambum said:


    The "whitey" ex pats who live here spend on average about half a million baht a year (500,000 baht), and they still want rid of them - appears that they are targeting the "super rich"who will spend millions, and stay in the 5* Plus hotels and resorts - as to what will happen to the middle to lower end tourism - "Good Morning Vietnam" etc etc etc!!!

    White boys spending 1300 baht per day INCLUDING rent money. Very little being spent after rent  and even the chineses are forking out way more than that. Cheap charlie Expats are a dying breed as the world tightens visa restrictions to keep them out!

  12. 6 minutes ago, Andy Rawai said:

    I'm in Koh Samui, I have been here many times but never have I seen a lack of tourists like now. Resort I'm in is running at 10% capacity. Sad

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

    Dont be sad , enjoy . The peak of low season is the best time to be in Thailand and duh of course your resort is empty. Post back again in high season lol

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