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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 6 hours ago, AAArdvark said:

    But the question was "Can someone register at a Thai hotel with just a driver's license?"

    No only half your question that other half was TM30 my reply still stands they can not do a TM30


    "Can someone register at a Thai hotel with just a driver's license?

    If so, will that hotel still do a TM30?"

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Mikisteel said:

    Ok I thought about this question all day as you never know what the future brings.


    Let's take the recent farang nabbed on an 8 year overstay.


    If this geezer gets blacklisted for a decade and has no way to get his family to his homeland and has some type of plan to make money by hook or crook, If I were him I'd sneak back in, move the family to a new location and keep my head down. 


    He got to 8 years previously so if he got another 8 that's a good return imo.



    Why not just move them to Laos or cambodia if he cant get back in to thailand? He doesn't need to sneak back in

  3. 1 minute ago, marcusarelus said:

    She speaks 4 languages.  As do many of her friends.  Get to know some more Thai people and they will speak more English.  They don't speak with people they don't know.  

    I understand but westerners are not marrying 11 year old girls you completely lost the gist of my post. And if she is as smart as you say she is not going to marry a 30 year age gap harry the hump and return to her village to live..she will of course marry middle class Thai 

  4. 3 minutes ago, khunPer said:

    In the unbearably clear light of hindsight I should have invested most of my savings here...????

    Nailed it. Those of us that Burnt our bridges and transferred all investments to Thailand are being well rewarded especially for those of us that travel OS a few times a year the baht is a killer currency In fact moving back to oz with my rent money paid in Thai baht is just starting to look extremely appealing..who would have thought that living off investments from a second world country to a 1st world was ever possible!!! but thats EXACTLY what's happening


    Somebody will be along shortly to tell you there money is in the UK OZ or any where in europe where its safe ..cracks me up everytime 

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  5. On 10/28/2018 at 7:57 PM, pomozki said:

    thought I'd add my tuppence worth, since this is such a good thread
    I popped down to the 101 restaurant in Sukhumvit 101/1, since it's near my condo
    Good points: the meat was meaty, not chewy or fatty as 1-2 other places - Yorkshire pud pre-cooked and sitting on shelf when I arrived - but still better than other places
    portion plenty big enough - the major plus was the courtyard/garden setting, such a pleasant change from a noisy pub - big San Miguel Light well priced at 125 baht
    Not so good points: the meat was cold, warm at best - there were only 2 other diners there when I arrived, so no excuse for that - the roast tatties were OK, not great and mint sauce OK but seemed a bit diluted
    Overall: same quality as Kiwi pub but only 1 plate for 375, instead of Kiwi's 2 plates for 395
    Bottom line: a handy alternative for locals in upper Suk and for lovers of lamb - but not worth the extra distance for those in lower Suk area101a.jpg.dfc0bf5893af9fea34eb6d8e655c18b3.jpg101b.jpg.31ede8022f557bc15a11a6fff37635c2.jpg

    Kiwi also sells san mig light by the pint 125 baht 24/7.  Bit smaller than your bottle but its draught

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, NanLaew said:

    Are you suggesting that all other nationalities outside British, American and Australian are still lying to their embassies then? If not, then maybe you're suggesting that only the British, American and Australians tell lies?

    Those other embassies didn't panic . OZ ,yanks and poms threw in the towel immediately 

    • Confused 1
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  7. 3 minutes ago, Aussieroaming said:

    Only medicare isnt free in Australia unless you are on a pension or some form of government benefits. Employees pay a medicare levy as part of the compulsory tax component on their gross income, or a reduced levy if they take out private health insurance. The fact that its a compulsory tax that is automatically garnished from ones gross income doesn't equate to a free healthcare system. Then add to the fact that most doctors in Australia don't bulk bill and charge their patients a gap payment means that health cover is far from free. 

    Wrong gap cover applies to private health insurance not public..There are plenty of doctors that bulk bill and public hospitals are 100% free but of course elective surgery can take a year. If your not a pensioner and have a work permit here than what is the problem in staying in Thailand?

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Getting visa for wife and kids is not an easy thing, and very costly

    Cannot get benefits for at least two years in most circumstances

    House prices in even most rural areas, remain expensive, work difficult 

    Sorry not true 11000 baht gets you in , just choose your state on the link and take off rent assistance and your down to 8000 to 9000 baht approx/ month. Most of us are pensioners and entitled to it


    I agree its not easy to get visa there either so your probably better off with an agent here but how long will that even last? Families that don't qualify for long term visa need to make some hard decisions and soon



    • Like 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, KiChakayan said:

    Sadly I can't say Oz or NZ anymore because of the horrendous cost of living

    Simply not true. Stay out of the big cities and there are plenty of cheap accommodation , rent assistance , free medicare, Nearly free meds on PBS and higher pensions with add ons.. and coles and Woolworths and especially Aldi do plenty of real food specials, wine and cheese, salamis OMG its fantastic!

    • Like 2
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  10. 2 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

    Er no.

    My back garden is 25 acres here. Big playground for my off road bikes.

    My house sits in a 1/3rd of an acre walled compound.

    My workshop is 20 x 40'.

    No neighbors.

    No overheads.

    Peace and tranquility.

    The weather is nice. The air fresh & clean.

    The locals are nice, friendly and helpful. They smile.


    Back in my home country i lived in a 2 up 2 down English terraced house.

    Houses either side. Small pleasant city.

    Shed too small to fit a motorcycle in.

    Back garden  about 8 x 16'. Neighbors peering over the fence.

    Never talked to my neighbors. Nobody smiled.

    Could never afford the land for that old tumbled down farm house i always wanted.

    Everything was done in a hurry. Time = money.

    Worked my arse off.

    Tons of bills & overheads.

    The weather was generally crap.


    Bit of a difference.

    Still, living in a tourist enclave city, you would'nt see that or get it.

    Each to their own.

    I hate traffic and cities.

    Sounds very nice you have a way with words haha but yours is not typical. Most villages are noisy even compared to bangkok where I can hear a Pin drop in my condo lower sukhumvit . I love the great outdoors and will end up eventually back in OZ where I can game fish from the shore or spearfish for lobster or go rabbit hunting. Buying land here to do circuits around my house on a bike just doesn't appeal and dont care about smiles but we're all different like you said


    Here for girls girls girls 

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