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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 1 minute ago, bkk6060 said:

    There are almost 12,000 properties for sale in Pattaya. 

    It is a minimal at best appreciating market most properties have depreciated over the past 5 years. 

    Your 5 MIL will be dead money in real estate.

    Bad choice and investment.

    I didnt buy in Pattaya. Same size condos across the soi and next door are selling for 12 million , not long to go and its payed for itslef in rent. Plus if i sold today I would make 25% exchange rate profit.  dead money ass!  But you keep renting, us landlords adore you ,the more the merrier:coffee1:

    • Like 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    Well perhaps Ozz isnt the west then. 


    And the politically induced sub prime crisis is well over and recovered quite nicely almost everywhere in the US. I view it as a market correction.


    The better way to put it is that you have far more rights to your investment in the USA?west. What you going to do if the government sticks a condo tax on all farang. Or restricts the transfer of your condo? Got a lot of recourse in the justice system and entrenched laws of property ownership in Thailand, huh....Id run out and buy a Bangkok condo for 100K US thats for sure....


    The bottom line in any foreign investment outside strong protection countries such as the US, Switz, UK, Eire, Canada, Nordlandia, Japan, Benelux and Germany is never invest more than you are prepared to lose.

    10 years to get back to square one. Dead money when other countries have surged ahead...you still think the west is a better investment? how could it be?

    Thailand if if if...if my aunty had balls she would be my uncle...if if if ... nothing has changed regarding property laws here. TV posters have predicted a collapse for twenty years,. How did they get that so wrong!




  3. 4 minutes ago, mngmn said:

    Really depends when you bought. Property should always be considered a five year plus investment.


    I have met a few people who have made money out of Bangkok real estate but many more who are desperate to sell their condo.


    Tell that to the home owners USA that dropped 80% in the sub prime crises. 11 years and many states still haven't reached pre sub prime prices. Google it

    Im just sayin its silly to say the west always a better deal. You buy in a fab location in Bangkok you will win. Buy in a poor location..oops, same the world over

  4. 3 hours ago, champers said:

    They wouldn't know, but they can still enquire of the relevant government department. I have read threads on this forum where renters have threatened this tactic to get a deposit back.

    Still, the risk is on you, not me, so what do I care? To break the law deliberately over a 5 year period in a foreign country is not a good move, IMO. I would not believe any falang who tells you they don't pay the tax either.

    What law? like the law to wear helmets, the law for taxi driver meters, the law not to rent Air bnb nightly? I could go on with 50 more examples. Snap out of it TIT!! 

  5. 2 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    well duh. any western investment is superior.

    Really? thousands of recent home buyers In Australia would disagree as the bubble burst in a big way. It could take many years for owners to sell now



    what about the sub prime crisis USA 2008? catastrophic bubble burst that dropped values by up to 80% and many states still haven't recovered was that superior?

    Its just a silly comment to make

  6. "don't give me stupid answers."


    dont ask stupid questions


    "recently out of a bad relationship which knocked my confidence"


    And then you ask about prostitutes. here is a heads up..You dont need confidence, they are a sure thing ????

    • Like 1
  7. On 5/4/2019 at 6:27 AM, KittenKong said:

    I think that most landlords and agents do return the security deposit. Just make sure that you rent from someone with a decent reputation, and get receipts.

    countless posts on TV suggest otherwise..The joys of renting

  8. On 5/9/2019 at 3:50 PM, KneeDeep said:


    If they don't stick to the regulations; i.e No more than one month's deposit, one month's rent in advance and not more than 5 baht per unit of electricity... find somewhere else to rent. That is how you know.

    Good luck getting a Thai to agree. In his mind its more important to rip you off the 2 months than the actual rent money.

  9. 1 minute ago, AtoZ said:

    No, you don't need work permit to rent a condo.


    But legally you are obligated to pay tax on the income.

    The only time a Thai will pay tax is if its forcefully deducted from their payslip. So Im in good company.. tens of millions of Thais dont pay tax. Not a single air bnb listing pays tax..No farang I know pays tax on rentals . Be damned if Im going to be the only one. When in Rome...????

  10. On 5/9/2019 at 1:15 PM, bbi1 said:

    When was this new law introduced?

    Its only if he has more than 5 condos. A long running thread on it last year

    Besides thais dont care and the law wont be enforced just like renting out on air bnb under one month is against the law but thais still rent out nightly and authorities dont follow up

  11. 5 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

    I did. You clearly assumed that the helmet laying in the road come of his head.  I would suggest that it could have been on his handlebars or even in a basket - now that would be unusual -not !!!

    Inertia would have sent the helmet 50 meters down the rd in the basket . It didn't simple fall out of the basket and stopped right next to him

    More likely a loose strap 

    • Like 1
  12. On 3/19/2019 at 3:10 PM, Mason45 said:

    I've had to put up with this shit for the past 10 years. I'm a 75yo retired plumber who's paid heaps of tax. Officially I can't get the aged pension in Australia even though I'm fully qualified because I broke my residential status. Let's get this straight Australian politics is all about 2 parties, Liberal 40% and Labour 40% that's a 20% margin for the swinging voters. So where do us minority expats fit into their quest for power. Move on Aussies.


    You only need to establish residency again they can not stop you

  13. What donkey work? Your being a drama queen. I use an Agent she does donkey work, thats what shes paid for. Microwave breaks she buys a new one, as Im out the country a lot

    had a  tenants rent for 5 years...never paid a bean in tax last 12 years , one of the best buys I ever made. 

    I also have a stock portfolio that does no where near as good as the rental but I want a balanced portfolio and certainly not all property

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    A normal household uses 1.25Kw, container gens are available at  500Kw-1200Kw.

    (There was one filling a parking space outside my hotel in Cambodia)

    So a big one could handle 100 houses (say 300 condos) drawing full power.

    How big a condo block do you need to run?

    This is first world    https://cooperator.com/article/brew-your-own-juice/full


     "If a generator with an automatic transfer switch is well-maintained, when the  lights go out it will turn on and provide emergency power to certain systems in  the building. Which systems it powers is a question of what is required, and  what residents want. " 


    thats been my experience throughout Asia. No way are 300 aircons gonna fire up, tvs, fridges, pc,s hot water... never seen that ever travelling extensively through SEA in fact never seen it anywhere

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