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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 4 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    I was waiting for years for them to have sales to travel to Australia, so in all those years of travel to Australia in the interim, they have lost out as other carriers like Jetstar have fares at less than halve the price Thai airways have been offering, and those are direct flights from Phuket to Sydney, although I did fly with AirAsia to Sydney once via Malaysia, the change was a bit boring but hey, i.e. 3 hour layover, but the fare was still half the price.


    The above said, Thai Airways fly bigger planes with more room, food and alcohol free, as is entertainment, but hey, iPads/tablets these days sort that out, as do ready made meals to take on board, and if you need a drink, you pay a little extra or go without.


    All of the above said, I would fly Thai Airways to Sydney for $800AUS return, but not over $1,000 when I can get there direct for $580AUS from Phuket all inclusive, just have to take some food/snacks on board, it all adds up when you have a big family of 6, so if Thai Airways wants to stay in the game, it has to drop it's pants, i.e. it's called competition, or better abng for your buck !

    "those are direct flights from Phuket to Sydney,"

    They fly to melbourne last time i looked

  2. 3 minutes ago, connda said:

    I wrote to a friend of mine in the US who is in his 70 and who has been coming to Thailand on the Non-immigrant O-A in the past.  When informed that he will need to purchase the "Pay $3000 dollars for $13,000 worth of insurance that will not cover any of his current medical problems" he essentially said, "Hell no I won't be returning to Thailand."  Just like that.  As he said to me, he's been coming here for years, has gone to hospitals and paid cash for services, and hasn't shelled out more than $300 no less the $3000 he'd have to pay for the 'privilege' of returning.

    That's what you'll begin to hear from individuals who currently use the Non-imm O-A once they implement the wealth transfer from foreigners to Thai insurance companies in the form of 'mandatory insurance policies' that are over-priced and offer next to nothing in actual insurance coverage.

    The Thai government just put a stake though the heart of the Non-imm O-A program imho.

    So they will probably come after long-stay Non-imm O and Non-imm M next as their friends in the Thai insurance company won't get their 'Windfall Profits' by attempting to fleece Non-imm O-A holders.  They figure they will have a captured audience with retired and married expats who have invested assets in Thailand who are waiting in the wings to be hog-tied and sheep-sheared. 


    Well, those assets can be liquidate before we leave.


    that's one guy. Thousands already living here with zip zero nada insurance

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, totally thaied up said:

    I have lived in the Philippines and would consider living there again during the dry season. I liked the Philippines and the dollar is still good.


    At the shop, price of cheap 1kg blocks. Kangaroo meat is cheap as well.



    tried the kangaroo meat but think I will stick to lamb chops but miss the cheese big time

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Leaver said:

    You are looking at the short term. 


    Firstly, I disagree 10,000 expats leaving isn't a blip on the radar.  I think the negative publicity, and word of mouth, makes that 10,000 leaving expats not encourage the next generation of 10,000 retiring expats.


    So, now you have 10,000 expats leaving, and you potentially have 10,000 expats not coming here to retire, then you have 10,000 expats that remained here passing away, and you eventually end up with a lot more than a blip, and more like a snowball effect. 


    The Thai's will push the cost of a foreigner being allowed to live in Thailand to breaking point.  Typically of Thailand, they will see some short term profits, but long term loses, but it all about how much money they can get in the present.

    Happy hour will suffer. lets face it the majority of runners are piss poor pensioners. Thats life 

  5. 8 minutes ago, cranki said:

    Yep, sucks big time !! but I've got no choice in the matter ...I live here....my family is here.....It also really depends on what your financial commitments are, your lifestyle, etc.

    Luckily my monthly salary is above average,  that helps offset the low AU$

    Your getting paid in OZ dollars?

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